anne_jay Celebrity

  • Member since Apr 25th 2019
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  • When I made that post I was mainly a 3rd generation stan, i didn't really know much about the 2nd generation until I watched SNSD performances and listened to their discography. I fell in love when I first heard I Got a Boy and Run Devil Run

    • Cool

      Just curious, when you made that post you haven't listened to most of their choreography or even title tracks? Kinda bold to make such a harsh generalisation when you haven't even heard their title tracks lol.

      But all good, hope you enjoy their discography now. Even their post Jessica ones, because imo their last two Korean albums actually has less filler songs than their predecessors.

    • i was just a casual listener back then prior to that post i had only known Run Devil Run and The Boys.

      My bias switches but I love Taeyeon and Jessica.

      I also love their Japanese bsides and their Korean titles.

      I love their hidden gem Bad Girl

    • Bad Girls isn't necessarily a hidden gem though 😄 It has an MV

      Ah the tragic ship supporter ☺️ Jk

      Yeah that explains why you prefer their OT9 releases. Unfortunately I don't think we will ever have Taeyeon and Jessica in the same screen anymore

      Maybe give their Korean B sides another shot, quite a few gems there as well.

    • my favorite ot8 tracks are;

      Catch Me if you can

      All night



      You Think

      Im not a huge fan of Lion Heart it sounds like it was meant for Red Velvet or a younger gg

      I called Bad Girl a hidden gem cause its underrated on here

      Im listening to the Snoop Dogg remix if The Boys rn

    • Divine is not an OT8, it has Jessica

      So I assume you don't really listen to their Bsided/songs that have no MVs because of those ones you listed 😅

      Yeah Lion Heart is not my fave title track as well but their B sides in that album were much better than any of their previous K-albums.

      Try giving Bump It, Talk Talk, Check, Sign, Fan, Love is Bitter, One Last Time a listen.

      Uggh, I would have preferred to wipe that remix out of my memory 🥶

  • I am LOVING your Koala pfp!!! <3:claps:

  • Stream On The Ground :cursing: