[theqoo] Jisoo claiming she likes Korean history ft. Snowdrop plot (*trigger warning blood*)



    "I seriously liked Korean history"


    "When I look at books and textbooks"

    "I like that the order is written by year"

    "But I wonder why they have to write it ordered by events?"

    "So this really confuses me. It makes me wonder what came first?"

    "That's why I bought a notebook and I re-arrange them based on years"

    "I'll write down the contents of the textbook in order again"

    "I remember better when I look at it that way"

    original post: here

    1. You guys are doing excessive hate

    2. So Jisoo-ssi claims that she likes Korean contemporary history?
    Then if she really knows history, I'm feeling a bit betrayed that she still chooses to play in Snowdrop.
    Or maybe she doesn't know anything about Korean history and she's just lying here because she's appearing on that drama

    3. I'm even more speechless if she clearly knows history and still chose to appear on the drama, but her agency alone is weird enough already. YG produced both Joseon Exorcist and Mr. Queen

    4. Then why...? So you do know Korean history, you just don't have principles

    5. Image sure is important, she just looks like a brainless fool now

    6. There's nothing to gain for her playing in this drama, why is she forcing this on us...

    7. She wants to appear smart, but she's empty headed

    8. So you like Korean history but you agreed to the content of your drama..?

    9. Look at those celebrity-crazy people shielding her

    10. The only people calling this "excessive hate" are those people crazy about celebrities who know nothing else but them


    The 6.10 Democratic Uprising, which led to the June 29 Declaration, which achieved a direct presidential system and complete democratization.

    At that time, the death of patriotic martyr Lee Hanyeol due to tear gas attack was a symbol of the 6.10 democratic uprising.


    This photo was taken shortly after the late Lee Hanyeol student received the tear gas attack on June 9, 1987, while participating in the demonstration.

    It was featured on the front page of the New York Times and was selected as one of the 100 best news photos of the 20th century by the Associated Press, and it became a symbol of the 6.10 Democratic Uprising.

    "Save Hanyeol!"

    This shocking incident became the spark of the uprising on June 10, and Save Hanyeol was the slogan of the democratization movement's participants, so you can see how important this event is in Korean modern history...

    Year 1987, Seoul.
    The period where tear gas exploded like firecrackers.
    A bloody man jumps into a women's university dormitory."

    Tear gas exploding like firecrackers??? You cannot trivially insert this kind of sentence when making a drama that just so happens to be set in that period.

    Putting such a phrase in the first line of the introduction of the drama is highly likely to be intentional to demean the democratization movement.

    * Unfortunately, Lee Hanyeol was taken to the hospital immediately after being shot, but fell unconscious, and died on July 5, 1987, without observing the 6.29 Declaration.

    original post:

    1. They're using the word firecrackers to imply something positive, like a festival. They're completely missing the point

    2. They're implying firecrackers in a positive way?.... Crazy... There's just no way to view this drama in a good light.

    3. There are countless people who got hurt because of the teargas attack, yet they're comparing it to firecrackersㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    4. They're trying to romanticize tear gas

    5. Firecrackers???????????????

    6. Are they psychopaths? Firecrackers???

    7. Think about all the youths who died during that period.
    You can't be in your right mind for comparing teargas with firecrackers...This should be a paradox f*ck

    8. Do they not know what firecrackers mean f*ckㅋㅋ

    9. The way they're using the word "firecrackers" is so weird. It does look like they're mocking it

    10. I don't care if they want to compare tear gas with firecrackers, but this drama as a whole is just oba

  • problem with this is that the one and only person died because of tear gas attack, and that man Lee Hanyeol became a symbol of whole movement

    apparently 1.6 million citizens participated in his national funeral

    overall I still think that Koreans should wait with judgement

    just freakin wait and judge after few episodes, and if not then channel should cancel it in Korea and just air it worldwide

  • 6. There's nothing to gain for her playing in this drama, why is she forcing this on us...

    who the hell is forcing it on them? don't like, don't watch smh

    anyway I still find it dumb they're trying to cancel the drama before it even started ...if the first episodes are really so problematic (I honestly don't think so), let's discuss it then

    also Jisoo liking history has nothing to do with this, it's not like she wrote the script ot the synopsis jeez ...

  • There was a whole Drama called Youth of May which was also set to that time period…. Nobody complained. At this point I feel those who complained after reading an unfinished synopsis of the Drama just want it to be canceled before it airs so nobody sees that their complaint were unnecessary.

    JTBC is pro democracy…. The blue house gave it a go… at this point people are just reaching cause they didn’t got what they wanted… it to be canceled.

    Also OP why only posting the negative comments and not the good ones ?

  • I hope it was taken out of context because what I read :clown:

    No matter how he would have answered people would have took in a negative way… Jisoo here just stated that she loves history, and now they bash her for still taking on this role if she knows about history…

    They are doing this cause they think a Drama that hasn’t come out yet is distorting their history…. At the end of the day this Drama might not really touch on actual historical events so there isn’t a need to do a lot of research about it.

    This is not a Documentary about the events that happened in 87, it’s also not a Biopic of a historical figure from that time… it’s fiction that is using that time period as a backdrop.

    So I can understand why he answered like this and talked about the production instead… if this show doesn’t touch on actual historical events and it’s just happening in the background, it’s great to know what happened to that time, but if you have to play a fictional character, history books won’t help much, you got to use the script to get a full understanding what the writer wants you to portray. It’s just a made up character living in 87, who will face issues because of the time he is living in. So yes the answer to all this will be in the script for him.

    Could the answer be better yeah… but the reaction on Theqoo are exaggerated on purpose…

  • well that's a relief to hear, I can't speak on whether it will touch on anything sensitive we have to see when it comes out and what the reaction there will be, if I were him I would've tried to give a better answer but :") this drama would get hate regardless as you mentioned like it hasn't even been released yet and already is getting a lot

  • There was a whole Drama called Youth of May which was also set to that time period…. Nobody complained. At this point I feel those who complained after reading an unfinished synopsis of the Drama just want it to be canceled before it airs so nobody sees that their complaint were unnecessary.

    JTBC is pro democracy…. The blue house gave it a go… at this point people are just reaching cause they didn’t got what they wanted… it to be canceled.

    Also OP why only posting the negative comments and not the good ones ?

    Youth of May was not set in the same time period btw. It was set in 1980 in the Gwangju Uprising. Snowdrop is set in the 1987 Democratic Movement, two very different events.

    Also, Youth of May is a fictional romance about two regular people. There have been plenty of movies about the 1987 movement like Taxi Driver and '1987' that also followed a combination of fictional + historical figures and were huge successes.

    That isn't the issue Knetz have with Snowdrop. The issue is that a North Korean spy is the main character and he's going to be portrayed sympathetically. Even if you say 'well, Crash Landing on You also had a North Korean ML and people loved that', that's also missing the point. In the 1987 movement, the government killed THOUSANDS of peaceful student protestors under the false justification that they were North Korean spies looking to bring down the South Korean government. There are still families that have lost loved ones whose names were tarnished till the end because they were broadcasted as being NK spies. So, the drama is using something that's the source of pain for so many people and turning their romantic male lead into that very archetype, hence almost saying that NK spies DID exist at the time and the NSP were justified in their conclusions.

    Moreover, the 2nd male lead is an NSP agent who is described as 'a righteous and caring' person. Ummm, the NSP was directly responsibly for the brutal deaths of thousand innocent college students and the torture of thousands more. People alive today can't speak and face serious PTSD because of NSP torture. So I hope you can see why the NSP agent being one of the good guys is so problematic. If you were a part of the NSP, you were not a good guy, it's like trying to portray a Nazi sympathetically.

    Finally comes the issue of names used in the drama. Jisoo's character had the name of a real life protestor (Young Cho) whose actual husband died at the hands of the NSP after being accused of being an NK spy. When this synopsis was released, of course people had an issue with it, so the writers changed her name (begs the question: did they seriously not know this was going to be controversial from the beginning? Shows the brain capacity these writers probably have).

    But, when the script reading came out, people discovered that the NSP agent was named after a controversial Korean-German figure in the movement, which means the writers haven't learned shit.

    So, the issue isn't just that it's set in 1987 - again, there have been several shows and fictional works set in this time period - the issue is HOW 1987 is going to be portrayed.

    And while it's a romance melodrama, it's obvious that the Democratic Movement is going to play a huge part of the story given the main characters and the heavy involvement of the NSP, especially in the latest teasers. The show is also set in a college which were hotspots for the movement. You won't be able to find a single college student who didn't protest at the time.

    So, while I do agree that digging up old Vlives is a bit much, people need to get why Knetz are mad. Not everything is a hate agenda against BP.

  • First of all the Drama hasn’t aired… you don’t know how things will work out so complaining about it makes no sense yet.

    You are talking about the alleged differences even though you have nothing to compare yet.

    Secondly… the blue house give it a go and there is a whole organization checking the content, if it was problematic they wouldn’t give it a pass either.

    The ones still complaining are those who didn’t got what they wanted… don’t get fooled by Theqoo comments.

  • The Blue House didn't give it a go btw. They just said that they won't be able to cancel it before it airs because of freedom of speech but once it does, if they find any issues. they'll pull it off air.

    I highly doubt JTBC was able to change the entire main plot last minute. The main lead is still an NK spy, the SML is still a romanticized NSP agent.

    Also, I can read Korean and live in Korea and no one is happy about this drama. Of course, the GP don't care, but if you tell them what the drama is about, even they go "???, and it's still getting made?". Don't be fooled by Blinks leaving comments on Naver.

    Also, re: Jung Haein's answer, let's bring Youth of May into this since you did in the first place. That was also a fictional drama, but Lee Dohyun's research and history understanding was super thorough, to the point where he would even correct the director on background events. He even took a history exam to make sure he understood everything properly because the drama was going to be set in a very important time period. Imo, that's basic, actors who refuse to do historical research (And Snowdrop is going to be more historically focused than Youth of May) aren't dedicated to acting, especially with such sensitive events. But Jung Haein was never the sharpest tool in the shed in the first place, so nothing he said ruined his image lol

  • The Blue House didn't give it a go btw. They just said that they won't be able to cancel it before it airs because of freedom of speech but once it does, if they find any issues. they'll pull it off air.

    I highly doubt JTBC was able to change the entire main plot last minute. The main lead is still an NK spy, the SML is still a romanticized NSP agent.

    Also, I can read Korean and live in Korea and no one is happy about this drama. Of course, the GP don't care, but if you tell them what the drama is about, even they go "???, and it's still getting made?". Don't be fooled by Blinks leaving comments on Naver.

    Just wait and watch the show and than complain….

    Of course people aren’t happy when others claimed the show is distorting history because of fragments of a synopsis. They made quite a big deal about it, if you tell people the synopsis those on the internet came up with, of course they will be like ???….

    Read JTBC’s statement… they cleared up any rumors, so those complaining and still spreading false information know what they are doing…

    We are stating our position once more on the controversy surrounding the drama “Snowdrop.”

    We are sharing a statement again to resolve the misunderstandings stemming from the speculations and criticisms that continue to be made after our statement regarding “Snowdrop.”

    The current controversy has resulted from fragmentary information that is a combination of an incomplete synopsis and parts from the character descriptions. These fragments of information are being combined with speculations, making false information appear to be true. Of course, this is the production team’s fault for not being careful while managing unrefined data.

    We would like to reveal some parts of the plot of “Snowdrop” to help with your understanding.

    1. Regarding the controversy that the drama disparages the pro-democracy movement, “Snowdrop” is not a drama that deals with the pro-democracy movement. In the script, there are is not a single part where the male and female protagonists participate in or lead the pro-democracy movement. On the contrary, there is a character that is unfairly oppressed because they were accused of being a North Korean spy by the military regime of the 1980s.

    2. The background and the motif behind the main events in “Snowdrop” is the political situation surrounding the 1987 presidential elections, not the pro-democracy movement. The drama portrays a fictional story about the military regime, the NSP, and others in power at the time colluding with the North Korean dictatorship and planning a conspiracy to retain their power.

    3. In this setting, a North Korean spy and an agent of the NSP who is chasing the spy appear as the main characters. They are not characters who represent their respective government and organization. They are characters who highlight a critical viewpoint on the NSP, which actively supports a corrupt desire for power to maintain the ruling party. Therefore, the concern that the drama glamorizes being a spy or working for the NSP is not relevant to “Snowdrop.”

    4. The reason we described the NSP agent as “straightforward and just” is because he is a secret agent who turns down the chance to be appointed to a powerful position in his country and instead works overseas after he is disheartened to see his colleagues “creating” spies instead of “catching” them. He is also portrayed as a man of principle who turns his back on the corrupt organization and does what he thinks is right.

    5. The name of one of the characters in the drama is not related to [real-life pro-democracy activist] Chun Young Cho. However, as it has been pointed out that the name is reminiscent of her, we will change the female protagonist’s name.

    From this moment on, based on the information above, we ask you to refrain from misleading the public opinion by framing false information about a drama that has yet to air as if they are facts. Please recognize that this behavior discourages and causes serious harm to the many creators who are trying to create a good production.

    We will do our best to receive positive reviews with the complete drama.

  • That was also the issue, nothing JTBC said actually cleared up issues people were having. In fact, it only confirmed that the main character was an NK spy (no need to explain why that's problematic) and SML is an NSP agent who is being romanticized. Again, NOBODY in the NSP at the time can be portrayed as good people. That's like saying the Nazis or KKK members are good just because they disagree with their colleagues. If you were a good person, you would leave those organizations.

    Also, Young Cho is a very uncommon name in Korea, less than 0.1% of the population have it. There's no way the creators didn't know of the similarity. If they truly didn't, they're either dumb or being purposefully obtuse.

  • That was also the issue, nothing JTBC said actually cleared up issues people were having. In fact, it only confirmed that the main character was an NK spy (no need to explain why that's problematic) and SML is an NSP agent who is being romanticized. Again, NOBODY in the NSP at the time can be portrayed as good people. That's like saying the Nazis or KKK members are good just because they disagree with their colleagues. If you were a good person, you would leave those organizations.

    Also, Young Cho is a very uncommon name in Korea, less than 0.1% of the population have it. There's no way the creators didn't know of the similarity. If they truly didn't, they're either dumb or being purposefully obtuse.


    Tell me you didn’t read the statement without telling me you didn’t read it lol…

  • MEANWHILE IN NORTH AMERICA you have films like : Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies

    some people like to stomp over history

    and other people like to put it behind a bulletproof glass

    both are wrong

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


  • I could say the same to you lol

    Even the guy who did the OST played in the trailer said yesterday that he checked before he did the OST and there is no evidence of historical distortion...he literally said "do you really think it would be aired if there was historical distortion" LOL

    People like you just keep rushing to judge a drama which hasn't even aired

    I haven't actually seen any Pann/qoo translations of responses to the actual trailer which reveals more of the plot of the show...interesting since Netizen Buzz and Pannchoa are usually rushing to translate any comments painting Snowdrop in a bad light and people like OP are usually tripping over themselves to post the bad comments about Jisoo/the drama on here

  • Even the guy who did the OST played in the trailer said yesterday that he checked before he did the OST and there is no evidence of historical distortion...he literally said "do you really think it would be aired if there was historical distortion" LOL

    People like you just keep rushing to judge a drama which hasn't even aired

    I haven't actually seen any Pann/qoo translations of responses to the actual trailer which reveals more of the plot of the show...interesting since Netizen Buzz and Pannchoa are usually rushing to translate any comments painting Snowdrop in a bad light and people like OP are usually tripping over themselves to post the bad comments about Jisoo/the drama on here

    there are plenty of translations of those articles in akp and pc lol.



    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • there are plenty of translations of those articles lol.

    Of responses to the actual trailer and not the short snippets which reveal nothing about the actual show? If you mean the Pann translations of people hating on Jisoo's voice from a three second clip I've seen those, but there's nothing on either pannchoa or Netizen Buzz's twitter accounts about the actual trailer released two days ago

  • Of responses to the actual trailer and not the short snippets which reveal nothing about the actual show? If you mean the Pann translations of people hating on Jisoo's voice from a three second clip I've seen those, but there's nothing on either pannchoa or Netizen Buzz's twitter accounts about the actual trailer released two days ago

    im sure another site has it, pc and netizenbuzz aren't the only sites :pepe-notes: ill go look for it


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



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