Posts by xwhisperx
SHINee solos have been making my inner Shawol fangirl freak out..
Taemin.. Stop... I rebuke you..
Onew.... Stoppp, you my bias, you can't be my bias wrecker, makes no sense..
Keyyy....stoppp True bias wrecker... Good ole Keymera at it again..
Im too old for this now, let me live boys... Like ive been a ride or die for 16 years... Like let me breathe...
And again Key stoppp.. You're hurting my soul... Damn pleasure shop...
I swear minho better watch himself...
Fangirl rant and yearly message over, I return to the outside....
Colours, Dresses or form fitting clothes.
I like to stay hidden and not draw attention to the boobs, butt and thighs.
I haven't been to any in a long time Probably U-Kiss back in 2014, mainly cause their fan interaction was fluid like a cc onversarion cause half could speak English back then so it was really comfortable, they bought up a fan a sang to her stage, it was amazing, B.A.P was insane too that year.
They've all been pretty good though. I would love to see Ateez, but I got work and parental reaponsibilities, and their upcoming tour date here (London) it's on a wednesday sadly
... Errr... Can't remember now.. Has to be at least close to 10 years if not over that...
I've been in lurker mode this past year though.
Neither,I have perfect eyesight.. Which is weird considering all my family wear glasses.
Meh... I miss that Lord baby face.... Internet break pfft... Take your time though ❤️
I already have a tribal rose on my ankle.
Can't remember from the previous revamps but as of the last revamp these three lovelies:
My reply:
Err okay... But do you make it a habit of kissing frogs? Cause that's a little concerning.
It doesn't really bother me either way tbh. I mean my kid is well behaved and considering I work with tiny gremlins on a regular basis I'm somewhat immune to the crying and screaming some do, it's the parents that irritate me generally.
But I think it would be a great option for those who just want some adult time... Although you still have the risk of adults that act like loud idiots lol