I made a list for the songs in the first half of the year that surpassed my expectations

Probably my favorite TXT song and it's converted me into a big fan of the group
My goodness, I think they outdid Dreamcatcher with this one and I didn't think that was possible
I LOVE the Big Bang vibes of this song
Cant stop listening to this song
So powerful and very catchy
Unfortunately not everyone has though, some have disappointed me. I've already complained about SM's releases in this thread

SM have had their fair share of not-so-great years. But this year is like NEXT LEVEL bad.
This is legitimately one of the worst songs I have ever heard. I liked Black Mamba and had high hopes, but this is just NOT IT. Composition-wise its a MESS and it's just a bunch of talking. It is beyond me how this song has done so well on the charts. To me, it is proof that Sm can release anything and people will eventually like it, no matter how…
Here are some other releases I didn't really like
Berry Good has nearly a flawless discography of songs I adore and this was the only one I wasn't really feeling, and it's sad that it ended up being their last song ever.
I feel like we have evolved past the generic tropical house EDM beat drop chorus that this song has. Highlight is one of my favorite boy groups ever and that beat drop just kinda ruins the entire song. Leave that in 2017 where it belongs.
Speaking of generic beat drops, though this one doesn't annoy me as much as the Highlight one does, it's still meh. Lilac and Coin were much better
I heard almost nobody talking about this comeback and tbh I found it kinda forgettable too.
Too much talking not even rapping. At least the pre-chorus is catchy.
Of all the songs on this list, I like this one the most. I just LOVED La Di Da so much and this was a downgrade in my opinion. Something about the mixing of the vocals and instrumentals feels off.
It's become a guilty pleasure for me at this point, but the lyrics are just so cringe. Dynamite's lyrics didn't make me cringe as much. Also the word "butter" just makes me squeamish and the phrase smooth like butter is even worse.
They looked good, but I found this comeback kinda boring. Their Japanese release though was fire
After they released my boy group SOTY, they come out with this mess. I find this song annoying.