Knetz forgetting about the Snowdrop controversy already?

  • “The 3rd episode of JTBC's Saturday-Sunday drama 'Snowdrop' recorded 1.853% of viewership based on national paid TV households.

    Episode 13 of MBC's Friday-Saturday drama 'The Red Sleeve' recorded 12.8% nationwide, and episode 12 of SBS' Friday-Saturday drama 'Now, We Are Breaking Up' recorded 5.7%, respectively.”

    It seems like ratings for Snowdrop are dropping, so people don’t care much about the controversy to watch it anymore? So hopefully the drama can wrap itself up peacefully and Jisoo will be fine.

  • Bad press is still press. Jisoo is still very popular. But Knetz are still mad. But it's quite hypocritical to stream the show that is distorting your history in such a foul manner.

  • uh... low ratings don't mean people "forgot" about the means they're boycotting it lol

    jtbc dont do well this days

    I doubt anybody is boycotting the channel bc other dramas they air has similar ratings for a while

    actually I was waiting for mass essay again after ep3 but it rather quiet now, ,maybe the episode explain what happen better or people just decide to ignore. At least pann/ nate isnt talking about it unlike ep 1-2 (idk about theqoo)

  • It seems like ratings for Snowdrop are dropping, so people don’t care much about the controversy to watch it anymore? So hopefully the drama can wrap itself up peacefully and Jisoo will be fine.

    Yeah... nope. That's not a good thing. If the ratings drops more and more, they will likely cancel it due to bad ratings, just like one of Jung Haein's previous drama. They might even cancel it earlier to 6-7 episodes due to sponsors already cutting off ties. Ratings is actually the only thing that could save the drama now and the controversy actually helped their ratings, even if technically its bad press, its still a press.

  • Yeah... nope. That's not a good thing. If the ratings drops more and more, they will likely cancel it due to bad ratings, just like one of Jung Haein's previous drama. They might even cancel it earlier to 6-7 episodes due to sponsors already cutting off ties. Ratings is actually the only thing that could save the drama now and the controversy actually helped their ratings, even if technically its bad press, its still a press.

    arent drama that do bad cut at 12 ep

    at this point that could be better than nothing so we can all just forget and move on

  • Yeah... nope. That's not a good thing. If the ratings drops more and more, they will likely cancel it due to bad ratings, just like one of Jung Haein's previous drama. They might even cancel it earlier to 6-7 episodes due to sponsors already cutting off ties. Ratings is actually the only thing that could save the drama now and the controversy actually helped their ratings, even if technically its bad press, its still a press.

    yeah but if ratings are high, more people are watching and jisoo might get hated more, which might affect her future career. if not many are watching, jisoo can get through this drama without hate, and then do her next drama. i guess im talking good for jisoo.

  • yeah but if ratings are high, more people are watching and jisoo might get hated more, which might affect her future career. if not many are watching, jisoo can get through this drama without hate, and then do her next drama. i guess im talking good for jisoo.

    It is actually better if international fans stop bringing her name up in the controversy. Because in Korea the person that is getting a lot of hate is actually the male lead, Jung Haein, the Snowdrop writer and jtbc. Knetz only spoke on Jisoo when BP members posted to watch Snowdrop but that was quickly buried by Jung Haein's "himbo" interview. Jisoo's name only came up again now because it is her fans that is being offensive to the Korean's history. The "Red Wing Queen Jisoo" tags they built all over twitter, not just a bad idea, it's the worst.

    Watch your own fandom first if you want her not to get hate.

  • Ooof RIP snowdrop

    If it's not taken off air because of the complaints the crap ratings will do it instead. It's a lose lose situation

    They really aren't that bad. JTBC is a pay channel so their ratings are always going to be lower than public channels. 1.8 is on par with the two shows that aired before it in the same timeslot. Time will tell if they drop more, but for now it's doing good by JTBC standards.



    Inspector Koo


  • I’m going to speak candidly. Snowdrop’s controversy was simply a stepping stone in a broader political battle. Because Jisoo was a part of BP, a group of people decided this was their next target for “historical distortion” discussion that started last year basically. SD was a visible target. Why else would an unaired drama script and the whole plot and character summaries be aired to all the internet? If Jisoo wasn’t in this drama, there wouldn’t be nearly this much interest in it. A bandwagon happened and there was jump to pick a side and usually the side with the pitchforks is pretty convincing.

    BP/Jisoo lose nothing. Their endorsements and CFs remained up and Korea is quick to pull those if the controversy was that bad. Ultimately, the drama will do fine. These ratings are fine and in line with JTBC’s this year. They could go up or down, but the job is already done. They put a negative connotation on the show. The “historical distortion” is probably not black and white and the truth is in the middle, but that doesn’t matter. SD will air, probably do okay-ish, and still be nit-picked along the way. Those that hate BP get their clicks and views. Long story short, Snowdrop is just a step in a journey. In 4-6 months, they’ll be another crusade against another drama, and Im sure the actors in SD will stay away from ANYTHING not centered in the present for a while. LMAO.

  • I’m going to speak candidly. Snowdrop’s controversy was simply a stepping stone in a broader political battle. Because Jisoo was a part of BP, a group of people decided this was their next target for “historical distortion” discussion that started last year basically. SD was a visible target. Why else would an unaired drama script and the whole plot and character summaries be aired to all the internet? If Jisoo wasn’t in this drama, there wouldn’t be nearly this much interest in it. A bandwagon happened and there was jump to pick a side and usually the side with the pitchforks is pretty convincing.

    BP/Jisoo lose nothing. Their endorsements and CFs remained up and Korea is quick to pull those if the controversy was that bad. Ultimately, the drama will do fine. These ratings are fine and in line with JTBC’s this year. They could go up or down, but the job is already done. They put a negative connotation on the show. The “historical distortion” is probably not black and white and the truth is in the middle, but that doesn’t matter. SD will air, probably do okay-ish, and still be nit-picked along the way. Those that hate BP get their clicks and views. Long story short, Snowdrop is just a step in a journey. In 4-6 months, they’ll be another crusade against another drama, and Im sure the actors in SD will stay away from ANYTHING not centered in the present for a while. LMAO.

    this has nothing to do with bp or jisoo i swear some of yall need to get over this dumb notion. regardless of the actress this was going to be controversial the moment they decided to put a nk spy attending a university during this highly sensitive period in time in south korea

  • Have you totally ignored the elephant in the room?

    Even if that was decent ratings there's STILL the massive controversy over the drama that's been there from pre production. It's already been the subject of a ton of hate, lost most it's sponsors, calls for boycotts, mangled in conspiracy theories of right wing propaganda with JTBC network and whatever else. The shit ratings are more sticks added to it's funeral pyre.

  • this has nothing to do with bp or jisoo i swear some of yall need to get over this dumb notion. regardless of the actress this was going to be controversial the moment they decided to put a nk spy attending a university during this highly sensitive period in time in south korea

    First, I was responding to the OP where they were concerned about Jisoo and BP. Secondly, I myself stated that the issues with the drama have nothing to do with BP or Jisoo and that’s it’s clearly a bigger social/political issue amongst a group of people and Snowdrop is not that important in that issue overall. I know this cause historical distortion have been an issue for a while now and a lot of Knetz wanted to get shows cancelled and they did or couldn’t cause the show already became too popular. Thirdly, do you genuinely think everything about this drama and characters and plot would hit the internet for journalists to write about MONTHS before it even aired if there was not a big star or stars attached to it? I’m genuinely asking especially when BLACKPINK’s Jisoo is almost in every title in reference to the drama before and now?

  • I’m going to speak candidly. Snowdrop’s controversy was simply a stepping stone in a broader political battle. Because Jisoo was a part of BP, a group of people decided this was their next target for “historical distortion” discussion that started last year basically. SD was a visible target. Why else would an unaired drama script and the whole plot and character summaries be aired to all the internet? If Jisoo wasn’t in this drama, there wouldn’t be nearly this much interest in it. A bandwagon happened and there was jump to pick a side and usually the side with the pitchforks is pretty convincing.

    BP/Jisoo lose nothing. Their endorsements and CFs remained up and Korea is quick to pull those if the controversy was that bad. Ultimately, the drama will do fine. These ratings are fine and in line with JTBC’s this year. They could go up or down, but the job is already done. They put a negative connotation on the show. The “historical distortion” is probably not black and white and the truth is in the middle, but that doesn’t matter. SD will air, probably do okay-ish, and still be nit-picked along the way. Those that hate BP get their clicks and views. Long story short, Snowdrop is just a step in a journey. In 4-6 months, they’ll be another crusade against another drama, and Im sure the actors in SD will stay away from ANYTHING not centered in the present for a while. LMAO.

    not really, since the news of jisoo being part of the drama the plot was questioned

    thats all the way back to august 2020, it got even more attention during feb-april bc of joseon ex. when people bring snowdrop back along with other dramas and kblinks were planning on sending trucks to stop the drama from happening and there was a blue house petition against it (that didn't work obv). All the controversies reach its peaking point when ep 1 and 2 aired, and it was hellfire

    it could have been like this not matter the actress but jisoo circumstances are just additional to the main issue

  • arent drama that do bad cut at 12 ep

    at this point that could be better than nothing so we can all just forget and move on

    Yes, usually productions with bad ratings only needed to cover lost that cost 4 episode cancellation but for Snowdrop, they also lost sponsors and they also had to prepare money for any future legalities with those sponsors that comes after the drama ends, etc etc. It depends on how much the producers is willing to cover for it's loss.

    Better is actually for the show to get cancelled earlier and Jisoo to start fresh with another drama. I think this is where fans don't get it, she could do without Snowdrop. Jung Haein is already on the verge to lose all his credibility as an actor in Korea just because of one interview he did about the drama. He is more of the face of Snowdrop, not Jisoo, what is blasted on Pann, Naver etc is not Jisoo, its mainly the male lead.

    So in the meantime that Jisoo is not exactly as hated as Jung Haein, and terms like "Red Wing Queen Jisoo" from international fans doesn't make its way to Korea, I would prefer if everything just end right now.

  • Have you totally ignored the elephant in the room?

    Even if that was decent ratings there's STILL the massive controversy over the drama that's been there from pre production. It's already been the subject of a ton of hate, lost most it's sponsors, calls for boycotts, mangled in conspiracy theories of right wing propaganda with JTBC network and whatever else. The shit ratings are more sticks added to it's funeral pyre.

    And if they cancel Snowdrop, they will have to cancel the drama planned to air after Snowdrop which has a similar issue and is already half way through production. That's too much lost money. They already paid the production costs and it's a paid channel. I highly doubt they'll pull it unless it drops to under 0% and even then they may let it keep going.

  • First, I was responding to the OP where they were concerned about Jisoo and BP. Secondly, I myself stated that the issues with the drama have nothing to do with BP or Jisoo and that’s it’s clearly a bigger social/political issue amongst a group of people and Snowdrop is not that important in that issue overall. I know this cause historical distortion have been an issue for a while now and a lot of Knetz wanted to get shows cancelled and they did or couldn’t cause the show already became too popular. Thirdly, do you genuinely think everything about this drama and characters and plot would hit the internet for journalists to write about MONTHS before it even aired if there was not a big star or stars attached to it? I’m genuinely asking especially when BLACKPINK’s Jisoo is almost in every title in reference to the drama before and now?

    yes just like it did for the current drama until morning comes and last time i checked jisoo and no other bp members is in that drama

  • thats all the way back to august 2020, it got even more attention during feb-april bc of joseon ex. when people bring snowdrop back along with other dramas and kblinks were planning on sending trucks to stop the drama from happening and there was a blue house petition against it (that didn't work obv). All the controversies reach its peaking point when ep 1 and 2 aired, and it was hellfire

    it could have been like this not matter the actress but jisoo circumstances are just additional to the main issue

    Yes, that’s what I said. It seems like people see Jisoo and think I made it about her, but as I said it just wouldn’t have as much initial interest without her. Her presence just amplified it. Which is why there was a big eye on it ahead of it’s airing. The sentiments were already made because of that. But as I stated, it’s just a stepping stone and in another 4-6 months, there will be another drama and this will be in the rear view.


    yes just like it did for the current drama until morning comes and last time i checked jisoo and no other bp members is in that drama

    a drama that is literally stated in headlines as “the drama that is set to air after Snowdrop”. I’m not trying to downplay the issue, but as my post stated Snowdrop is a moment. Jisoo made the show more visible. BP/Jisoo will be okay cause the public relatively doesn’t care. That’s it. Nowhere did I say the issue is only cause of Jisoo/BP.

    Edited 3 times, last by FSXP ().

  • I’m going to speak candidly. Snowdrop’s controversy was simply a stepping stone in a broader political battle. Because Jisoo was a part of BP, a group of people decided this was their next target for “historical distortion” discussion that started last year basically. SD was a visible target. Why else would an unaired drama script and the whole plot and character summaries be aired to all the internet? If Jisoo wasn’t in this drama, there wouldn’t be nearly this much interest in it. A bandwagon happened and there was jump to pick a side and usually the side with the pitchforks is pretty convincing.

    BP/Jisoo lose nothing. Their endorsements and CFs remained up and Korea is quick to pull those if the controversy was that bad. Ultimately, the drama will do fine. These ratings are fine and in line with JTBC’s this year. They could go up or down, but the job is already done. They put a negative connotation on the show. The “historical distortion” is probably not black and white and the truth is in the middle, but that doesn’t matter. SD will air, probably do okay-ish, and still be nit-picked along the way. Those that hate BP get their clicks and views. Long story short, Snowdrop is just a step in a journey. In 4-6 months, they’ll be another crusade against another drama, and Im sure the actors in SD will stay away from ANYTHING not centered in the present for a while. LMAO.

    Candidly I'll reply. Jung Haein is a rising star and the director writer were fresh out of Sky Castle. What Koreans are talking right now is not even of Jisoo or BP, its on:

    1. Jung Haein - because of his dumb answer in an interview

    2. The writer - because she is actually from the Ewha Women's university during the protest so they are basically saying the drama is a depiction that in 1987 she's just partying it up while people are dying

    3. Jtbc - for trying to use SD to cover up another drama that may be even more controversial than SD

    4. The conservatives - for trying to use SD as a prop for their election agenda.

    The only time Koreans talk or blame Jisoo and BP is when some international Blinks throw shit that offended the Koreans and made Koreans feel like heir history is disrespected. On Twittle I blinks even started "Red Wing Queen Jisoo" tag thinking that is suppose to make it better for Jisoo.

    Candidly, the Blink fandom should watch it because basically the hate she's been garnering is not even because of SD, its not even because of her own interviews, its because fans don't know boundaries.

  • And if they cancel Snowdrop, they will have to cancel the drama planned to air after Snowdrop which has a similar issue and is already half way through production. That's too much lost money. They already paid the production costs and it's a paid channel. I highly doubt they'll pull it unless it drops to under 0% and even then they may let it keep going.

    I heard about their next drama, something about focusing on the CCP. Lol it’s like their know exactly how to piss off their audiences and do it on purpose. Why not try something on isis

    But there is no winning move, snowdrop has destroyed their rep. If snowdrop ratings continue to be abysmal then there’s no money being made especially as the sponsors have left so attempting invest in another possible problematic drama is a very risky financially. Keeping it running or cutting their loses, there is no real right answer at least not from a lay man perspective, probably business wise it’s better to keep going but the more they carry on the more their reputation and income for further projects is damaged. It’s all about damage control right now

  • 1. Never said Knetz or Koreans were talking about Jisoo or BP. I said, “Snowdrop’s controversy was simply a stepping stone in a broader political battle.” In which you then agree on #2 - #4. Maybe you thought “those that hate BP” was Koreans or Knetz. I don’t know. But I never insinuated it was them.

    I then said, Jisoo being a part of a very famous group brought a large initial interest which it did. for some reason, it’s almost like there’s tunnel vision like this was all in a vacuum and Jisoo had no influence in people being curios about the drama. In which I then said, that’s why Snowdrop was visible and the next step. It checked the boxes.

    Finally, I said nothing about blinks or anything red wing or koreans blaming anybody or any of that. Do not add that to anything I said. I said they (as in Jisoo and the group) will be fine. The controversy isn’t really hurting them. all that additional stuff you added, Nothing to do with what I said at all. You came very combative for things I said nothing about.

  • 1. Never said Knetz or Koreans were talking about Jisoo or BP. I said, “Snowdrop’s controversy was simply a stepping stone in a broader political battle.” In which you then agree on #2 - #4. Maybe you thought “those that hate BP” was Koreans or Knetz. I don’t know. But I never insinuated it was them.

    I then said, Jisoo being a part of a very famous group brought a large initial interest which it did. for some reason, it’s almost like there’s tunnel vision like this was all in a vacuum and Jisoo had no influence in people being curios about the drama. In which I then said, that’s why Snowdrop was visible and the next step. It checked the boxes.

    Finally, I said nothing about blinks or anything red wing or koreans blaming anybody or any of that. Do not add that to anything I said. I said they (as in Jisoo and the group) will be fine. The controversy isn’t really hurting them. all that additional stuff you added, Nothing to do with what I said at all. You came very combative for things I said nothing about.

    And what I'm saying is that the second paragraph you have, yeah not quite true. Because even if Jisoo is not in it, Jung Haein who is a rising star, the writer and the director fresh out of sky castle is enough to make this -tunnel vision-. Did Joeson Exorcist had any internationally famous idol? Nope. This is proven more by the fact that the people that talks about Jisoo IS the international fans. Korean fans are actually specifically looking at those 4 things I listed and even during their criticism on "i-roaches" depicting the international Blinks' disrespecting Korean history, very little of them actually put hate on Jisoo because Koreans were too focused on Jung Haein's "Himbo' interview.

    And the last paragraph: This is to show its the international fandom that is making things harder for Jisoo. Like Koreans stopped talking much about Jisoo since LAST WEEK. Episode 2 criticism didn't even involve her. Ep 3, no Jisoo criticism, many on the writer. Yet I-Blinks just think its a good idea to bring up Jisoo as the center of the controversy just like yours truly in every mention of Snowdrop.

    For real in this drama, if people are interested not because of Jisoo, THAT IS A GOOD THING. Because it puts her out of the controversy. There will be no blame on her for inserting her large number of i-fans into a controversial drama. Yet you just want her in the middle of it.

  • Nobody in Korea cares about this manufactured scandal. Seriously. Online petitions are worthless, Knetz are even more worthless. Koreans got more important things to worry about than a mfing K drama lol.

    Nobody cares? Is that why the JTBC studio head is currently trying to grovel to the victims' families right now?

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  • And if they cancel Snowdrop, they will have to cancel the drama planned to air after Snowdrop which has a similar issue and is already half way through production. That's too much lost money. They already paid the production costs and it's a paid channel. I highly doubt they'll pull it unless it drops to under 0% and even then they may let it keep going.

    They already suspended filming of "Until the Morning Comes"

  • Yes, usually productions with bad ratings only needed to cover lost that cost 4 episode cancellation but for Snowdrop, they also lost sponsors and they also had to prepare money for any future legalities with those sponsors that comes after the drama ends, etc etc. It depends on how much the producers is willing to cover for it's loss.

    Better is actually for the show to get cancelled earlier and Jisoo to start fresh with another drama. I think this is where fans don't get it, she could do without Snowdrop. Jung Haein is already on the verge to lose all his credibility as an actor in Korea just because of one interview he did about the drama. He is more of the face of Snowdrop, not Jisoo, what is blasted on Pann, Naver etc is not Jisoo, its mainly the male lead.

    So in the meantime that Jisoo is not exactly as hated as Jung Haein, and terms like "Red Wing Queen Jisoo" from international fans doesn't make its way to Korea, I would prefer if everything just end right now.

    Jung Haein will be fine, Jisoo will be fine too, i swear some of you act like they killed somebody, some knetz are in hot waters because the drama in airing right now, give it 3 months and majority will forget about this drama, is pretty dramatic to say " lose all his credibility as an actor" is really not that big deal, stupid decision to take the drama, people could call him stupid as they want but he didn't do anything bad lmao, as for Jisoo, fans are making it worst for her but again, is not that bad, people are gonna forget before their next BP comebacl.

  • Yes, usually productions with bad ratings only needed to cover lost that cost 4 episode cancellation but for Snowdrop, they also lost sponsors and they also had to prepare money for any future legalities with those sponsors that comes after the drama ends, etc etc. It depends on how much the producers is willing to cover for it's loss.

    Better is actually for the show to get cancelled earlier and Jisoo to start fresh with another drama. I think this is where fans don't get it, she could do without Snowdrop. Jung Haein is already on the verge to lose all his credibility as an actor in Korea just because of one interview he did about the drama. He is more of the face of Snowdrop, not Jisoo, what is blasted on Pann, Naver etc is not Jisoo, its mainly the male lead.

    So in the meantime that Jisoo is not exactly as hated as Jung Haein, and terms like "Red Wing Queen Jisoo" from international fans doesn't make its way to Korea, I would prefer if everything just end right now.

    even though it didn't do well in korea but internationally it is doing great so it is not good to cancel the drama after all jisoo and bp popularity lean to more international popularity than korea

  • Nobody cares? Is that why the JTBC studio head is currently trying to grovel to the victims' families right now?

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    I'm talking about the general public. Of course victims will care. But they're like a tiny minority of the population. The average Korean dont give two tin shits about the scandal, they got like 10000 other real world problems to worry about over there. Crying about a Kdrama is only a priority among these families and those who got a score to settle with Yang Hyun Suck.

  • Comparing Snowdrops ratings to other JTBC shows is like comparing how much the Avengers makes at the box office versus Antman. I watched Lost and it's incredibly low key and would have barely cost any money, it's a show made for the critics and it has done well there, can expect it'll pick up a few awards.

    Snowdrop in comparison is a blockbuster with a lot of money behind it with a huge cast so would have been aimed at the masses. SK love historical epic type shows.

    @@@7b34ead3-fce9-4de4-b1a4-5b3e40023db4@@@.8% is low but I can imagine it's more to do with it being a one-off Friday broadcast so not everyone would have known that, on top of it overlapping with The Red Sleeve so it probably didn't max out its live viewers anyhow.

  • I'm talking about the general public. Of course victims will care. But they're like a tiny minority of the population. The average Korean dont give two tin shits about the scandal, they got like 10000 other real world problems to worry about over there. Crying about a Kdrama is only a priority among these families and those who got a score to settle with Yang Hyun Suck.

    If you think a huge company like JTBC would talk with someone they pissed due to a small scandal that nobody cares, you are too innocent.

  • I'm talking about the general public. Of course victims will care. But they're like a tiny minority of the population. The average Korean dont give two tin shits about the scandal, they got like 10000 other real world problems to worry about over there. Crying about a Kdrama is only a priority among these families and those who got a score to settle with Yang Hyun Suck.

    Do you even live in Korea ???? Are you that dumb ????

  • Jung Haein will be fine, Jisoo will be fine too, i swear some of you act like they killed somebody, some knetz are in hot waters because the drama in airing right now, give it 3 months and majority will forget about this drama, is pretty dramatic to say " lose all his credibility as an actor" is really not that big deal, stupid decision to take the drama, people could call him stupid as they want but he didn't do anything bad lmao, as for Jisoo, fans are making it worst for her but again, is not that bad, people are gonna forget before their next BP comebacl.

    Jung Haein's negative pann post on his "himbo" interview is receiving more and more likes actually as we speak thats why his fans are concerned. Being "the actor who doesn't know history" is not a good image.

    Jisoo will be fine. Thank God knetz were too busy critisizing the drama itself and doesn't latch on whatever is happening on twitter. Yet I stand on my word stating I Blinks have got to stop pulling her in the middle of it. Now knetz are targetting the writer, just let that happen over there, not call out "Hey but its because of Jisoo you attack the drama right".

  • even though it didn't do well in korea but internationally it is doing great so it is not good to cancel the drama after all jisoo and bp popularity lean to more international popularity than korea

    Most i-fans currently use illegal sites to watch Snowdrop because not many has Disney+. So it really didn't matter if its internationally popular.

  • Nobody cares? Is that why the JTBC studio head is currently trying to grovel to the victims' families right now?

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    Oh wow. I just imagined the head of the JTBC studio who probably have his coat and tie, shiny shoes, riding in a fancy car with a driver meting the victim's family saying "I understand your hurt but please let the drama run. We don't mean it".

    If the scenario is close to what I imagined, what a dick.

  • I’m going to speak candidly. Snowdrop’s controversy was simply a stepping stone in a broader political battle. Because Jisoo was a part of BP, a group of people decided this was their next target for “historical distortion” discussion that started last year basically. SD was a visible target. Why else would an unaired drama script and the whole plot and character summaries be aired to all the internet? If Jisoo wasn’t in this drama, there wouldn’t be nearly this much interest in it. A bandwagon happened and there was jump to pick a side and usually the side with the pitchforks is pretty convincing.

    BP/Jisoo lose nothing. Their endorsements and CFs remained up and Korea is quick to pull those if the controversy was that bad. Ultimately, the drama will do fine. These ratings are fine and in line with JTBC’s this year. They could go up or down, but the job is already done. They put a negative connotation on the show. The “historical distortion” is probably not black and white and the truth is in the middle, but that doesn’t matter. SD will air, probably do okay-ish, and still be nit-picked along the way. Those that hate BP get their clicks and views. Long story short, Snowdrop is just a step in a journey. In 4-6 months, they’ll be another crusade against another drama, and Im sure the actors in SD will stay away from ANYTHING not centered in the present for a while. LMAO.

    You're giving BP more power than they actually have k-netz talked most about Jung Hae-in and the production crew than jisoo I-fans are the ones who put all their focus on Jisoo because they're more familiar with her

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