i lost my affection for yuqi

  • how do you feel about idols promoting in china? 49

    1. i don't support idols that make pro-ccp posts (22) 45%
    2. i don't mind it and i support them (15) 31%
    3. i still support them even if i don't like it (12) 24%

    after she started posting ccp stuff online. i know it's required for idols if they want to promote in china and they can have a lot to gain by doing so, but it puts a bad taste in my mouth.

    it sucked because i fell in love with g idle at debut, and even though i lost interest after not liking a lot of their titles, i still really like the members and loved yuqi especially.

    how do you guys feel about kpop idols promoting in china/posting ccp things online? am i the only one kinda turned off by it?



  • I live in a country that has committed plenty of war crimes and human rights violations of their own. Celebrities here continuously support the government and do nationalistic displays. Who am I to judge?

  • I live in a country that has committed plenty of war crimes and human rights violations of their own. Celebrities here continuously support the government and do nationalistic displays. Who am I to judge?

    that's totally fair. i think after living with and being really close to someone who immigrated from china and hearing their experiences from growing up there and living there well into adulthood it's kind of hard not to feel...sensitive to it i guess?



  • I don’t stan them.

    At least all of the Chinese idols will come out at some point and support the CCP it’s up to you as individual if you want to support them and their claims. I for one don’t care for them nor will I support their actions in the process.



  • I don’t stan them.

    At least all of the Chinese idols will come out at some point and support the CCP it’s up to you as individual if you want to support them and their claims. I for one don’t care for them nor will I support their actions in the process.

    definitely. i'm still trying to figure out how i feel about it but it is unsettling to me



  • Definitely in the camp of not supporting idols who have publicly supported the ccp. It doesn’t matter if they’ve been brainwashed or if they’re just trying to get on china’s good side, at the end of the day they’re celebrities with a platform reaching millions and they’re literally advocating for a corrupted government blatantly committing homicide and trampling on human rights and a lot of other atrocities. These idols have already gained a lot of money and influence due to supporting china, they don’t need more from me

  • I'm not Chinese. I didn't grow up in China, and I don't know what it's like to have grown up in that country with that perspective on their politics. Especially since, as an American, the general perspective taught in high schools here is "why would you need to know about anyone else? 'MURICA."

    And quite frankly, America has enough of its own problems to go around judging other countries'.

    let's be friends


  • I’m not yuqi fan so I don’t really care.

    But I’m not into cancelling celeb when it come to politics, especially when it come to such a polarizing country like China in the current global climate. It remind me of what my history used to tell us about what it’s like growing up during the Cold War and anti-Japanese sentiments era. There’s no good or bad guy, everyone is kind of bad.

    It would be hypocrites of me to hate or judge when I live in the US and enjoy its wealth while ignoring all it had done and is still doing abroad.

  • Naw I’m not canceling Chinese Kpop idols, especially young ones who prob don’t know much about nor care about politics

    Like do people realistically believe these idols are gonna be like “No! The CCP can screw off, I said what I said and I’m definitely gonna have a career after this and not be on the governments watch list or something”. :clown:

    Stuff like this may fly in the US or UK, but China is just a different culture with different circumstances. Overall, a soft dictatorship. I’m not gonna expect the corruption from Chinese government to be determined by idols. However they still need to eat & make a living, and I’m sure most of them don’t genuinely support it. They’re victims of this afterall

  • Naw I’m not canceling Chinese Kpop idols, especially young ones who prob don’t know much about nor care about politics

    Like do people realistically believe these idols are gonna be like “No! The CCP can screw off, I said what I said and I’m definitely gonna have a career after this and not be on the governments watch list or something”. :clown:

    Stuff like this may fly in the US or UK, but China is just a different culture with different circumstances. Overall, a soft dictatorship. I’m not gonna expect the corruption from Chinese government to be determined by idols. However they still need to eat & make a living, and I’m sure most of them don’t genuinely support it. They’re victims of this afterall

    this is true! i know a few are really hardcore pro ccp but you're right that they're just doing what they have to given their circumstances. i definitely don't want to cancel anyone for something that's outside of their control.



  • I don’t stan them.

    At least all of the Chinese idols will come out at some point and support the CCP it’s up to you as individual if you want to support them and their claims. I for one don’t care for them nor will I support their actions in the process.

    That ain't true. There are guidelines... Their agencies would force them to do it, and they need to if they want to jave career. If not then they can go back to villages and be no one. Without permit from party they are banned from tv.

  • it's their homeland, i have no issues with it. the us is a warmonger that bombed so many countries and is currently supporting genocide in yemen, i don't see anyone asking if we should stop stanning american idols

    i think this reply helped me suss out why it kinda bothers me and makes me feel uncomfortable with supporting them. that american celebrities don't usually post pro-us government messages, and often do the exact opposite or are quiet about their own political beliefs, whatever they may be. but i also recognize that being able to contradict your government or disagree with what your government does openly is a privilege. and that these idols, even if they might disagree with some of the things their government does, don't have the ability to say otherwise for their careers or their own safety or maybe they don't know a lot about politics in general and that's okay.

    okay i figured it out! thank you!



  • You can't really blame people for being products of the society they grew up in (especially countries with state controlled media and propaganda). It's ok to criticize as a whole, but singling out each and every one individual doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Take the US; American pop stars don't speak as much about it, but you can nonetheless see in the media and such a lot of "support our troops", "they fight for our freedom", etc. As a European I think it's kinda BS but I'm not gonna hold it against these people.

    Plus, when it comes to kpop idols, I don't expect 20yo who spent more time singing and dancing rather than studying to have relevant opinions on things that go over most people's heads.

  • Well….I don’t stan any Chinese idols so I don’t have this problem but if I did, I would have an issue with this, most definitely. Can’t see me supporting an idol who goes against my beliefs, even if they don’t believe in any of it. Most of the time it’s for money. Sorry

    Honestly, this issue has more of a big impact on Koreans who are idol fans than overseas kpop fans than anything as they’re currently dealing with political, historical, and cultural issues with the Chinese government. Easy to say you don’t care about their political background when you’re coming from a country that isn’t closely and constantly dealing with China.

  • I already stopped supporting a lot of idols that would post propaganda and side with the chinese government. So yes I see a problem with it. If an idol I liked had different morals then me I would instantly un stan.

  • I already stopped supporting a lot of idols that would post propaganda and side with the chinese government. So yes I see a problem with it. If an idol I liked had different morals then me I would instantly un stan.

    Exactly lol It’s as simple as that. Some kpop stans become too delusional and allow people they will never have any contact or relationship with have control over their original beliefs. Crazy.

  • quite honestly, this. I don’t get why people are being obtuse or phrasing it like if you come from a this country you can’t speak because of said horrendous and current history.

    Difference is, I’m still going to look badly at any American celeb who feeds into the countries harmful propaganda and spreads that bullshit.

    The only other difference here and thing to be said in this thread as an actual argument is that Chinese folk don’t have the liberty to not side with their government unless they want to be exiled. They don’t have as much luxury as American celebrities have to criticize their country.

    yeah. i made this thread bc i was trying to figure out why i didn't like when chinese kpop idols posted pro ccp messages and why it made me think less of them or like them less or whatever, and i wanted to get some other opinions to kind of decipher my own knee jerk reactions to it. i think i hadn't fully considered the comparison that could be made to western celebs and western countries and how that could affect my viewpoint.



  • Difference is, I’m still going to look badly at any American celeb who feeds into the countries harmful propaganda and spreads that bullshit.

    and who are those celebs? 99% of celebrities supported democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton, a woman who supported every american war in the past 30 years; a woman who is the most responsible for the devastation of lybia and open-air slave markets but has no regrets about it. her biography is really something

    Hillary Clinton Never Met A War She Didn't Want Other Americans To Fight
    Hillary Clinton is the candidate from Mars, likely to take America into a number of needless wars if elected president. She is the Neoconservatives' best…

    celebs supported her because she's a woman and not trump and that's the truth.

    all american celebrities are proud of their troops and veterans, fighting in illegal wars and doing war crimes that will never be punished for. you'd like to think they are different than chinese idols/celebs but they really are not. americans will support their country no matter what.

  • quite honestly, this. I don’t get why people are being obtuse or phrasing it like if you come from a this country you can’t speak because of said horrendous and current history.

    Difference is, I’m still going to look badly at any American celeb who feeds into the countries harmful propaganda and spreads that bullshit.

    The only other difference here and thing to be said in this thread as an actual argument is that Chinese folk don’t have the liberty to not side with their government unless they want to be exiled. They don’t have as much luxury as American celebrities have to criticize their country.

    lmao yeah I can’t @ people in this thread trying to shift the narrative that just bc the ccp isn’t the only evil government that exists it means the idols they stan advocating for it is totally fine and dandy 😂😂 like can you imagine the outrage if ariana grande suddenly stood up and claimed her loyalty to donald trump and praised all the us’s glory with its failing social policies and international unrest?? 😂 but sure since it’s her home country, outsiders have no right to judge her for it right? 🤣

    Of course it’s different in china in the sense that it’s a dictatorship and free speech isn’t allowed, but there’s a difference between keeping your mouth shut from voicing your disdain for the government to avoid trouble and enthusiastically hollering with your full chest how much you support said government lol. Putting the ones that have been brainwashed aside, the chinese celebrities that do voice their support for the ccp usually do it to have a career in china, which is fair game. Personally, like i’ve already said, they already benefit a lot from that action so they don’t need more support from me. Other people could feel free to continue stanning them, but justifying their idols by pointing fingers at other countries is just laughable lol.

    And btw i live in a non-democratic country myself so i know what it’s like to be under oppression better than most people, and i’d judge those idols all the same

  • lmao yeah I can’t @ people in this thread trying to shift the narrative that just bc the ccp isn’t the only evil government that exists it means the idols they stan advocating for it is totally fine and dandy

    nobody says that. my point is that if we're going to cancel chinese idols for what their government and country are doing then we have to stop supporting all idols that come from countries that have done debatable things.

  • nobody says that. my point is that if we're going to cancel chinese idols for what their government and country are doing then we have to stop supporting all idols that come from countries that have done debatable things.

    i don't think that's what anyone is saying. nobody should take blame for what their entire country or government is doing. a loud and vocal support of wrongdoings is what's debatable



  • nobody says that. my point is that if we're going to cancel chinese idols for what their government and country are doing then we have to stop supporting all idols that come from countries that have done debatable things.

    no no no, you got that wrong. No one’s condemning all chinese idols for simply BEING BORN in china, we’re just talking about those that have gone out of their way to VOICE SUPPORT for the ccp. There’s a crucial difference there. No government in this world exists as saints so obviously it’s impossible to find any humans, let alone idols, that come from a country that has never done wrong lol. But this discussion isn’t about that.

    You could argue that american celebrities are also patriots just like the chinese and while that could be true to an extent, you don’t see the likes of taylor swift or billie eilish pledge loyalty to the us government on social media and claim that it’s a perfect country that’s done no wrong lol. Everyone’s entitled to their own belief, but celebs specifically using their platform and influence to advocate for sth is when it’s not just a matter of personal belief anymore. There are plenty of reasons that some chinese celebs choose to do it, but there are also other chinese idols who have chosen not to do it and afaik they’re still alive rn lol and working just fine, so yeah just some food for thoughts. Yall can choose to stan whoever and that’s fine, but sometimes the lengths that some people go through to justify that is.. 😬

  • Guys, most of their idols we're talking about, all they did was posting a short comment on weibo. It's not like they went on national TV to praise how great the CCP is, how great of a leader Xi Jinping is, etc in a one hour long speech. They didn't partake in any political meeting, they're not activists. Maybe they just don't know any better. They're k-pop idols, not scholars.

  • stop supporting idols that come from countries stop supporting idols that spread harmful propaganda and beliefs from countries

    we don't really know what western celebs think. some choose to keep their mouth shut and some share opinions they don't believe in but will earn them points with the public. it's not uncommon that a celeb you (plural) supported end up be a supporter of questionable rhetoric and ideology. you just have to hope that your fave isn't one of those.

  • Yes I’m turned off. I am indeed turned off by Lay. But I do not go out of the way to hate on them either. However I cannot stan. This is true for not just Lay but also many Chinese actors who’s dramas I watch. It’s hard. Maybe they are forced. Maybe they truly blv in the agenda. It’s hard to say.

    Basically I can consume their entertainment because in the end I don’t know one way or the other but I also don’t go out of the way to place them on any pedestal or stan them.

  • Yes I’m turned off. I am indeed turned off by Lay. But I do not go out of the way to hate on them either. However I cannot stan. This is true for not just Lay but also many Chinese actors who’s dramas I watch. It’s hard. Maybe they are forced. Maybe they truly blv in the agenda. It’s hard to say.

    Basically I can consume their entertainment because in the end I don’t know one way or the other but I also don’t go out of the way to place them on any pedestal or stan them.

    i think this is where i stand also. i don't want to hate anyone or "cancel" anyone bc ultimately i don't know what their intentions are or what they actually believe, but yeah i don't think i could stan an idol in that situation.



  • Yes I’m turned off. I am indeed turned off by Lay. But I do not go out of the way to hate on them either. However I cannot stan. This is true for not just Lay but also many Chinese actors who’s dramas I watch. It’s hard. Maybe they are forced. Maybe they truly blv in the agenda. It’s hard to say.

    Basically I can consume their entertainment because in the end I don’t know one way or the other but I also don’t go out of the way to place them on any pedestal or stan them.

    Lol Lay’s a whole other issue….

    A lot of kpop stans believe in upholding a victim complex about their favs stating that it’s outside influences controlling their actions so they can justify why they don’t care or need to care about what they’re doing, but in most cases, they’re not forced to do much of anything. Some truly believe in the ccp’s rhetoric and others don’t. Overall, it’s the bag over morals and values. I mean look at Jackson and Jackie Chan who were from HK but did everything for that money bag to the point where their own people turned on them.

  • Lol Lay’s a whole other issue….

    A lot of kpop stans believe in upholding a victim complex about their favs stating that it’s outside influences controlling their actions so they can justify why they don’t care or need to care about what they’re doing, but in most cases, they’re not forced to do much of anything. Some truly believe in the ccp’s rhetoric and others don’t. Overall, it’s the bag over morals and values. I mean look at Jackson and Jackie Chan who were from HK but did everything for that money bag to the point where their own people turned on them.


    No I do not buy that. Never have and never will. I just choose to exclude myself from the conversation. Which is a cop out but hey I’m just here for entertainment and escape reality. I don’t think too much.

  • i think this is where i stand also. i don't want to hate anyone or "cancel" anyone bc ultimately i don't know what their intentions are or what they actually believe, but yeah i don't think i could stan an idol in that situation.

    I’m just here for entertainment. Not to save the world. Which is a bad take but this is the best I can do with my own life’s problems and circumstances to deal with first. Lol.

  • i think this reply helped me suss out why it kinda bothers me and makes me feel uncomfortable with supporting them. that american celebrities don't usually post pro-us government messages, and often do the exact opposite or are quiet about their own political beliefs, whatever they may be. but i also recognize that being able to contradict your government or disagree with what your government does openly is a privilege. and that these idols, even if they might disagree with some of the things their government does, don't have the ability to say otherwise for their careers or their own safety or maybe they don't know a lot about politics in general and that's okay.

    okay i figured it out! thank you!

    American celebrities are extremely pro-government... they just get a societal pass for being left leaning which puts them on the right side for societal issues. They literally raise millions and millions of dollars for elections on just about every level of government. While Obama was allowing bombs to be dropped on civilians, he was hanging out with and being praised by American celebrities for being cool. Not to mention the sheer amount of both-sides-isms they all just played over Israel and Palestine. I mean even Mark Ruffalo ate his words and posted a pro Israel message because Disney told him too.

    People barely even criticize American companies for their shady actions. Everyone was down on Disney when they filmed Mulan in China, but as soon as the new season of The Mandalorian and WandaVision dropped everyone was rushing to watch it. Not to mention people continually dumping money into Apple despite them building every single iPhone in China (not to mention the labor violations they've committed there.)

    I'm not saying you have to support these idols, but to me it's just selective hypocrisy that can only happen among people who aren't directly affected by anything that happens in a country.

  • I just find getting down to the debate of a person’s true opinions/beliefs now is unneeded in the argument. None of us truly know what a person is thinking, desires, or stands for in reality unless we all jump inside their heads. Does that mean we stay mute and not speak up about anything for the rest of our lives because of it?

    you can talk about anything, nobody is silencing anyone. op asked what did we think about the topic and i said i'm not bothered with it because english speaking celebrities support questionable actions and opinions too. i'm not here to convince anyone they are wrong. every opinion is valid.

    a similar question can be asked if we can enjoy films and music of celebrities who did questionable things. some care, some not. it really comes down to case by case.

  • i think this reply helped me suss out why it kinda bothers me and makes me feel uncomfortable with supporting them. that american celebrities don't usually post pro-us government messages, and often do the exact opposite or are quiet about their own political beliefs, whatever they may be. but i also recognize that being able to contradict your government or disagree with what your government does openly is a privilege. and that these idols, even if they might disagree with some of the things their government does, don't have the ability to say otherwise for their careers or their own safety or maybe they don't know a lot about politics in general and that's okay.

    okay i figured it out! thank you!

    American celebrities are extremely political. In all their wiki pages you can find who they are affiliated with. But only the Republicans get shunned or boycotted by the internet but the left gets a pass. War crimes have been committed by both the Republican and Democratic parties.

    I do think a lot of this comes in part with ppl vilifying China more than they do western countries.

    Honestly it’s a nuanced situation. Who knows the right answer.

    But I do know people should not go out of the way to use these things to hate on people and use it as a tool for fan wars.

  • American celebrities are extremely pro-government... they just get a societal pass for being left leaning which puts them on the right side for societal issues. They literally raise millions and millions of dollars for elections on just about every level of government. While Obama was allowing bombs to be dropped on civilians, he was hanging out with and being praised by American celebrities for being cool. Not to mention the sheer amount of both-sides-isms they all just played over Israel and Palestine. I mean even Mark Ruffalo ate his words and posted a pro Israel message because Disney told him too.

    People barely even criticize American companies for their shady actions. Everyone was down on Disney when they filmed Mulan in China, but as soon as the new season of The Mandalorian and WandaVision dropped everyone was rushing to watch it. Not to mention people continually dumping money into Apple despite them building every single iPhone in China (not to mention the labor violations they've committed there.)

    I'm not saying you have to support these idols, but to me it's just selective hypocrisy that can only happen among people who aren't directly affected by anything that happens in a country.

    i don't support american celebrities that are political either to be completely honest and more often than not i disagree with the public sentiment about things. i'm not into america's two party system 🤷🏻‍♀️ america being owned and basically run by corporations is a whole topic.

    you're right, and it is really nuanced. i appreciate the different opinions just because there is no real right or wrong answer.



  • American celebrities are extremely pro-government... they just get a societal pass for being left leaning which puts them on the right side for societal issues. They literally raise millions and millions of dollars for elections on just about every level of government. While Obama was allowing bombs to be dropped on civilians, he was hanging out with and being praised by American celebrities for being cool. Not to mention the sheer amount of both-sides-isms they all just played over Israel and Palestine. I mean even Mark Ruffalo ate his words and posted a pro Israel message because Disney told him too.

    People barely even criticize American companies for their shady actions. Everyone was down on Disney when they filmed Mulan in China, but as soon as the new season of The Mandalorian and WandaVision dropped everyone was rushing to watch it. Not to mention people continually dumping money into Apple despite them building every single iPhone in China (not to mention the labor violations they've committed there.)

    I'm not saying you have to support these idols, but to me it's just selective hypocrisy that can only happen among people who aren't directly affected by anything that happens in a country.

    you made a really good point, most people don't criticize other celebs for things like this. Especially western celebs. I think it is time we treat them all equally.

  • you made a really good point, most people don't criticize other celebs for things like this. Especially western celebs. I think it is time we treat them all equally.

    Western celeb get a LOT of criticism. I’d say far more than idols who are often shielded by fans and have their searches cleaned.

    But inherently people don’t expect perfection from western celebs as they do idols. And that’s the difference. They’ll have fans even if they are criminals and criticized. Which won’t be the case for many of these East Asian celebs.

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