Interest Check for BigBang Badges
This thread is to find out how many users are interested in badges for BigBang and what kind of badges we would like to go for. There are two options:
1. Regular Kpop Themed Badges - Since the first generation badges were retired, there are currently no BigBang badges available for purchase in the shop. Depending on how many people end up purchasing the petition, we could possibly get these badges:
@ 5 - BigBang logo static badge & VIP fandom logo static badge
@ 15 - above plus Individual Member…
1. Regular Kpop Themed Badges - Since the first generation badges were retired, there are currently no BigBang badges available for purchase in the shop. Depending on how many people end up purchasing the petition, we could possibly get these badges:
@ 5 - BigBang logo static badge & VIP fandom logo static badge
@ 15 - above plus Individual Member…