Regardless whether you like Wonyoung or not you have to admit that her current personality is fake
She is just playing the game well
Every single idol has to be Cognizant of how they Viewed and constantly Aware of how they could be portrayed at all times especially when that idol is the Face of their Group and people's impressions of them could dramatically alter the Fortunes of the Group and maybe even the Company
She can't be completely relaxed and "herself" at any point
It is the same way How many of the things you would do and say amongst Friends in your free time you would never dream of doing Infront of your Boss at Work or Clients of that Business
The simple fact that you never see Idols arguing about petty things with their Label mates in Public when you know every single relationship from Siblings to Romantic has disagreements means ALL Kpop Idols are "FAKE"
Fake or not, people are buying it and its working!
oh yeah bc all the other idols are sincere and true to themselves
And that's extremely smart of her. She's deliberately choosing how ppl perceive her and picking the reasons she wants to be hated for instead of making people judge her based on who she truly is. She's in control on how people perceive her, not the opposite. And making tons of money and creating buzz everywhere in the process. She's a genius tbh.
All other idols fake who they are for job purpose, but only Wonyoung knows how to truly profit from her fake persona.
When Wonyoung retires, she'll be like Sunny giving tips to other idols
I doubt it. She doesn't seem to be girl's girl as in see everybody's either not equal or a potential competition. It's hilarious how wonyoung and yujin duo stans celebrate everytime they interact with each other.
Because it's crazy how Sullyoon was fan girling and praising her just to end up sharing how they didn't even talk during filming content for mama even though they sat right next to each other.
To op: I don't believe she's this angel everyone loves to claim her to be. She's a human. She's been shady on camera multiple times but due to excessive hate, annoying people act like she can't be criticized or be the topic of gossip.
Although everyone's fake af. What's annoying about her is her faking this creepy voice when her real voice is deep af. It's like she refuses to grow up when she tried to pretended to "accidentally" call Rei "unnie".
She's like those weirdo female streamers who fake their voices to attract pedo watchers to make money.
Breaking news, Idols real personality is not what they present to their fans.
Up dates at 10 pm.
Breaking news, Idols real personality is not what they present to their fans.
Up dates at 10 pm.
iuno man, they all seem genuine. i think they all have a thing for me.
Only oppars/unnies are genuine
They went to kindergarten together and received a lot of hate when they were flops
Whatever, she is pretty and charming, she doesn't need a personality and the current numbers show that.
Think she’s 18
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