Brand deals ruins Kpop? 29
No (17) 59%
Yes (8) 28%
Maybe (4) 14%
There, I said it! I feel this way for many years.
So, my problem isn't really that agencies making deals with fashion and other brands. The real problem is that in the past couple of years, it's more important (at least in the mainstream part of Kpop) than the music itself. Groups right after or even before their debut making deals with big brands, and most importantly, fans arguing about which group is the best, because of that. They're literally saying, if a group don't have many (or any) deals, they're flops, and the biggest ones are obviously the ones with the most deals, so they're the best group and the most influential as well.
Like I said, I don't care about brands, companies have to make money, and let's be real, Tiktok songs won't generate them enough cash, but what's happening in Kpop fandom field is MADNESS! For many fans, brand deals are more important than the quality of the songs. I honestly think, SOME "FANS" pick groups based on how many brand deals they have.
My honest opinion, or more like a wish, is that I hope these brand deals will evaporate one day, because mainstream Kpop looks more like "Korea's Next Top Model" rather than a Music Industry, and it's affecting the whole industry.
What do you think?