When did you first feel like "I'm an adult now"?
When I moved out of home and got my first place.
When I started to pay my mother's bills with my own money.
When I had to to to the doctors appointment alone
When I had to to to the doctors appointment alone
When I went to the airport and flew a few states over for 2 weeks alone
I still don't really feel like an adult tbh and I wonder if I ever will.
But the moment I knew I now had to act like one was after I graduated. I was 18 and, like most parents I suppose, my parents expected me to start working full-time to help support the family, so that's what I did. I got my first real job and in that same year moved out of my parent's house and started paying rent and everything out of my own pocket as well as paying some of my parent's bills.
I've since become fairly proficient at acting like an adult I think.
when i bought groceries and toilet paper for the first time lmao
I don't know, like I never felt like a child (even when I was one) but I've never had realisation of 'oh I'm an adult now' besides turning the legal age of one.
But if I were to judge by adult things, like paying bills, looking after children and such I started being an adult a good 20 years ago.
The first time I bought medicine for myself with my own money.
Starting work and realizing how limited my free time really is. Every bit of free time started to mean a lot more than before. There was a learning curve; I had to learn what I valued in life. I had to let go of certain things for the betterment of myself and my life. They just weren't worth it anymore. If I'm spending valuable time to pay for necessities in life, it's important to make the most of the free time I do have.
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