Every artist from the big3 weren't just chosen because they were lucky. They had to prove they are worthy enough to be in the company based on really high standards and rigorous training. So how can we call it "privilege" if they earned their spot out of thousands of people??? Some people are born a star and some other are not #cancellingbig3privillege2021

Here is why saying "big 3 privilege" is stupid af
this thread gonna backfire
this thread gonna backfire
but I am right lol
but I am right lol
my personal take is a " yes & no "
I just know this topic is gonna get very strong countering opinions lol -
It is quite stupid.
If they were truly privileged, some groups under the big 3 would be way more successful than they are now, but some of them are flopping harder than a fish out of water.
P.S. just want to throw it out there that privilege alone doesn’t get you very far. You need the star factor, you need talent, you need charisma, etc etc.
True that.
Debuting in a big3 company is far more difficult than debuting in a small company but their resources and initial boost once they debut still is a privilege. So I guess it's a privilege they worked hard for... An earned privilege.
We've seen tons of groups out of BIG3 which were hella more talented than some from BIG3...
Sistar, Mamamoo, Apink, GFriend, Dreamcatcher,
I don't even want to talk more about it
if you are from big3 then people are jumping hype train and you have 50k sales or even more for debut
when you are from other label you get what 300 copies of debut album sold?
well nowadays more like STAYC or Weeekly but still even if you compare member individual brand reputation ranking aespa is doing much better, same as digitals... and it's because they are from SM, not because they are hella talented out of this universe, they are on same lvl as STAYC or Weeekly, that's all.
There is and always be big3 privilege in terms of sales, and "hype" before debut.
What I find hilarious is some of the people crying 'wahh big 3 privilege' are stanning non big 3 groups that debut to MV's that get 30-50 million views, selling 100k albums in pre-orders before their song even debuts or getting signed to US labels before they even fell out of the nut sack.
Do me a favor. Big 3 privilege is typically only said by people as it does 2 things. 1, diminishes the achievements of big 3 groups and 2, makes their faves successes seem even greater as they supposedly started at a disadvantage.
It's also ironic the fans who say it considering who they stan and how male privilege in Kpop holds far far more weight than any big 3 girl group ever debuted with.
People need to realize kpop is not just about talent. Is about charisma, personality, looks, etc
Biggest groups are not always the most talented but they have that something their company saw on them and it worked.
It's not that hard to understand. If you're in a big 3 agency, you're guaranteed to have the best hitmakers who gonna write hit songs for you. Plus, you won't have much trouble promoting your brand since you'll already have a whole bunch of followers (company stans) earned by those who came before you.
If you're in a nugu agency, it's a different deal. Even if you happen to get a super catchy, hard slappin song that easily could a SOTY candidate if given to a bigger group, your potential success will hit a ceiling because of your limited ability to promote.
Of course, it doesn't work this way 100% of the time but you get the point.
What I find hilarious is some of the people crying 'wahh big 3 privilege' are stanning non big 3 groups that debut to MV's that get 30-50 million views, selling 100k albums in pre-orders before their song even debuts or getting signed to US labels before they even fell out of the nut sack.
Do me a favor. Big 3 privilege is typically only said by people as it does 2 things. 1, diminishes the achievements of big 3 groups and 2, makes their faves successes seem even greater as they supposedly started at a disadvantage.
It's also ironic the fans who say it considering who they stan and how male privilege in Kpop holds far far more weight than any big 3 girl group ever debuted with.
wait what no big 3 group debut to MV's that get 30-50 million views, selling 100k albums in pre-orders before their song even debuts or getting signed to US labels before they even fell out of the nut sack
Did I miss something
It proves Big 3 doesn't make the best choice all the time. Rain has auditioned for 19 times. He was always rejected cuz JYP thought he is ugly.
It's not that hard to understand. If you're in a big 3 agency, you're guaranteed to have the best hitmakers who gonna write hit songs for you. Plus, you won't have much trouble promoting your brand since you'll already have a whole bunch of followers (company stans) earned by those who came before you.
If you're in a nugu agency, it's a different deal. Even if you happen to get a super catchy, hard slappin song that easily could a SOTY candidate if given to a bigger group, your potential success will hit a ceiling because of your limited ability to promote.
Of course, it doesn't work this way 100% of the time but you get the point.
So? They earned it. Its like when you are in school there are those people who get accepted into an ivy league school and will have a easier time finding a top job. We don't call that ivy league privilege because they got in fair and square. Its not that hard to understand.
An amazing job going well out of you way to miss the point....it's remarkable someone could read what I wrote and muster up this as a response and in any way feel it could do anything to add value to the conversation when what I typed has been so badly interpreted by that same person. Truly good job. Absolutely remarkable.
But that doesn't mean there is a such thing as big 3 privilege.
An amazing job going well out of you way to miss the point....it's remarkable someone could read what I wrote and muster up this as a response and in any way feel it could do anything to add value to the conversation when what I typed has been so badly interpreted by that same person. Truly good job. Absolutely remarkable.
Minus in Stray Kids
It was called Bang Chan privilege
In school, whether you look good or not is irrelevant when it comes to your grades. In trainee and group member selection, it matters quite a lot. So it's not only about what has been earned, there's also luck involved.
I mean yes debuting a bog3 company gives a little bit of advantage but not that much it has to do with talent also
The Big3 have brand power, which means the general public is most likely to check out new groups from the Big3 than from smaller companies (because of trust in the brand) and that ensures easy exposure. The Big3 also have connections which get their idols gigs, promo and more exposure. They also have the experience, money and resources, which get their idols quality content and quality marketing. I don't deny any of that but the thing is, none of that ensures success if the idols themselves don't have the star power and charm necessary to get people's attention and affection. Big3 groups work and promote as hard as other company groups do.
My problem with the privilege argument is how people often try to make it seem like big3 groups success and achievements were handed to them or are less impressive and shouldn't be celebrated.
Look at NCT for example, they debuted 5 years ago and people spent 4 years mocking them for not living up to big3 standards of success, calling them a failure and swearing they'd never work out. But when they started doing really well in their 5th year (FIFTH YEAR FOR GOD'S SAKE) many are acting like it was all thanks to SM privilege, like please make it make sense.
No one is saying that idols from Big 3 company didn't deserve their success.
Big 3 privilege means that at equal talent, groups from Big 3 companies will have more chance to succeed than groups that aren't. That's it. That's literally it.
Imagine someone saying 'White privilege doesn't exist' because their white cousin is unemployed. You can be white and fail, and POC and succeed, but at equal skills and talent, one is most likely to succeed than another.
This is literally all there is to is.
It is quite stupid.
If they were truly privileged, some groups under the big 3 would be way more successful than they are now, but some of them are flopping harder than a fish out of water.
P.S. just want to throw it out there that privilege alone doesn’t get you very far. You need the star factor, you need talent, you need charisma, etc etc.
and also
But that doesn't mean there is a such thing as big 3 privilege.
It exists.
I mean, I can understand if that 'Big 3 Privilege' means more money and resources for debut and comebacks, and there's nothing wrong with that, but to say that they have 'high standards and rigorous training' for their idols compared to non-Big 3 idols is a stretch. Non-Big 3 idols have also experienced that, they also have to work themselves to the bone in order for them to debut. There are a lot of non-Big 3 idols who have proven themselves to be very talented. I'm sorry, but I find that 'high standards' quite disrespectful to non-Big 3 idols towards their hard work, their skills and talent being looked down upon just because they didn't have the chance to be part of the Big 3 companies.
No one is saying that idols from Big 3 company didn't deserve their success.
Big 3 privilege means that at equal talent, groups from Big 3 companies will have more chance to succeed than groups that aren't. That's it. That's literally it.
Imagine someone saying 'White privilege doesn't exist' because their white cousin is unemployed. You can be white and fail, and POC and succeed, but at equal skills and talent, one is most likely to succeed than another.
This is literally all there is to is.
I love this analogy. Nobody is saying that groups from big companies are untalented and don't deserve their success. People are just saying that because they happen to be in a bigger company they have an advantage of better promotions, more exposure, more resources, etc. This heavily relies on things that nugu/small companies don't have such as brand value and money. These are things that can't be affected by talent and are mostly company responsibilities.
This privilege doesn't %100 guarantee a spot at being a top group, but it raises the chance by a lot. It isn't necessarily a negative thing, but just something that we have to acknowledge about the kpop industry.
It was definitely an “earned” privilege. They had to audition and compete against thousands other people and even after becoming a trainee they have to compete again hundreds of others trying to debut.
People act like big 3 kids did not work hard to be where they are when it’s probably more cut throat then a small company
Op I massively disagree, Yes some were chosen because of talent, but majority were picked because of visuals, lets not lie now....
How many talented idols were turned away from big 3 because of their image? how many idols debuted in big 3 who lack the basic talent to actually make music? In fact aren't majority idols scouted in random places that doesn't show off anything but visuals? It literally sounds like a modelling gig. You would never ask someone to audition for a movie without knowing they act, same can't be said for kpop!
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