Which sets? 23
Perfect World (16) 70%
Feel Special (9) 39%
TOL: IN LOVE (11) 48%
TOL: FALLEN (11) 48%
Kura Kura 1 (8) 35%
Kura Kura 2 (6) 26%
Fanfare with Paint (11) 48%
Better Digital (10) 43%
Breakthrough (11) 48%
Happy Happy (4) 17%
2019 Japanese Profiles (4) 17%
Twicezine (7) 30%
Twice 3 Album (4) 17%
Fanfare NO PAINT (4) 17%
Twice x Bench V1 (4) 17%
Twixe x Bench V2 (4) 17%
Twiceland (9) 39%
Twice Season's Greeting 2020 (4) 17%
Twice Japanese Greeting 2019 (3) 13%
Double Wear x Twice (1) 4%
Eyes Wide Open (6) 26%
&Twice Repackage (5) 22%
Hey guys!
So since we have 22 submissions we're going to do a pre-voting to get it down to the Top 12!
This voting is to determine which sets the Once Cult is submitting for the final vote hosted by the staff team.
Here are the choices:
Perfect World Set
Feel Special Alternate Photo Set
Taste of Love In Love
Taste of Love Fallen
Kura Kura Set 1
Kura Kura Set 2
Fanfare Paint
Better Digital Photos
Breakthrough Photos
Twicezine 5th Anniversary
Twice in Twiceland
Eyes Wide Open Set