please add me!
Posts by Lisaaaaa
Can I join please??
Btw here's the taglist if you need it
1. 555_others
2. Afya
3. ahparkchaeyoung
4. alexkat
5. @angrybib
6. anne_jay
7. anonymous-weeb
8. antonbsims
9. azhra-0110
10. Babybluehun0327
11. babymon-gals
12. baejoohyunniee
13. bakko23
14. berryeri
15. bigbangteamb
16. birdofparadise82
17. blackpink_lover
18. BlackpinkTwice11
19. BlinkBaby
20. blinkot4
21. blueflavor
22. bobjoe
23. Buljanpink
24. carrotcakes
25. chaeyoungblink
26. Chaittra
27. Cherries_Bombed
28. chilean-stan1
29. chuusaintyves
30. citron-icy
31. Cold_Wave
32. CommonSenseB
33. contentious
34. covid-97
35. Cringe_fest
36. DaisyTheGenuine
37. dalhyablink
38. De_rerum_natura
39. deliliah
40. demonjo
41. Dvxxl
42. dystopia123
43. egb-musiclover
44. EjellieBean
45. estevam
46. f182
47. fdblink
48. ForgottenSoul
49. gg-mouthpiece
50. giantload
51. girlgroupstan21
52. glowello
53. gtfoh4real
54. guccilia
55. hagiri
56. Haolat
57. HardcoreBLINK
58. hardcore-once-01
59. Hermes1
60. huRRicane8
61. hyewon-kang
62. Hyoeulgi
63. icequeen56
64. icyruios
65. In2ManyFandoms
66. in-your-area
67. itiswhatitisss
68. jadedcraze
69. jaguars3
70. jeeecoooo
71. jenniesbtch
72. @Jensetter
73. jentle-home
74. Jichu
75. Joshy0714
76. joyride
77. justscrolling
78. jxacqueline
79. KatyRae101
80. Khayinurarea
81. KiKah
82. kimmiestarlight
83. kingkook
84. number-one
86. KookievsCookie
87. kpopace26
88. kpopfantototo
89. kristalli0109
90. ladies-code
91. lalandroses
92. lawalpha
93. leneny
94. Lilina
95. LilyM
96. Lisaaaaa
97. littlemissnoname
98. loneranger1
99. lovable-15
100. LYNNinyourarea
101. mal-y
102. manikanta
103. Mannyru
104. MariahLoverboy
105. MassiveKpopFan
106. Mia92
107. miniminhee
108. miss-inyourarea
109. miyare
110. miyukis0404
111. mkamoh
112. mlee555
113. mochichu
114. moila
115. MotoMoto_Hyung
116. mparserz
117. mr1962
118. MrBungle
119. Munch_kin
120. NanM
121. NBW
122. nccm1
123. Nikon
124. noisecream
125. notacutie
126. notgeorge
127. NovaLuna
128. nugubaldies
129. obok
130. onesone
131. Oooooooogah
132. Orenjihiru
133. perlagris
134. pinkareu
135. pleasedonthelpme
136. PLKP
137. pradaboy
138. princesslia20
139. purpleyellow
140. QueenMaknae27
141. qwerty122345
142. ramyeontan
143. red-vanilla
144. Twicegraphy
145. reptillianrappe
146. roseandyouroppas
147. rosseannepark
148. rosulgi
149. Ruqi_Deen
150. sachsach
151. @SailorVenus
152. sakura222
153. Salalalala
154. samaira-reddy
155. SandyBee3
156. sek_c
157. selectivelysocia
158. sheryllee3
159. shutduhfullcup
160. Skyliv
161. Slayurfaves
162. Solarsido
163. Solus
164. sserenity
165. SternRitter
166. sunshinetea
167. tasha101
168. @tesswiwiblink
169. th2411
170. the3rdtWin
171. TheLadybug
172. theseagoat
173. tomiee
174. tornpet
175. Tuturuu
176. TwiceSone
177. @tzuyusakgae
178. utenteitaliano
179. Valenttinna
180. VenerableBede
181. Violet_Honey
182. vip_yg_stan
183. Water_oWl
184. WBSBGos
185. WeepingAngel
186. Wench
187. whatev
188. XaaaaX
189. xoxcandycanexoxo
190. Yang1987
191. yuiopqwrt
192. Yunnieex -
Hello BLINKs, both new and old users! It's your blandest co-fan again! Due to the closure of the old forum, we have lost our taglist thread and therefore need a new one.
This taglist contains all those who were tagged in the old forum. Please reply or vote in the poll if you'd like to stay in the taglist, be removed, or be added! If you are new, a taglist is a list of people who follow a certain artist and would like to stay updated on them.
And never forget, we BLINK for BLACKPINK and BLACKPINK only.
5. @angrybib
6. anne_jay
8. antonbsims
9. azhra-0110
10. Babybluehun0327
11. babymon-gals
12. baejoohyunniee
13. bakko23
14. berryeri
15. bigbangteamb
16. birdofparadise82
17. blackpink_lover
18. BlackpinkTwice11
19. BlinkBaby
21. blueflavor
22. bobjoe
23. Buljanpink
24. carrotcakes
25. chaeyoungblink
27. Cherries_Bombed
28. chilean-stan1
29. chuusaintyves
30. citron-icy
31. Cold_Wave
32. CommonSenseB
33. contentious
34. covid-97
35. Cringe_fest
36. DaisyTheGenuine
37. dalhyablink
38. De_rerum_natura
39. deliliah
40. demonjo
41. Dvxxl
42. dystopia123
43. egb-musiclover
44. EjellieBean
45. estevam
46. f182
47. fdblink
48. ForgottenSoul
49. gg-mouthpiece
50. giantload
51. girlgroupstan21
52. glowello
53. gtfoh4real
54. guccilia
55. hagiri
56. Haolat
57. HardcoreBLINK
58. hardcore-once-01
59. Hermes1
60. huRRicane8
61. hyewon-kang
62. Hyoeulgi
63. icequeen56
64. icyruios
65. In2ManyFandoms
66. in-your-area
67. itiswhatitisss
68. jadedcraze
69. jaguars3
70. jeeecoooo
71. jenniesbtch
72. @Jensetter
73. jentle-home
74. Jichu
75. Joshy0714
76. joyride
77. justscrolling
78. jxacqueline
79. KatyRae101
80. Khayinurarea
81. KiKah
82. kimmiestarlight
83. kingkook
84. number-one
86. KookievsCookie
87. kpopace26
88. kpopfantototo
89. kristalli0109
90. ladies-code
91. lalandroses
92. lawalpha
93. leneny
94. Lilina
95. LilyM
96. Lisaaaaa
97. littlemissnoname
98. loneranger1
99. lovable-15
100. LYNNinyourarea
101. mal-y
102. manikanta
103. Mannyru
104. MariahLoverboy
105. MassiveKpopFan
106. Mia92
107. miniminhee
108. miss-inyourarea
109. miyare
110. miyukis0404
111. mkamoh
112. mlee555
113. mochichu
114. moila
115. MotoMoto_Hyung
116. mparserz
117. mr1962
118. MrBungle
119. Munch_kin
120. NanM
121. NBW
122. nccm1
123. Nikon
124. noisecream
125. notacutie
126. notgeorge
127. NovaLuna
128. nugubaldies
129. obok
130. onesone
131. Oooooooogah
132. Orenjihiru
133. perlagris
134. pinkareu
135. pleasedonthelpme
136. PLKP
137. pradaboy
138. princesslia20
139. purpleyellow
140. QueenMaknae27
141. qwerty122345
142. ramyeontan
143. red-vanilla
144. Twicegraphy
145. reptillianrappe
146. roseandyouroppas
147. rosseannepark
148. rosulgi
149. Ruqi_Deen
150. sachsach
151. @SailorVenus
152. sakura222
153. Salalalala
154. samaira-reddy
155. SandyBee3
156. sek_c
157. selectivelysocia
158. sheryllee3
159. shutduhfullcup
160. Skyliv
161. Slayurfaves
162. Solarsido
163. Solus
164. sserenity
165. SternRitter
166. sunshinetea
167. tasha101
168. @tesswiwiblink
169. th2411
170. the3rdtWin
171. TheLadybug
172. theseagoat
173. tomiee
174. tornpet
175. Tuturuu
176. TwiceSone
177. @tzuyusakgae
178. utenteitaliano
179. Valenttinna
180. VenerableBede
181. Violet_Honey
182. vip_yg_stan
183. Water_oWl
184. WBSBGos
185. WeepingAngel
186. Wench
187. whatev
188. XaaaaX
189. xoxcandycanexoxo
190. Yang1987
191. yuiopqwrt
192. Yunnieex