Songs everyone likes that you don't?
dddd. I actually think it's BP's worst song, HATE the chorus
Sorry but Twice Knock Knock. I'm not a big fan of the chorus, but the rest of the song is pretty good
Sorry but Twice Knock Knock. I'm not a big fan of the chorus, but the rest of the song is pretty good
Fistfight in the guild later
Fistfight in the guild later
I better check to see it is not going to be too intese
Fistfight in the guild later
Spring Day is ok, but Magic Shop is 10000x better.
I never ever ever understood the love for TT, it's the only Twice title i actively dislike. The beat is all kinds of messed up, it's undanceable.
D4 is a good song but overrated, KTL and HYLT are far far better.
I dont get the hype for any of IU's songs before 2020, her awesomeness started with Eight and Into the Iland and has continued with Celebrity.
I have never understood the love for Growl, Wolf is so much better.
Gashina has grown on me a bit but i dont like the drop, Heroine and Siren are 10000x better.
I didnt like God's Menu because of the "du du du" part.
Latida is a tad overrated, same with Butterfly. Dun Dun and Why Not are so much better.
Love Sick Girls
Fistfight in the guild later
i DisAGreE iLl FiGHt yOU rIghT heRE rIGhT nOwwW
AIIYL, Love Shot, PWF
Power up
I still don't get the Love Scenario hype.
wE'Ll SeE wITh ThAt STATEment!!!
Similar to OP, just the really popular songs.
AIIYL, Love Shot, PWF
Oh no thanks a lot selfmate you encouraged her.
Okay? You wanna go, I'm gonna make you be like TT when we're through. JYP's going to be Knock Knock Knocking on your door and you're going to be disappointed because we about to GO
Please don't be offended it's a joke we're still friends, right?
of course we're still friends - you can try to convince me but I'm like a rock of immovability
Try your best to convince me then
of course we're still friends - you can try to convince me but I'm like a rock of immovability
Try your best to convince me then
Yeah fx's vibe didn't fit everyone. This reminded me of Sulli tho 😢
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