Yall I just spent 2 hours looking over these groups + around a dozen more that I thought were potential contenders and here's what I came up with. Feel free to disagree, but I think a majority of these belong here without any question whatsoever. I had to make several super close cuts. Also keep in mind, for the criteria, I took into account the OVERALL vocal prowess of a group. There was a few candidates that had several members with decent voices but nobody was AMAZING, and then others with one great singer and then pretty much nobody else. For the most part, that isn't the case for a single one of these groups anyways. Hopefully this produces some discussion.
Anyways....my top ten list:
2. EXO
6. B1A4
7. Pentagon
8. NCT
9. Seventeen
10. F.T Island
Most honorable mentions list: N.Flying, Day6, 2PM, 2AM, Infinite, Highlight, ACE
For the sake of myself and others, I didn't include 1st gen groups becauseee I just didn't and I'm too young to care.