Korea is too small of an Area for BlackPink; They should go all in for the Global Girl Group title.

  • Good idea for BP to go Gloabal with full English songs 21

    The result is only visible to the participants.

    ok; Hear me out, do not start hating until you read the whole plan.

    South Korean is a small country, it will just hold BlackPink back in the future. Black Pink is bigger than South Korea, they are a global Group only smaller than BTS.

    But Boy groups are on the way out and girl groups are on the way up.

    For their next comeback in 2025, Black Pink should just go all in with English songs, English is the universal language on earth, so they should fully embrace it.

    A problem with that. They have 3 excellent English speakers, but a weak one. Jisso has been the weak link of Black Pink for a while. She is funny, she carries the group in variety shows, no doubt. But her English is not up to the level of the other girls, she is the weakest dancer, Rose can be the main singer and Jennie the second voice. So she can be replaced by the other 3 members.

    She also wants to do acting, going on tour is taking away at her opportunities to audition for movie and drama parts. She is going to be gone for months pretty soon, that is not helping her acting career. She does not want to do solo stuff anyways. Second source.

    So the solution is to let her become a full time actress after their world tour. Maybe don't tell anyone until after the tour is over, or some Blinks will lose their shit.

    So next summer, or when ever the tour is over, YG can announce that 3 out of the 4 members have signed a long contract extension and the other member sill continue to support the group and will be a BlackPink for ever at heart.

    Now for the controversial part of my post.

    Jisso should be replaced by someone with great English skills and someone that has an aura that can match the other Pinks.

    A Rookie won't do, it has to be someone with experience, someone that knows what is to be in groups, yes, you know who I am talking about.


    She speaks English well, her dancing skills will be only second to Lisa, she is not a bad singer, she can get the throw away lines after Rose and Jennie. Her solo career is also not going that great.

    Then BlackPink would be ready to take their place not as the replacement of SNSD or Twice, they have already done that. But as the replacement of Spice Girls, by conquering the world with English language songs.

  • Why 2025? Probably but why????

    Tour over in 2023, then a 2 year rest and for Somi to learn the songs, then comeback bigger than ever. Maybe late 2024.

  • The big question is are they all renewing contracts with yg? I don't think so.

    Well my idea requires the 3 English speakers to re-up.

    And for Somi to give up on her solo career. She can get solos like the other pinks here and there.

  • As Ben Affleck asked Michael Bay -"Why is it easier to train oil drillers to become astronauts than to train astronauts to become oil drillers?"

    Assuming your scheme is viable, then better to teach Jisoo better English than add a new member at this stage.

    Talking about Global Girl Group, isn't it a nonsensical title, given that outside Korea, there aren't many girl groups in the first place.

    Does the West even have any major girl groups now? - Spice Girls, Destiny's Child are all done.. I guess the PussyCat Dolls are still around.

    So who are they even competing with?

    It is funny that in AKP, people will ignore soloists like IU when discussing Korean and focus on groups alone - but internationally .. what groups.

    At least with the guys.. I suppose there are some viable bands -One Direction. Coldplay(?) around - bands if not groups.. but with girls, is there even any such thing.

    So "Global Girl Group" sounds a shallow title.

  • I would love to see Somi added. She fits in seamlessly with this group. But there is no need to take out Jisoo lol. BP comes back once every two years, i think Jisoo will be able to handle a month of choreo practice and a month of promotions every two years, no matter how difficult English and dancing are for her.

    But all of this sounds like long term planning that's gonna go into effect in 2024 at the earliest. By that time, Jisoo will be 29, Jennie 28, and Chaelisa 27, are we really expecting them to comeback as a group at that point? Even Somi wont be young by Kpop standards, she'll be 23 by then and perhaps too old and too entrenched as a soloist and well known influencer at that point to rejoin a GG.

    I think this World Tour is BP's swan song as a group. I think they will all re-sign but as solo artists, actors, producers. BP wont be disbanded but i dont see them doing a full comeback as a group outside of maybe a few special performances, a special single or two (exactly what BTS is doing right now actually).

  • you're losing a lot of fans that way.

    honestly, that's a big mistake that a lot of kpop groups make when promoting internationally, they always forget about their Korean fans. and when (expectedly) they fail to actually reach popularity internationally, they have no where to fall back on.

    And while yes Blackpink is definitely popular enough internationally to get by without Korea, it would also be a huge loss to abandon it completely. a lot of their sales still come from Korea, and a lot of their streams still come from Korea. hell, they are THE girl group in Korea right now with each member being popular enough to make it solo and be successful. abandoning your biggest and most stable market for a smaller one that shows potential, but is risky, isn't the best idea.

    not to mention, if blinks wanted to go listen to a girl group with all English songs, theyd go listen to little mix or boys world. blinks like Blackpink BECAUSE they are kpop, because they speak Korean and show their background in their songs. if they've made it this far with Korean songs then why should they stop, it pleases both audiences so there isn't a need to.

    blackpink: *biggest girl group in the world noises*
    im only here for blackpink LMAOOO

  • So it should be much easier to become the biggest GG in the world, I am glad you agree.

    This is why you do not get some YG Rookie, you get Somi. Not much to teach her, she is already a better dancer than Jennie and Rose.

    Sure, singing skills will drop a little, but is not like BP songs are hard to sing, just say du-du-du-du and rat -tat-tat-tat here and there and you have a global hit song.

  • I would love to see Somi added. She fits in seamlessly with this group. But there is no need to take out Jisoo lol. BP comes back once every two years, i think Jisoo will be able to handle a month of choreo practice and a month of promotions every two years, no matter how difficult English and dancing are for her.

    But all of this sounds like long term planning that's gonna go into effect in 2024 at the earliest. By that time, Jisoo will be 29, Jennie 28, and Chaelisa 27, are we really expecting them to comeback as a group at that point? Even Somi wont be young by Kpop standards, she'll be 23 by then and perhaps too old and too entrenched as a soloist and well known influencer at that point to rejoin a GG.

    I think this World Tour is BP's swan song as a group. I think they will all re-sign but as solo artists, actors, producers. BP wont be disbanded but i dont see them doing a full comeback as a group outside of maybe a few special performances, a special single or two (exactly what BTS is doing right now actually).

    Have faith, the chance of world domination is there for adjusted BP, so what if they are older, the world is not Korea, the world does not need 14 year old idols, they are fine with 20 year old women.

  • You have a lot of imagination :melon_think:

    So did you vote for best idea?

  • Meh, Koreans are going to drop BP eventually, as a poster said above the girls are in the upper 20's, that is old for the Korean public, the world, the world is fine with grown women, this can be just the start of Global BP to be bigger than the Spice girls ever were.

  • So it should be much easier to become the biggest GG in the world, I am glad you agree.

    This is why you do not get some YG Rookie, you get Somi. Not much to teach her, she is already a better dancer than Jennie and Rose.

    Sure, singing skills will drop a little, but is not like BP songs are hard to sing, just say du-du-du-du and rat -tat-tat-tat here and there and you have a global hit song.

    You didn't read the rest of my comment.

    The biggest GG in the world is the biggest boast, since there are hardly any GGs active outside K-pop today?

    What's the point of being the Queens of an empty Queendom?

  • Meh, Koreans are going to drop BP eventually, as a poster said above the girls are in the upper @@@c64b7f45-d1ce-41b8-bf33-d329a44bec6e@@@'s, that is old for the Korean public, the world, the world is fine with grown women, this can be just the start of Global BP to be bigger than the Spice girls ever were.

    Nah i don't think so, eventually, Blackpink will lose steam, but that will happen to every single group. however, Blackpink is outdoing every other girl group who debuted with them in the third-gen, those said girl groups have lost steam while Blackpink is continuing to make hits, and they're still the number 1 girl group.

    and like I said Blackpink is still growing while making english/korean songs. there doesn't need to be a complete shift.

    blackpink: *biggest girl group in the world noises*
    im only here for blackpink LMAOOO

  • I think they could pull off some good English versions if they consult with the right people to dodge any "gon finna" flurbs that don't make sense to heads that understand "the speak".

    They can always help one another if general pronunciation is an issue within the group.

  • Assuming Jisoo leaves the group and the rest of the girls stay (I'd give it a 30% chance), and Somi wants to join a group (30% chance), and Teddy thinks replacing Jisoo is a good idea instead of going with the remaining 3 (10% chance), then he would probably go with Somi. Who else?

    But if Somi wants to join a group, from Teddy's perspective it would make way more sense to add her to his next group. Somi would add way more value/hype to the new group, and Teddy must be feeling pressure to make the next group a hit.

    Blackpink would still work with Lisa, Rose and Jennie (they have all the positions covered), and adding a new member probably wouldn't be worth the controversy. As far as international appeal/english speaking goes, Rose and Jennie are fluent and Lisa is decent now. It would also be a bad idea to go 100% English. That's just burning bridges for no good reason. They are already moving towards more English in their songs anyway.

    The Five Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
    BP2.jpg Very-Very-Very-Smaller.gif BP1.jpg

    Edited once, last by hammerstan ().

  • hell, they are THE girl group in Korea right now with each member being popular enough to make it solo and be successful

    So about that, spending some time in Korea, it's pretty interesting. BP definitely charts well in Korea but the general consensus I've been getting is that people like BP fine but they all think BP isn't super popular in Korea. They often just say they're more popular outside of the country and that the country doesn't really like YG.

    I say this as a Blink myself and I admit I was taken aback by the subdued "enthusiasm" when Pink Venom came out. Don't get me wrong, people like them but they certainly don't feel like THE gg here. The thing that's been driving the conversation here is practically anything from SM and trendy ggs like NewJeans and IVE. Mind you this is very anecdotal and the feedback I'm getting has only been in Seoul and Incheon. Perhaps BP is huge in other parts of the country like Busan or something.

  • They had gone into a vs with Little Mix ever since their international breakthrough, they are done now, but that don't mean it was an empty queendom though, BP already earn the title cause they competed in markets in which ggs don't break in while leading by a big gap in kpop side.

    They didn't had it easy jsut because there was 1 competition internationally.

  • Meh, Koreans are going to drop BP eventually, as a poster said above the girls are in the upper 20's, that is old for the Korean public, the world, the world is fine with grown women, this can be just the start of Global BP to be bigger than the Spice girls ever were.

    Blackpink is clearly an exception. Their career trajectory is still upward close to the 7 year mark, their concept ages well, the Korean public will remain interested as long as they are the world's biggest GG, and Teddy still seems devoted to the group in his own slow way. I'd give them at least 5 more years.

    The Five Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
    BP2.jpg Very-Very-Very-Smaller.gif BP1.jpg

  • They had gone into a vs with Little Mix ever since their international breakthrough, they are done now, but that don't mean it was an empty queendom though, BP already earn the title cause they competed in markets in which ggs don't break in while leading by a big gap in kpop side.

    They didn't had it easy jsut because there was 1 competition internationally.

    The point I am trying to make is that internationally they aren't limited to competing with just GGs, they have to compete against all.

    Then why while discussing Korean charts or comparing with Korean groups, does the narrative switch to GGs alone.

    Seems a convenient hypocrisy.

    In Korea why not compare against IU then?

    Either it is ALL in both contexts.

    Or just GGs in both contexts.

    And internationally GGs are scarce, so Biggest GG is a shallow boast.

  • So about that, spending some time in Korea, it's pretty interesting. BP definitely charts well in Korea but the general consensus I've been getting is that people like BP fine but they all think BP isn't super popular in Korea. They often just say they're more popular outside of the country and that the country doesn't really like YG.

    I say this as a Blink myself and I admit I was taken aback by the subdued "enthusiasm" when Pink Venom came out. Don't get me wrong, people like them but they certainly don't feel like THE gg here. The thing that's been driving the conversation here is practically anything from SM and trendy ggs like NewJeans and IVE. Mind you this is very anecdotal and the feedback I'm getting has only been in Seoul and Incheon. Perhaps BP is huge in other parts of the country like Busan or something.

    hmm that's interesting. I've seen videos from Korean YouTubers who interview koreans about bp (corny i know but i was curious) and they got the opposite reaction.

    I'm the first blink to admit that Blackpink doesn't have the biggest fandom in korea, but i do feel like they have the gp around their fingers because of the way that they have been charting and selling, bc i know its definitely not all kblinks. their vma performance has also been trending number 1 on korean youtube. they've also been number 1 on the brand reputation thing since forever ago. im not denying that newer groups like new jeans or ive are the talk right now. but I feel like overall, Blackpink is still the biggest girl group. new things come and go but bp has always stuck with them one way or another.

    and i don't want to sound like an American who thinks i know everything cause i don't, obviously i wouldnt know bc i dont live over there, this is just what I'm taking from the way bp is performing compared to their 3rd gen girl group counterparts.

    blackpink: *biggest girl group in the world noises*
    im only here for blackpink LMAOOO

  • So about that, spending some time in Korea, it's pretty interesting. BP definitely charts well in Korea but the general consensus I've been getting is that people like BP fine but they all think BP isn't super popular in Korea. They often just say they're more popular outside of the country and that the country doesn't really like YG.

    I say this as a Blink myself and I admit I was taken aback by the subdued "enthusiasm" when Pink Venom came out. Don't get me wrong, people like them but they certainly don't feel like THE gg here. The thing that's been driving the conversation here is practically anything from SM and trendy ggs like NewJeans and IVE. Mind you this is very anecdotal and the feedback I'm getting has only been in Seoul and Incheon. Perhaps BP is huge in other parts of the country like Busan or something.

    I think what u have witnessed is same for all of korea. Korea has been basically success stanning bp after 2019 burning scandal. Winner cameback after 2 years and could barely chart at 30s even after going countless variety shows and 4 weeks of music shows. Bigbang is an anomaly and ikon had their biggest flop. It's really bad for yg in korea. They really need treasure to hit big and retain blackpink to convince people to not short their stock to the ground in the future.

  • I mean its not excluyent though? just because no one includes female or solo acts in the competition during korean rankings they still meet in charts and manages to stand on their own getting records and things. And convenient hipocrisy? I mean if you want to throw IU in the biggest female kpop act into the convo her International stats still would bring her down compared to some ggs, wouldn't see how the ranking changes except maybe she is in 3rd place or 2nd, but since the world has 7billion of population and SK only 51m, she still wouldn't get 1

  • I mean its not excluyent though? just because no one includes female or solo acts in the competition during korean rankings they still meet in charts and manages to stand on their own getting records and things. And convenient hipocrisy? I mean if you want to throw IU in the biggest female kpop act into the convo her International stats still would bring her down compared to some ggs, wouldn't see how the ranking changes except maybe she is in 3rd place or 2nd, but since the world has 7billion of population and SK only 51m, she still wouldn't get 1

    First make a choice whether you want to do

    Korean alone comparisons

    OR Intnl comparisons

    Then decide,

    ALL acts comparison OR

    GG against GG comparison

    Mixing these to show up ones faves, is the convenient hypocrisy.

    If doing

    #Intnl and ALL: BP won't be the top ranking

    #Intnl and GG: They will be the top, just that they don't have any competition, not just from Korea, but even from elsewhere.

    #Korean and ALL: Again they won't be the toppers.

    #Korean and GG: Then they have strong competition and may or may not top, depending on the situation.

    I used IU as an example, but it could be others too BigBang etc

    And nobody is going around claiming IU is the greatest soloist internationally. So irrelevant.

    Edit: There is no doubt, that outside Korea, BP is the most popular among all Korean GGs.

    That's the correct claim to fame.

    So the "Most globally popular K-pop GG"

    Edited 2 times, last by bbgc ().

  • and i don't want to sound like an American who thinks i know everything cause i don't, obviously i wouldnt know bc i dont live over there, this is just what I'm taking from the way bp is performing compared to their 3rd gen girl group counterparts.

    Take it from me. I'm an American myself. It's very likely we're projecting BP's popularity onto them, at least in Seoul or Incheon and we may have to be mindful of skewed data we're getting. They're not scrubs by any stretch of the imagination but they're not talked about like THE girl group either from folks or the media. I will point out though that it does say something that BP is generally liked even though the Korean public is Anti-YG right now. Shows they're likable enough that folks are giving them a pass despite the association. So yay there!

    It's really bad for yg in korea. They really need treasure to hit big and retain blackpink to convince people to not short their stock to the ground in the future.

    This is absolutely the impression I'm getting from here. Big time aversion to YG right now.

  • Female korean acts, because that is the subject that I thought you were refering when bringing IU into the convo, If we go in all and international, its BP, if we have to narrow it down to SK, which doesn't make sense cause we are in a globalizated period, its IU.

    We do have to make differences because there are advantages for every "category" in each way.

    First of all, there are advantges per genre and sex, male singers at least in the pop side don't have it easy to break it in for the gp, in opposite female popstars do have it more easier, but being females in the music industry is much harder than being a male in the music industry.

    Then we have the advantages based on numbers of acts. Soloists are largely preferred to Groups, that is a proven given the difficulty of having at least one group per decade getting the attention.

    And yeah nobody is claiming it but you sound bitter about it with the whole "there is no competition so its a shallow title and why don't bring to compete them with all acts in SK". How I noted earlier there are advantages/walls in the music scene per genre, sex and number, so having an act that is able to break through while having competition internationally and domestically, does make it a valid title.

    Also, this convenient things goes both ways considering you grade your own system based on SK alone despite international platforms having way more easy data to track and transparent stats than domestical platforms.

  • You didn't read the rest of my comment.

    The biggest GG in the world is the biggest boast, since there are hardly any GGs active outside K-pop today?

    What's the point of being the Queens of an empty Queendom?

    The title!!

  • Nah i don't think so, eventually, Blackpink will lose steam, but that will happen to every single group. however, Blackpink is outdoing every other girl group who debuted with them in the third-gen, those said girl groups have lost steam while Blackpink is continuing to make hits, and they're still the number 1 girl group.

    and like I said Blackpink is still growing while making english/korean songs. there doesn't need to be a complete shift.

    I disagree, but I respect your opinion.

  • It is a common Kpop fallacy, that when one doesn't like the other side of debate, to accuse them of things like "Bitterness".

    Even if the other party is arguing out of such emotions, the substance of the argument should still be addressed.

    I could very easily reply back saying you are too "besotted" of BP, that you are letting it affect your logic.

    So let's not do that, shall well?

    As to the claim, this whole thread is based on that claim.

    As to the reliability of international platforms over SK, that is a joke, when there is next to no reliable data from China or India, huge markets whose info is sparse or unavailable.

    Yet we call the data as 'international'.

    Which brings up the point, that there can be no debate without a consensus on the frame of reference.

    You don't trust SK charts, I find "international" a misnomer..

    So this will lead to nowhere.

    I will stick to "BP is globally the most popular K-pop Girl Group"


  • I think they could pull off some good English versions if they consult with the right people to dodge any "gon finna" flurbs that don't make sense to heads that understand "the speak".

    They can always help one another if general pronunciation is an issue within the group.

    Rose and Somi are native speakers, they should have final approval on all lyrics going forward.

  • Assuming Jisoo leaves the group and the rest of the girls stay (I'd give it a 30% chance), and Somi wants to join a group (30% chance), and Teddy thinks replacing Jisoo is a good idea instead of going with the remaining 3 (10% chance), then he would probably go with Somi. Who else?

    But if Somi wants to join a group, from Teddy's perspective it would make way more sense to add her to his next group. Somi would add way more value/hype to the new group, and Teddy must be feeling pressure to make the next group a hit.

    Blackpink would still work with Lisa, Rose and Jennie (they have all the positions covered), and adding a new member probably wouldn't be worth the controversy. As far as international appeal/english speaking goes, Rose and Jennie are fluent and Lisa is decent now. It would also be a bad idea to go 100% English. That's just burning bridges for no good reason. They are already moving towards more English in their songs anyway.

    This is YG, the next GG is not debuting until 2028.

  • Blackpink is clearly an exception. Their career trajectory is still upward close to the 7 year mark, their concept ages well, the Korean public will remain interested as long as they are the world's biggest GG, and Teddy still seems devoted to the group in his own slow way. I'd give them at least 5 more years.

    Outside Korea for sure, inside Korea they will still be a top group, but they will not be the top GG in Korea. This single fell a little short and was blocked by 2 strong new GG's in the charts. Maybe their title song for the Album will score a #1, we will see, but this is about the future.

    BP is bigger than Korea.

    Also, once BP is dominating the world with their English songs and filling NFL/Soccer stadiums, they will be respected in Korea, Koreans love to stan success.

  • South Korea is too small of a market for today's kpop industry period.

    That doesn't mean they need to go all English though.

    Is the global language, they can release a few korean songs here and here, well maybe not Lisa and Somi, Somi solos are mostly English anyways.

  • Lmaoo what is this clownery ?!

    Btw regarding the whole eng songs thingy

    The pinks & teddy aren't chasing western success..just yet or maybe never

    If they wanted to go full global then PV would have been full eng or the next single that is also in Korean & solo

    Rumours has it they have drake & dua on their album yet they're not pushing those as singles (ice cream probably played a part in that decision)

    Perhaps with their 2024 era they will go full global but for now it doesn't seem like it's something they are after at all

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