Are NewJeans already shaping up to be the most acclaimed KPOP act ever?

  • With the recent expansion of KPOP globally, critics have started to review more KPOP albums and songs and give them high-ish scores. One thing that's noticeable though is that many of the albums they give high scores to never really rate well on their year-end or decade-end overall music lists, which is a good indicator to tell whether critics actually find said album/song worthy of acclaim ,etc

    Looking at all these year-end music lists.....I haven't seen a list where NewJeans have been missed :skull: According to AOTY year-end aggregate for songs (which lists which songs are most acclaimed based off of how high they rank on certain year-end lists or how often they're mentioned), Super Shy is already at #5. Before this the highest a KPOP song ranked was Dynamite at like #20 or something and then Butter at like #30

    Sadly they missed the albums list but I'm gonna chalk that up to the fact that their only 'album' this year was a really short EP ;judgingpepe:

  • I've had the same thought when I read some of the reviews and decided against making a thread about it, but I'll give this trigger warning now if anyone who doesn't like them is going to look them up to read - be ready for some effusive praise.

    Many here probably genuinely (vs. antis, they are a lost cause) consider NewJeans' songs boring elevator music and fancy themselves the arbiters of taste. I'd suggest weening off the noise music and fomulaic Kpop for a bit to cleanse the audio palate and give them another listen if you want to pick up on the subtle complexities the reviews highlight.

  • Many here probably genuinely (vs. antis, they are a lost cause) consider NewJeans' songs boring elevator music and fancy themselves the arbiters of taste. I'd suggest weening off the noise music and fomulaic Kpop for a bit to cleanse the audio palate and give them another listen if you want to pick up on the subtle complexities the reviews highlight.

    lol nah choof off with that hey.

    Again and again I've referred to NJ's as Ed Sheeran like, and for me (just me) thats not a good thing at all.

    Long before kpop I've always been a "noise" music person. Punk, metal, hardcore, harder rap, bigger, brighter pop etc... Never ever been into boring, soft stuff like Ed Sheeran, John Legend (All of Ne makes me rage more than almost any song ever), RnB style stuff etc. And sadly, for me, NewJeans stuff just falls right into that pile as well. Too soft, too clean, too boring with no edge to it at all. And god knows I tried. I literally forced myself to listen to their stuff, it just never, ever hit for me (and, like most bigger groups, I will still give their new songs at least one listen on release).

    It's not an audio palate cleanser for me, it's audio sedatives.

    The group themselves are fine, they girls are charming enough if not a bit blurred together for me, the fandom is... well a big kpop fandom...

    But for me, musically, the only kpop group whose music I dislike more is NMIXX.

  • I've had the same thought when I read some of the reviews and decided against making a thread about it, but I'll give this trigger warning now if anyone who doesn't like them is going to look them up to read - be ready for some effusive praise.

    Many here probably genuinely (vs. antis, they are a lost cause) consider NewJeans' songs boring elevator music and fancy themselves the arbiters of taste. I'd suggest weening off the noise music and fomulaic Kpop for a bit to cleanse the audio palate and give them another listen if you want to pick up on the subtle complexities the reviews highlight.

    While it’s cute they’re praised. Y’all giving these critics too much power. Guts is a +80 rated albums like two years ago it would’ve been 70 at most.

    Critics tend to praise specific artists whether the music is good or not.

  • I've had the same thought when I read some of the reviews and decided against making a thread about it, but I'll give this trigger warning now if anyone who doesn't like them is going to look them up to read - be ready for some effusive praise.

    Many here probably genuinely (vs. antis, they are a lost cause) consider NewJeans' songs boring elevator music and fancy themselves the arbiters of taste. I'd suggest weening off the noise music and fomulaic Kpop for a bit to cleanse the audio palate and give them another listen if you want to pick up on the subtle complexities the reviews highlight.


  • New Jeans are definitely doing well and no one can take that away from them but thanks to 3rd generation esp top groups for bringing in majority of international fans into kpop. New Jeans are able to capatilize from the existing kpop base but interms of solely bringing in new fans 3rd Gen groups are unbeatable.

    Cupid for example became a hit outside the kpop realm but a lot of 4th and 5th gen still rely heavily on current kpop fanbase which again is not a loss but their growth will also be limited

  • i'd like users to not make such bold statements until the shine wears off from these girl groups. Only then we will see the true strength of these girls. Yes they are in a good position compared to others because of hybe marketing engine but we will know what newjeans is made of when token stans disappear.

  • :whatb:

    I take it you're not into the wine analogy, but it's apt in this case. It's the presence of layers that separates a $10 vs a $100+ bottle of wine - and it's this complexity that gives the music critics the opportunity to break things down and show off their discernment vs just calling something a bubblegum or a girl crush bop. But the difference isn't readily obvious to all and, well, some just prefer juice anyways (a lot of Kpop is juice imo which I also enjoy).

    In fact, developing complexity is what I see a lot of acts trying to get right at this stage of Kpop's evolution if they don't feel being juice is enough for their growth. I see this with NMIXX's mixpop and some of SM's experimental music. But there's a danger:

    "An obsession with complexity can lead to practices that upset balance, for example overextraction. We see winemakers who seem to think that they will make their wines more complex by extracting everything possible out of the grape, who forget that the skill of winemaking lies in extracting what you want from it, not everything that is there. More of everything does not equal more complexity, it just equals more noise."

    - Mark Savage

    It can account for the "trying too hard" vibe you sometimes feel with certain performances or the "complexity for complexity's sake" in the case of experimental music/mixpop.

    That's why I used "subtle" to qualify the paradoxically simple complexity of NewJeans' music.


  • make whatever statements you want, its only music and if you put out enough good music that people like, people will talk about it. if this happens enough, then history remembers the greatness of that music. it's not hard to understand, and there are no penalties for underestimating or overestimating a group. people (esp kpop fans) talk about groups like they're pro wrestlers or something. but good music is good music, it's not immortalized in the same way.

  • this is a smart take. too many listeners associate sheer number of musical elements with complexity and then that equals "good". but that's not the formula.

    do it simple and do it well

    do it complex and do it well

    it's the "do it well" that most songs miss

  • The answer is we dont know yet.

    The music industry is so huge that it can support musicians in niche genres.

    Lets call their genre "easy listening". They definitely own "easy listening" globally. So, is "easy listening" something that can scale up to the level of or even have a higher ceiling than BTS, BP and Twice in terms of revenue generation. Or is there a lower ceiling.

    ...maybe they are not tailored to do stadium concerts. But what if, they do a Yeezy, and license products that t(w)eens globally will buy. That is the next level.

    Edited once, last by K-PL ().

  • To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand NewJeans. The style is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of classical music theory most of the melodies will go over a typical listener's head. There's also Min Hee-jin's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her musical direction- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. Bunnies understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these songs, to realise that they're not just music- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike NewJeans truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Zero's existential catchphrase "Coca-Cola masissda," which itself is a cryptic reference to Tchaikovsky's Russian epic Pikovaya Dama. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Min Heejin's genius song writing unfolds itself on their Spotify playlist. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

    And yes, by the way, i DO have a NewJeans tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

  • :pepe-cross:

  • should i buy the latest sound system? to make up for my low iq music? what if i add more RAM i hear that impoves performance

  • this is quite simply one of the greatest posts on this allkpop site. congrats.

  • While it’s cute they’re praised. Y’all giving these critics too much power. Guts is a +80 rated albums like two years ago it would’ve been 70 at most.

    Critics tend to praise specific artists whether the music is good or not.

    That's Olivia album no? The way her album made almost no noise (aside from vampire)

    The rookie Grammy curse ;judgingpepe:

  • idk what y'all say, NewJeans is the K-Pop group with the best Music, no matter what generation. they surpass every. single. group. Even Red Velvet.

    They also have the best MVs

    ⋆.ೃ࿔˚⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆ ˚。⋆. we rise up above ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆ ˚。⋆ ・⋆

    ・⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

  • Also people like to bring up KPOP expansion and yadda yadda but note how Cupid has barely made any lists despite it being the biggest KPOP song in recent memory. Say what you want but I genuinely think these critics find artistic value in NewJeans' music and view them as separate from the formulaic, basic mess idol music has gained a reputation for in the West.

    I think it really helps that they're working with people like Erika de Caiser who's own work is pretty acclaimed. Keep it up like and they'll probably snag a Grammy nomination (maybe even a win) in no time.

  • Its still and always will be BTS. GG tend to be a niche and fans move on to the latest and greatest group. fan clubs for NJ are no where near the number of BTS members. There is something about female fans that they tend to stick with their favorite groups.


    uncle fans are equivalent to a thousand fan girls. with more spending power


  • Yes, their music from New Jeans, OMG, Get Up so far been remarkable in less than a year. I can't imagine what they could do to make it any more iconic. Get Up will go down in history as a timeless masterpiece, just like their debut album New Jeans, and also OMG which has the classic song like Ditto. NJ consistency is exceptional, and none of their competitors come close. I don't believe anyone will be able to compete with them anytime soon at least musically.

    I even think Ador has the potential to take on BTS if they can pull off something extraordinary for their upcoming boy group.

  • Huh

    Tbh people around me still have problems to differentiate them from one another.

    How can they be great artists when people don't even know who they are individually?

    People around the world can point out that's G-Dragon, that's V or Jungkook, that's Lisa, Jennie, Rosé or Jisoo etc.

    Tbh people know Babymonster members more than NewJeans members. They can easily point out that's Chiquita, Pharita, Ruka, Rami, Asa or Rora.

    NewJeans can be Koreans' sweetheart, but globally they still have a long way to go despite the long list of the virtual achievements. As long as international fans still can't remember them individually they're still not popular enough to attract people to see them in concerts. Facts!

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