In honor of Pikachu-Senpai, all badges from this event will be discounted.
She purchased the full set of these, and it is unfortunate that she will not be able to see them.
In her honor, let us recognize her kind spirit and generosity.
She will be greatly missed.
Don't miss out on the bundle if interested!
All proceeds made from this event, and any other purchases/events in June, will be donated to Pikachu-Senpai 's family in their time of need.
[1000 950]
[750 700]
Or bundle all FOUR individual badges for 750*
NOTE: The bundle will put you into a temporary membership. Please refresh the Pinkchella LE shop page after this to download the badges
Available for 48 hours
Purchase all badges on the Pinkchella LE page.
Users who pre-ordered will see a free PRE-ORDER download.