I thought the AKP Once meltdowns last weekend were bad but SHEESH I was wrong

  • Has anyone visited pretty much any other platform that discusses K-Pop? I've never seen so much coping and so many mental breakdowns.

    The discourse on Twice's legacy somehow found a way to overshadow even the mass hate campaign targeted at LSF during their comeback week (what a clown show that was).

    And it's not even limited to just i-fans. The noise and negativity has been so loud, even within the Korean fandom, that Jihyo herself had to address it and try to put out the fires.

    I don't know what specifically about this comeback triggered you, Onces, but are you okay? pepe-ooh

  • They at least have their world tour to fallback to.

    At least for now.

  • what happened? i only go on akp and sometimes twitter.

    tl;dr Onces are attacking Onces, especially on X, for not doing enough to support Twice's latest comeback, and reddit is filled with essays about either why Twice is underperforming or why Twice's numbers don't matter any more

    What did Jihyo say?

    Basically told Onces to stop being angry at JYP and to just enjoy the music they release, because Twice won't be around forever. That's my understanding at least.

  • Basically told Onces to stop being angry at JYP and to just enjoy the music they release, because Twice won't be around forever. That's my understanding at least.

    They are always angry at everyone. At JYPE, at other JYP groups, at non-JYP groups, some even at TWICE members themselves. Don't know how they handle so much anger. Must be tough.

  • Once can just come the Fdown and appreciate queen Tzuyu.


  • People just need to realize all careers come to an end, especially group careers. They had a good run, now they are in pure money grab territory, trying to make sure they don't have to work another day in their lives.

  • didnt even know about this until this thread. I've only been enjoying the album and performances, and thats about it

    Feeling so much anger during a comeback is absurd, and this is applicable to any fandom out there, not exclusive to Once. I hope people will grow up, start realizing they're wasting their precious time in things that wont matter in the grand scheme of things, and stop being so angry and making music/entertainment into a chore. Stop living life through others' achievements - the girls are doing more than just fine.

  • I know this isn't the first Once freakout, but it's the largest scale one I've seen.

    The mental whiplash of expectations falling way short of reality appears to have been too much for Onces to handle, and the outraged outcry was loud enough for Jihyo to notice it and comment.

    I know I'll find another dissertation on the state of Twice if I go to any K-Pop subreddit.

    The surprising part is that most of the noise is internal, fans fighting other fans.

    Meanwhile I'm like :pepe-popcorn:

  • You really have nothing better to do than compose troll threads like this one, don't you? It's kinda sad, not gonna lie. And the equally salty responses are only showing just how relevant Twice still are.

    And Blackpink are doing what exactly? Oh, right... nothing. And they'll be doing nothing for the foreseeable future. ¬‿¬

    You see, I thought salty, emotionally hurt reactions like yours was peak crisis mode, but it can't hold a candle to the reading material Onces are providing me outside of AKP.

    This isn't a troll thread, or is Jihyo a troll for bringing attention to the same topic herself? :pepe-use-head:

  • You see, I thought salty, emotionally hurt reactions like yours was peak crisis mode, but it can't hold a candle to the reading material Onces are providing me outside of AKP.

    This isn't a troll thread, or is Jihyo a troll for bringing attention to the same topic herself? :pepe-use-head:

    Nah, you're 100% a troll. Please do us all a favor and find a hobby (besides browsing various Internet discussions about your favorite group, Twice.) Any hobby will do, so long as it keeps you occupied and doesn't endanger anyone.

  • Nah, you're 100% a troll. Please do us all a favor and find a hobby (besides browsing various Internet discussions about your favorite group, Twice.) Any hobby will do, so long as it keeps you occupied and doesn't endanger anyone.

    Awwww, did the subject matter trigger you that badly? Maybe I'll stop making threads about Twice if you give enough facepalm reactions to everyone.

    This "hobby" demands very little of my time, and can be multitasked pretty easily, so I'm afraid your request is denied.

    But if calling me a troll makes you feel better about my calling attention to something that even a Twice member called out Onces for, so be it.

    Guilty as charged

  • You can't stop talking about Twice. That's what you're guilty of. You must secretly love them. There's no other logical explanation. This entire forum can't stop talking about them, even when they're supposedly "flops." Everyone wishes they could flop like Twice, the belles of the ball.

  • You can't stop talking about Twice. That's what you're guilty of. You must secretly love them. There's no other logical explanation. This entire forum can't stop talking about them, even when they're supposedly "flops." Everyone wishes they could flop like Twice, the belles of the ball.

    Yep. It's just antis. Sure. Thrice we're called, right? Except the worst fighting is happening IN the fandom, which is why Jihyo herself felt the need to speak on it.

    Just to see if it's actually me who can't stop talking about Twice (and give me a break with the hackneyed persecution complex), I just hopped on a random K-Pop subreddit to see if another Twice thread popped up

    Lo and behold. The latest conversation.

    From the kpopthoughts community on Reddit
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    We're averaging an essay a day. Twitter is much, much worse.

  • Like I said, you can never get enough of a Twice fix. You're only proving me more right with each post. I couldn't care less about reading some rando's essay on their perceptions of the fandom.

  • Like I said, you can never get enough of a Twice fix. You're only proving me more right with each post. I couldn't care less about reading some rando's essay on their perceptions of the fandom.

    That's just one more thing you don't have in common with Jihyo :pepe-shrug:

    But good for you, I guess. I admire your ambivalence in the wake of your fandom burning to the ground from the inside due to all the in fighting.

  • Tbh SM Stan’s have “talent” they cling to. Even if they flop spectacularly their fans will hold on to the narrative that their favs are more talented and have more “legacy”. YG Stan’s hold on to their swag and style and impact in fashion and Korean GP.

    The truth is JYP acts don’t have lasting legacy. And JYP is also not interested in maintaining the relevance of his legacy acts.

    This impacts twice too because they don’t have an influx of new and old company Stan’s who can speak on their behalf and keep their legacy afloat.

    Like BP Stan’s will boast about the legacy of 2ne1 and BB and SM Stan’s will boast about SNSD and TVXQ. But I’ve never seen a twice fan boast about 2PM nor the other way round even tho 2PM was one of the biggest acts of 2nd gen. Same for wonder girls etc.

    Company Stan’s are required to maintain legacy no two ways about it. And JYP did not cultivate that. And twice will face the consequences of that where their legacy will constantly be questioned.

  • https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/s/Iq1lF0IUiT

    We're averaging an essay a day. Twitter is much, much worse.

    "Other than the music, I think people are missing the main problem here, which is that the general public moved on from Twice, they might have the best music in the world and they still would never chart as well. They might even get impressive promotions, they still wouldn't chart as well, unless they somehow end up with a song going viral on tiktok.

    Then we can wonder why the public moved on. Part of it is natural, people look for newer artists. Part of it is Jype's lack of readiness in giving Twice more variety (in their concept, music etc.) as well as pushing their solo debuts so late... Surely they need to do something with their producers as well as realizing that the kpop industry doesn't work like 10 years ago."

    This is a realistic and honest take, rare for reddit, even rarer for kpop discussion. Way better than what Once Twitter is up to.

  • The truth is JYP acts don’t have lasting legacy. And JYP is also not interested in maintaining the relevance of his legacy acts.


    Company Stan’s are required to maintain legacy no two ways about it. And JYP did not cultivate that. And twice will face the consequences of that where their legacy will constantly be questioned.

    Agreed, I'd even argue that the only legacy JYP is interested in is the legacy of JYP himself. Everything in the pyramid is conveniently there for him to keep his face out there.

  • I don't know if if fully agree with your take (let's be honest; I rarely do), but I can see and say that Sones handled the decline of SNSD much, much better than Onces have handled Twice's decline, and anyone who was around for the transition from SNSD to Twice knows how ironic that is.

    And the writer is a new Once. Relatively speaking.

    I think the biggest coping and angst comes from the Onces who have been fans since Twice was on top of the K-Pop world. It's the height from which Twice has fallen that hurts more than anything, especially when BlackPink can still pull ridiculous global streams and hold off NewJeans (for now) while Red Velvet can still perform admirably in Korea for a 10 year old group.

    It's a tough limbo to be in, if you can't just be happy your favorite group is even still releasing music.

  • I don't know if if fully agree with your take (let's be honest; I rarely do), but I can see and say that Sones handled the decline of SNSD much, much better than Onces have handled Twice's decline, and anyone who was around for the transition from SNSD to Twice knows how ironic that is.

    It's not ironic, it's total BS. To this day, SNSD fans still pretend they haven't been surpassed. ^^

  • You don't know many Sones then. And you're actually proving my point by even trying to make that distinction; their legacy was surpassed just as much as their popularity. But they'll never admit it.

    Yes and? ;-)

    Sones only had the level of angst and infighting I'm seeing from Onces when Jessica got kicked out the group.

    I'm reading the responses to that thread I linked and it's some piping hot :pepe-tea:

    Make me public enemy #1 if you want to, but I'm not the one spamming outraged messages to the members on Bubble and sending protest trucks to JYP.

    I'm just an amused bystander and wondered if anyone else at AKP noticed the fireworks

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