So, it's true that Hybe trying to replace Nj

  • GayW2EBXEAAyF6f.jpeg

    Updating the thread since well, even Korean side thought that way...

    The translation (sorry if I mistranslated any part, I’m still learning):

    "There was something I thought about. If Illit uses a virtual character on Yt, the team could act as a gateway connecting the Osb universe with the real world.

    With girl groups now hitting 1 million album sales in their first week, it makes sense to group them with Bp, Lsf, Aespa, and Ive.

    I think it’s time to move away from the whole 4th gen narrative. I spent days trying to figure out 'newar' (it feels like a nickname and doesn’t really mean anything in English), but in the end, I think the solution is to drop the 'new'(nickname?) and just create a new version."


    1. Isn’t it odd to leave Nj out of that million seller group when they’re Hybe top girl groups?

    2. The way it’s written feels a bit ambiguous. I mean what are they trying to drop?

    Maybe I’m wrong, but this part really made me wonder when I read the report.

  • Blossomin88

    Changed the title of the thread from “I’m not sure if I’m right, but I suspect that this part refers to Nj in Hybe’s leaked document” to “So, it's true that Hybe trying to replace Nj”.
  • I think it’s time to move away from the whole 4th gen narrative. I spent days trying to figure out 'newar' (it feels like a nickname and doesn’t really mean anything in English), but in the end, I think the solution is to drop the 'new'(nickname?) and just create a new version."

    Something to the effect of new-il-le

    NewJeans out, some new Hybe group in



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • Something to the effect of new-il-le

    NewJeans out, some new Hybe group in

    I'll have their tongue for this

    It’s wild that they had this planned back in 2023 after Mhj signed that contract saying she can’t work in the same industry as long as she has shares in Ador (which Hybe has to approve for her to sell). They probably saw how big Get Up blew up and decided to make a move. It's pretty messed up, and NJ is just trying to protect their careers because they really have nothing to lose. Hybe is already trying to push them out, and they can't simply walk out from that company. Poor girls

  • It’s wild that they had this planned back in 2023 after Mhj signed that contract saying she can’t work in the same industry as long as she has shares in Ador (which Hybe has to approve for her to sell). They probably saw how big Get Up blew up and decided to make a move. It's pretty messed up, and NJ is just trying to protect their careers because they really have nothing to lose. Hybe is already trying to push them out, and they can't simply walk out from that company. Poor girls

    Honestly its good that all this is getting revealed. It will greatly help in newjeans' lawsuit to terminate their contracts with hybe if it reaches that point

  • It’s wild that they had this planned back in 2023 after Mhj signed that contract saying she can’t work in the same industry as long as she has shares in Ador (which Hybe has to approve for her to sell). They probably saw how big Get Up blew up and decided to make a move. It's pretty messed up, and NJ is just trying to protect their careers because they really have nothing to lose. Hybe is already trying to push them out, and they can't simply walk out from that company. Poor girls

    It's worse, this was dated right before Get Up came out.

    Makes me think of how Bang PD mocked NewJeans finally charting on hot100 with OMG. Frail little man



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • Wait, omg yes I really thought it's after Get up. His western obsession really that bad if one hot 100 entry can make him destroying a whole successful group under him

    The man is in his 50s and has to pay women to be around him. I am simply not surprised



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • I really have a mind to tag all those Hybe stans masquerading as concerned Illit fans that said NewJeans were bullies for siding with MHJ, filing that complaint and Hanni should have shut up and allowed herself to be ostracized by Belift staff



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • I really have a mind to tag all those Hybe stans masquerading as concerned Illit fans that said NewJeans were bullies for siding with MHJ, filing that complaint and Hanni should have shut up and allowed herself to be ostracized by Belift staff

    I just checked Twitter for the first time in a few months just to see their reaction, and guess what? They're still saying it's MHJ's and NJ's fault that Hybe wants to destroy them. And they claiming all of this is Mhj's media play to overshadow Jin's comeback and dragging Bts down. Crazy people

  • Even Hybe don't like their music, they would do kpop a benefit to remove NJ and their boring music.

    I don't understand why people still choose to be vile, even as a joke. Pick a better joke please. These girls are real people, not toys or dolls, and what's happening now could literally destroy them. Their careers are at stake, and it's never an easy situation for anyone , especially teens like them while facing huge backlash in public because of their own company. If any of them end up on the edge because of this, will you still say the same?

  • I just checked Twitter for the first time in a few months just to see their reaction, and guess what? They're still saying it's MHJ's and NJ's fault that Hybe wants to destroy them. And they claiming all of this is Mhj's media play to overshadow Jin's comeback and dragging Bts down. Crazy people

    What a terrible ship to go down with :peperain:



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

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    This is so messed up!

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  • So NewAhLe means New Jeans, Illit and Le sserafim?

    Why exactly do they hate New Jeans so much? They're their most successful gg. Is it because the group was managed and produced by a woman and doesn't reflect Bang's ideals so he can't take credit for their success?

    This is what I don't get. Is it really saying that? I'd imagine shareholders are more than thrilled to have such a successful group as NewJeans. If that's really what the plan is, clearly it has to be some kind of personal issue because it's obviously not money if they're planning on just throwing away such a huge cash cow.

  • I don't understand one thing, if they disliked newjeans that much. Why did they invest so much in them? I think newjeans is the most well promoted group under hybe and it cannot even due to MHJ only because it's hybe who had connections with lolla, BB and international brands and companies.

  • So NewAhLe means New Jeans, Illit and Le sserafim?

    Why exactly do they hate New Jeans so much? They're their most successful gg. Is it because the group was managed and produced by a woman and doesn't reflect Bang's ideals so he can't take credit for their success?

    This is what I don't get. Is it really saying that? I'd imagine shareholders are more than thrilled to have such a successful group as NewJeans. If that's really what the plan is, clearly it has to be some kind of personal issue because it's obviously not money if they're planning on just throwing away such a huge cash cow.

    There’s a saying: "A man's biggest enemy is his own ego." History has plenty of stories about men’s egos wrecking big empires and civilizations.

    Nj blew up faster than Lsf, which was supposed to be Hybe’s flagship girl group, with big names like Sakura and Chaewon. Look at the chat between him and Mhj right after Omg made it into the Bb hot 100, Bang was furious and reacted coldly instead of congratulating them when Nj is from his own company.

    He had been trying really hard to get txt onto that chart for ages but kept failing, which shows he doesn’t really have the formula for Bts’s success like he claims. To make things worse, his first girl group got outshined by Mhj when he genuinely thought Nj wouldn’t stand a chance at becoming successful because they're not following the current trends of girl crush concept. And losing to a woman probably stung even more, especially given how deep-rooted misogyny is in Korean society.

  • I don't understand one thing, if they disliked newjeans that much. Why did they invest so much in them? I think newjeans is the most well promoted group under hybe and it cannot even due to MHJ only because it's hybe who had connections with lolla, BB and international brands and companies.

    It's not true they invested on them that much, they just invested on them the normal amount. Ador was the most independent label and MHJ made almost all the decisions, she might have contacted with Hybe for some specific things (the Powerpuff girls promo for example), but it's all always planned by Ador itself, not Hybe.

    People need to stop the narrative of Hybe pushing NJ, we literally have screenshoots of Bang PD surprised about Ditto's success and shading NJ because of it, and documents that show they were planning to replace NJ since before the release of Get up, if everything was working this perfectly was thanks to Ador and NJ themselves NOT HYBE.

  • It's not true they invested on them that much, they just invested on them the normal amount. Ador was the most independent label and MHJ made almost all the decisions, she might have contacted with Hybe for some specific things (the Powerpuff girls promo for example), but it's all always planned by Ador itself, not Hybe.

    People need to stop the narrative of Hybe pushing NJ, we literally have screenshoots of Bang PD surprised about Ditto's success and shading NJ because of it, and documents that show they were planning to replace NJ since before the release of Get up, if everything was working this perfectly was thanks to Ador and NJ themselves NOT HYBE.

    I don't follow them closely but brand deals? Lollapalooza? Billboard coverage? TTH? I can name many other gigs which I often was surprised to see newjeans getting instead of lesserafim considering BSH's gg was lesserafim and those gigs were connected to Hybe. I think Hybe shareholders favoured Newjeans while BSH favoured his own GG. And since he stood no chance against shareholders, he'd to promote newjeans more. Can you believe Lesserafim got their first ever TTH entry with crazy? And newjeans got no entry this time, they always get it with their every comeback. Maybe now they're investing in lesserafim more.

  • There’s a saying: "A man's biggest enemy is his own ego." History has plenty of stories about men’s egos wrecking big empires and civilizations.

    Nj blew up faster than Lsf, which was supposed to be Hybe’s flagship girl group, with big names like Sakura and Chaewon. Look at the chat between him and Mhj right after Omg made it into the Bb hot 100, Bang was furious and reacted coldly instead of congratulating them when Nj is from his own company.

    He had been trying really hard to get txt onto that chart for ages but kept failing, which shows he doesn’t really have the formula for Bts’s success like he claims. To make things worse, his first girl group got outshined by Mhj when he genuinely thought Nj wouldn’t stand a chance at becoming successful because they're not following the current trends of girl crush concept. And losing to a woman probably stung even more, especially given how deep-rooted misogyny is in Korean society.

    I remember when BTS got big, initially BSH bragged about the formula . But I do guess at one point, he realized there's no formala and he stopped the narrative and started acquiring other labels.

  • I don't understand one thing, if they disliked newjeans that much. Why did they invest so much in them? I think newjeans is the most well promoted group under hybe and it cannot even due to MHJ only because it's hybe who had connections with lolla, BB and international brands and companies.

    They didn’t invest more in them compare to other groups; Mhj just knows how to budget well, which is why Ador is doing great. And seriously, how are they considered the most well-promoted group in Hybe? It's all seems effective because they're in everyone radar. Nj is the only new girl group under Hybe that doesn’t have MC contracts, barely appears on variety shows, very few fanmeeting and fancalls to promote their cb, and didn’t even have a debut showcase. Even Tokki complaining a lot with how bizzare Mhj promoting them.

    Plus, it’s not all because of Hybe connections. Nj is one of the most popular 4th gen groups, and even without Hybe connection, they can easily got invited to Lollapalooza just like Ive and Stray Kids just because of their popularity alone.

    And not all brand deals they have coming from Hybe hands. Nj will be their last choice for it if it's true. Remember how furious the Hybe ceo was during the "OMG" era when Apple signed with Nj because they didn’t want anyone else? And there was that whole Lv contract they tried to snag from them too. Even now, while they’re fighting with Hybe, none of those brands have dropped the girls, which will be the opposite if they getting all that thanks to Hybe. Not to mention how Lsf unable to get as much as cfs and brand deals if it's all because of Hybe connection. Mhj has been around forever and has her own network, she already said that when people know that she will debuting a gg, tons of brands already reaching out to her.

  • I don't follow them closely but brand deals? Lollapalooza? Billboard coverage? TTH? I can name many other gigs which I often was surprised to see newjeans getting instead of lesserafim considering BSH's gg was lesserafim and those gigs were connected to Hybe. I think Hybe shareholders favoured Newjeans while BSH favoured his own GG. And since he stood no chance against shareholders, he'd to promote newjeans more. Can you believe Lesserafim got their first ever TTH entry with crazy? And newjeans got no entry this time, they always get it with their every comeback. Maybe now they're investing in lesserafim more.

    The brand deals approached NJ, it's also been confirmed a while ago Hybe tried to use some of the brand deals that wanted to work with NJ to move to LSFM.

    TTH is just an evolution of their performance, their songs were charting way better and showing really good longevity without any help, their debuts have always been waaay better than LSFM without TTH. Eventually TTH included Super shy really high in the list but that's because the comeback was really anticipated and it was doing really good, hell they debuted even the b sides and Get up being a 30 secs song with more than 2M streams in that era, no playlisting for those songs. If Hybe made any decision here to favour NJ, it was a forced decision because NJ was doing way better than the rest and they had no other option.

    NJ went to Lollapalloza after the success of Ditto/OMG and the Get up album, LSFM went to Coachella with way less achievements, not even close to what NJ was doing in 2023. If they wanted to send any of their groups to one of these festivals they had to send NJ to one first or they boycott would be the most obvious thing ever.

    The truth is that NJ has been way ahead of their peers since the debut and it made a situation that Bang PD didn't like. Yes they were getting more things than the others but it was a simple consequence of putting themselves on the top of the industry with just the debut.

  • I remember when BTS got big, initially BSH bragged about the formula . But I do guess at one point, he realized there's no formala and he stopped the narrative and started acquiring other labels.

    It's pretty obvious that BSH got no formula.
    He started acquiring labels in 2019 because he knows he can't only rely on 1 group and the multilabel structure backfired at him.

  • Holy crap, I remember when NewJeans got snubbed for Favorite New Artist at 2022 MAMA because they didn't 'sell a million records', despite performing both days, starting the MAMA / NewJeans beef.

    And in the HYBE document, it talks about it 'million sellers' while leaving out NewJeans. WOW. HYBE snubbed NewJeans from MAMA to highlight Le Serrafim instead of NewJeans. This is insane. It's been happening since 2022.

  • The New-I-Le are referring to HYBE own trio groups. The knetizens were confused and though the I should be IVE.

    But they clearly want 'New' i.e. NJ to be replaced. Stupid HYBE to be so ego to want the most successful out of the trio to be replaced

  • I can understand wanting to recreate NJ's success for another group, but why would they try to replace NJ with this group before the conflict even started? Was NJ intended to be just an experiment? HYBE did seem serious about NJ until 2023, so I'm confused.

    Hybe had problems with NJ since before the debut, it's what MHJ has been saying for months, it's what NJ was trying to explain in their live. This is not something new, they've always prefered their other groups, and the success of NJ just made it worse.

  • Hybe had problems with NJ since before the debut, it's what MHJ has been saying for months, it's what NJ was trying to explain in their live. This is not something new, they've always prefered their other groups, and the success of NJ just made it worse.

    I'm out of the loop. Why did HYBE have problems with NJ before debut?

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • I'm out of the loop. Why did HYBE have problems with NJ before debut?

    Really really summarized but you can get the idea.

    They promised MHJ her gg was going to be the first gg to debut under Hybe, then they signed Sakura and Chaewon and broke their promise to debut them first. MHJ complained obviously and that's where the conflicts started.

    They were also against the concept of the group and they said they were going to fail, so obviously the debut slaying that much was a big surprise, and the fact that it was all planned by MHJ without Bang PD deciding anything started the ridiculous jealousy situation that evolved eventually.

  • Really really summarized but you can get the idea.

    They promised MHJ her gg was going to be the first gg to debut under Hybe, then they signed Sakura and Chaewon and broke their promise to debut them first. MHJ complained obviously and that's where the conflicts started.

    They were also against the concept of the group and they said they were going to fail, so obviously the debut slaying that much was a big surprise, and the fact that it was all planned by MHJ without Bang PD deciding anything started the ridiculous jealousy situation that evolved eventually.

    You all really think BSH would let some outsider have first hybe gg under hybe? Newjeans was never supposed to be solely MHJ GG, yes she was promised a label and GG after she's done creating a gg for "bighit under soumu". BSH was supposed to be executive producer, soumu for management and MHj as creative director.

  • So NewAhLe means New Jeans, Illit and Le sserafim?

    Why exactly do they hate New Jeans so much? They're their most successful gg. Is it because the group was managed and produced by a woman and doesn't reflect Bang's ideals so he can't take credit for their success?

    Illit concept not made until mid to end 23, so NewILe should be New Jeans, Ive ,and Leserra as 4th gen group.

  • You all really think BSH would let some outsider have first hybe gg under hybe? Newjeans was never supposed to be solely MHJ GG, yes she was promised a label and GG after she's done creating a gg for "bighit under soumu". BSH was supposed to be executive producer, soumu for management and MHj as creative director.

    It's not. 2019 bighit statement confirm that first Hybe GG is MHJ GG, despite which label it would be under. Which MHJ committed to it until BSH decided to replace the trainee for 2 years with new non-trainee member. MHJ wanted to quit but PJW tried bridging between MHJ and BSH and compromised that trainee would be moved to Ador, leserra with Sakura and chaewon would be the first hyve GG. At that time MHJ was invited to Yoo show, and PJW asked her to said something ambiguous to cover up that Hybe first GG would not be MHJ GG. This was due to MHJ name, and the mass anticipated of her GG since bighit statement in 2019.

  • I can understand wanting to recreate NJ's success for another group, but why would they try to replace NJ with this group before the conflict even started? Was NJ intended to be just an experiment? HYBE did seem serious about NJ until 2023, so I'm confused.

    Hybe employees on Blind: all female groups are experiment anyway since they don't profit that well.

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