Your 3 least favorite title tracks 51
Scientist (19) 37%
Signal (17) 33%
More & More (17) 33%
Heartshaker (11) 22%
Alcohol Free (10) 20%
Knock Knock (8) 16%
Yes or Yes (7) 14%
Like Ohh Ahh (5) 10%
Cheer Up (4) 8%
Likey (4) 8%
Dance The Night Away (4) 8%
Feel Special (3) 6%
I Can't Stop Me (3) 6%
TT (2) 4%
What is Love (2) 4%
The Feels (2) 4%
Fancy (1) 2%
I vote for Scientist and M&M. I used to hate Yes or Yes but it grew on me after a while.