"NEWJEANS Is Being Groomed To Be The New Face Of HYBE, Until BTS Comes Back In 2025"

  • I seen this comment on Twitter in response to this photo of articles :


    " NEWJEANS is being groomed to replace BTS, because HYBE knows BTS as a group will be inactive due to military.

    HYBE needs a new cash cow now, and a Artist under them to represent the Label, apart from BTS.

    It reminds me of what YG did to their boy groups, and YG knew IKON and WINNER couldn't perform as well as BIGBANG, so they groomed BLACKPINK to takeover, and be the new face of the company.

    These entertainment companies are ruthless...I'm glad BTS has established themselves and amassed great wealth already. "

    I'm personally not gonna say much, but I will say I agree to a extent with the commenter, in regards to HYBE making NEWJEANS the quote on quote *new face*, while BTS as a group aren't active, also HYBE seeing NEWJEANS fast success has them wanting to show they can make other talents that are successful under the Label like BTS.

    BUT I do wanna say I don't see a issue with it, because any company would do exactly what HYBE is doing.

    What company isn't gonna make their 2nd moist popular act the face, while the 1st most popular act is on a hiatus or break, or forbid disbanded.

    I think the main issue a good amount of BTS fans have is, they feel HYBE is neglecting BTS solo work/individual activities, and aren't promoting them and supporting them as they should, but yet investing money and time into NEWJEANS or in general the other HYBE groups.


    Edited 6 times, last by AEIBOOGIE ().


    Changed the title of the thread from “"NEWJEANS Is Being Groomed By HYBE"” to “"NEWJEANS Is Being Groomed To Be The New Face Of HYBE, Until BTS Comes Back In 2025"”.
  • It reminds me of what YG did to their boy groups, and YG knew IKON and WINNER couldn't perform as well as BIGBANG, so they groomed BLACKPINK to takeover, and be the new face of the company.

    These entertainment companies are ruthless...I'm glad BTS has established themselves and amassed great wealth already. "

    na na, u got that shit very backwards

    1) none of u have ever read a yg article including bb 2) yg dislikes bp performance when they debut and HE TOLD THEM THAT

    he push ikon, he literally said they should/could win a daesang in 2017 (then they flop that same year with bling bling), then hope treasure was their new salvation (its literally in the scrip of one of treasure reality shows)

    yg NEVER EVER wanted bp as frontrunner of the company, that why I teld everybody "yg tactic" for bp dont work bc THERE WASNT ANY

    idk what hybe is doing, idk if they are even putting these articles themselves but I have see them said that they look to depend less on bts and buying all those companies is clear proof of that, if any of u are just seeing that just now u just dumb af

    but do not put bp in the same land of a gg that literally got back to back cmbs in less than 6 months


  • When I see things articles like this, it makes me want to <X. I'm gonna keep supporting BTS solos even when that fuckin company always try to downplay them in their quarterly report. They want to be so less dependent that they used Hobi for their shitty platform and have the audacity to be disappointed and blame him for the sales when they didn't give him a proper physical album.

  • Are you saying this to me or speaking in general?

    Because this was just a comment I got off of Twitter lol

  • Then, what's your personal thought about this?

    I had said this -

    I'm personally not gonna say much, but I will say I agree to a extent with the commenter, in regards to HYBE making NEWJEANS the quote on quote *new face*, while BTS as a group aren't active, also HYBE seeing NEWJEANS fast success has them wanting to show they can make other talents that are successful under the Label like BTS.

    BUT I do wanna say I don't see a issue with it, because any company would do exactly what HYBE is doing.

    What company isn't gonna make their 2nd biggest act the face, while the 1st biggest act is on a hiatus or break, or forbid disbanded.

    I think the main issue a good amount of BTS fans have is, they feel HYBE is neglecting BTS solo work/individual activities, and aren't promoting them and supporting them as they should, but yet investing money and time into NEWJEANS or in general the other HYBE groups.

  • none of the articles use "groomed" in the title so the choice if word is uhmm 🤢

    and the titles mostly said newjeans is hybe's "growth machine" until bts group activity recur, which on paper is not exactly true bc hybe's biggest revenue for years comes from touring. in my understanding touring is not newjeans' focus this year. i expect festival (korea and global) appearances at most.

    who is that commenter i want to block them in twitter, this is classic poor media literacy from twitter

  • I thought there would be a big gap while there were doing service, but Seventeen, BTS units, NJ and LSF concerts will fill the gap. Concerts and merchandise is where the money is.

    HYBE knew this was coming and smartly bought Pledis and debuted the 2 gg in the last 12 months, and both will be ready to tour mid-year or by the end of the year.

  • none of the articles use "groomed" in the title so the choice if word is uhmm 🤢

    and the titles mostly said newjeans is hybe's "growth machine" until bts group activity recur, which on paper is not exactly true bc hybe's biggest revenue for years comes from touring. in my understanding touring is not newjeans' focus this year. i expect festival (korea and global) appearances at most.

    who is that commenter i want to block them in twitter, this is classic poor media literacy from twitter

    I used that Title for the thread to pinpoint what the Twitter commenter was saying, which is "HYBE is grooming NEWJEANS to etc...", that's why I put quotation marks, to show it wasn't me saying it.

    I just added the *until BTS come back in 2025* part, so the Title wouldn't look "off" lmao

  • I used that Title for the thread to pinpoint what the Twitter commenter was saying, which is "HYBE is grooming NEWJEANS to etc...", that's why I put quotation marks, to show it wasn't me saying it.

    I just added the *until BTS come back in 2025* part, so the Title wouldn't look "off" lmao

    i understand it's not you 😅, in fact "until BTS came back" is actually implied in all the titles. that's why i asked who said this because it's deliberate. kpop stans on twitter always talk about newjeans as hybe's elaborate p*do bait by...sexualizing everything about them. i'm not bunnies exactly but the constant accusation is giving me hives.

    i'm sorry i sounded rude, but it's not to your opinion per se.

  • NewJeans is doing so well and their popularity is rising very fast, but what they contribute to HYBE is not even a quarter of what BTS contributed/contributing.

    HYBE will need to produce 28x of New Jeans to be able to fill the void of BTS. That is if New Jeans can generate 40 billion won in revenue this year.

    Even with hiatus this year, BTS will still be the main contributor in HYBE's revenue. All these articles are just a mediaplay , most likely came from HYBE to keep their stocks from declining.

  • Personally, me neither.

    I just see a company being a company, and making their 2nd most popular act be the temporary "face", while the 1st one is away so to speak

    If it means even better promotion for our girls, there's no loss or negative imo. NewJeans should be the face of Hybe



  • I take issue with this. Why can't they be just trying to make another successful group? Why do we have to attribute shady motives to it like, "until BTS comes back"? I'm not even a NJ fan, I'm an ARMY, but NJ is NJ, not some stand in for BTS. No one can do that.

    Maybe because HYBE is too dependent to Bts

    a group like NJ is enough to guarantee the sustainability of a random company not HYBE since BTS brand alone makes more than any company.

    They need a new FACE not a Side Group.

  • I take issue with this. Why can't they be just trying to make another successful group? Why do we have to attribute shady motives to it like, "until BTS comes back"? I'm not even a NJ fan, I'm an ARMY, but NJ is NJ, not some stand in for BTS. No one can do that.

    Why can they let bts be and new jeans be? They can be successful on their own. These articles are pointless

    Once (main), Blink & Fearnot

  • Maybe because HYBE is too dependent to Bts

    a group like NJ is enough to guarantee the sustainability of a random company not HYBE since BTS brand alone makes more than any company.

    They need a new FACE not a Side Group.

    I understand that they want to diversify, but why is everyone acting like a company can't have more than one successful group? Everything really is a competition to some people.

  • lol... so fucking stupid... what do you mean grooming? the article is just a headline and is saying hybe will be ok... because there is new jeans to fill the void.

    wtf is with liberals always trying to categorize or name any action with a negative connotation like grooming?

    Agree, but I don't think we can blame it all on liberals. these are just edgy people looking to insinuate as much as they can for clickbait/shits and giggles.

  • BTS made hybe what it is today. A nearly bankrupt company to multi billion cooperation with world connections. Love newjeans but if they didn't have the budget, same music at start of career, they won't have such immediate success. They are as privileged as sm jyp yg and kakao groups.

    Any hybe group who debuts have BTS privilege. A huge budget to debut. Huge connections. Even in their solo phase, they make millions from solos and cfs etc. Hoping to see V in acting too, 🥲

    Even newjeans will accept their privilege. BTS in hiatus year is atleast top three world best selling artist along with Taylor and bad bunny

    Their catalog will keep selling till they comeback again. Happy for newjeans success. But no need to put down BTS who made hybe

  • BTS is BTS and they’re gonna need to fall off the fucking planet to be replaced. There were a bazillion news stories on Jin’s graduation ceremony from training camp and all of Paris turned up at the airport to meet Jimin and to catch a glimpse of JHope walking into the LV show. BTS AINT going anywhere

  • lol... so fucking stupid... what do you mean grooming? the article is just a headline and is saying hybe will be ok... because there is new jeans to fill the void.

    wtf is with liberals always trying to categorize or name any action with a negative connotation like grooming?

    dude.....that wasn't me who said it...it was a comment from Twitter💀

  • HYBE Stans pushing the agenda for a billon dollar company made from the blood, sweat, and tears of BTS. Just like how source treated Gfriend, BTS should also be treated. This is why I wish BTS should walk away from HYBE. The blatant acceptance of idols being only products by not just the companies but by kpop fans. Justifying how a company treats idols isn’t it.

  • Not one article mentioned grooming, OP. You choosing that word is all on you. Anyways, Hybe mediaplaying just so their shareholders don't panic still won't work anyway. Because touring is the #1 moneymaker that BTS made Hybe from. This shotgun mediaplay will only hurt New Jeans. Barely six months old and already expected to bring more than $5B like BTS? See how ridiculous that sounds?

    I don't know why people do this to groups that currently are new and enjoying the hype wave? Why don't people ever wait the two years before making bold claims like this. No one knows about the future waiting for New Jeans and their fans and Hybe already saying they're going to be the next biggest group already only puts pressure on the NJ if that does or doesn't pan out. Because now EVERY release needs to do better than their first six months.

    Fans of NJ shouldn't be hyping articles like this. You're indirectly setting up your girls with mental stress. It happened many times over with BTS and probably still happening after six years of slaving away and people wishing them gone. Just let the cards play and enjoy the ride. :finger-heart:

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