[BREAKING] APRIL Gives An Exclusive Tell-All Interview Regarding Bullying Allegations

  • APRIL members have been at the center of a bullying controversy, after former member Hyunjoo‘s younger brother accused members of bullying his older sister. DSP Media and APRIL members have all denied the accusations, but Hyunjoo and her acquaintances have stuck by their story.

    Sports Kyunghyang sat down with Chaewon, Naeun, Yena, and Jinsol in an exclusive interview to discuss the bullying allegations. Rachel and Chaekyung were excluded from the interview, as they were not members of APRIL when the alleged bullying incidents occurred.

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    The members shared that they had been undergoing therapy due to severe mental duress.

    For us, time stopped on February 28. We are not the perpetrators but the victims. Although we have done nothing wrong, we were accused as the villains and as we are currently being treated as criminals, we want to set this straight.
    — APRIL

    Naeun shared her diary from after Hyunjoo had left the group in 2016, as well as psychological counseling records that spanned 5 months from November 2015 to April 2016 with reporters. Chaewon also brought psychological counseling records where she had detailed how Hyunjoo’s insincerity in practices and lies had caused her to suffer. These pictures were not included in the exclusive interview or report.

    The girls were asked to explain the accusations:

    Regarding the tumbler and shoes incidents that Lee Hyunjoo had claimed to be a victim of, at that point, there were between 2-300 pairs of shoes at the entrance of the dorms. The shoes that were in question, were sneakers that the company had given to us, two pairs for each member, sponsored for us to be used during practice. They were shoes that any rookie girl group would have received. They weren’t expensive so there was no reason for us to steal them.
    We didn’t write names on the shoes so there is no way for us to know whose is whose, so it’s impossible that we were able to purposely steal them to bully someone. Four members have the same size, 230, and from time to time we get confused as to which shoes belong to who. At that point in time, I did think that I wore the wrong pair, but I never thought to steal the shoes maliciously.
    — Naeun

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    The tumbler incident was similar to the shoes incident. There were over 100 tumblers in all parts of the dorm and in the cupboards above the sink. It was to the point where the cleaning lady had even once said that we had more tumblers than Starbucks and that we could set up a cafe.
    There are many people asking if it was soybean paste stew (doenjang) or extra-strong fermented soybean paste stew (cheonggukjang); it was soybean paste stew. As we were on a diet, we could not buy food at the agency’s cafeteria to eat, so we usually ate salad or fruits or something from the convenience store. My mother had made some soybean paste stew blocks that were kept frozen, and I heated that up, adding tofu to them before putting it in a tumbler and bringing it to a schedule.
    That tumbler was not a red one like Hyunjoo’s brother had said, but a light pink one. There was no name on it either. When I used it, Hyunjoo was not in the dorms. Hyunjoo was always sick and following her own requests, excluding the trainee days and rookie days, she was always almost not living at the dorms.
    I had never seen Hyunjoo use this tumbler regularly, neither had she said it was a precious object or a gift from her grandmother. That day, when she had seen the tumbler on site, she got really mad and I apologized immediately. I finished eating the soup with the members and washed the tumbler cleanly when we returned to the dorms.
    — Naeun

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    The reporter followed up by asking what the members thought about Hyunjoo claiming to have attempted suicide due to the alleged bullying.

    All the members were scared of Hyunjoo. It is impossible that we could have bullied such a person. If you read Hyunjoo’s brother’s post, he claimed that after she attempted suicide, the members soon realized and came to apologize. That is totally wrong. We have never seen nor heard about Hyunjoo’s suicide attempt. As we didn’t know, we couldn’t have apologized either.
    Logically, if a member from the same team made such an extreme choice, regardless of the reason, who would simply leave it be and pretend not to have seen it? Of course, we would have gone to visit her. However, we did not have cellphones and we did not hear about it from the agency either. We only found out after this issue blew up.
    On the other hand, it was us that had tried to comfort Hyunjoo when she made things hard for us. We even held a birthday party for her that was taken on video. It wasn’t meant for broadcast but we really had a surprise party for her. Hyunjoo was really happy then. If we had bullied her, such a video wouldn’t exist.
    — APRIL

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    The members also revealed sticker booth photos taken in 2015 when they were all trainees. The members also shared that Hyunjoo had often said she did not want to be an idol and that it was hard for her. They claim she wanted to be an actress. IrQjQZykHXkM0zeW9J1OZRZzsXh3wsO6az1h3gvi9RMfC7cKl_65DnQzk03HH9_9_GTtCAUfm6VuCvCpjGAuSYrLpCemTBU0PRhYNpvF8MzRAQ=w32-fSoften=1,100,0-rp-e365| Sports Kyunghyang

    Hyunjoo had always been sick since trainee days and we had it hard as she did not turn up for practices. She also did not turn up to two music show schedules. On November 11, Hyunjoo did not turn up at the rehearsal for Music Bank. That day, she didn’t even take ‘going to work’ press photos and went in by the back of the building. We still remember clearly, as she had not turned up even up to right before the rehearsals, the members cried and hurriedly practiced the choreography for 5 people. She came in right before the live broadcast and said that she had to do the live broadcast. After that, we were unable to perform that song on music shows. We thought that we had received a penalty.
    After that, as we began promotions for ‘Tinkerbell’, she completely did not show up for Show Champion. We did not know why at all. She did not turn up for the broadcast either and the manager told us to go back to the dorms. We went back crying as we removed the stickers on our face and the clip-in hair extensions. The next day, the agency told us that we were going to perform as 4 from then on, and we stayed up to prepare the new choreography. We had only just thought that Hyunjoo must be sick again back then.
    — APRIL

    Regarding the kimbap incident, the members explained once again that there had been kimbap at the backseat of the car, where the youngest members usually sat. As it was summer, the food got spoiled easily and Hyunjoo allegedly began spraying perfume around heavily.

    As Yena was sensitive to smells, she began having a headache and requested for Hyunjoo to stop spraying perfume, and allegedly Hyunjoo began screaming at her as per usual. She had allegedly also scolded Yena and Chaewon who had told her to lower her voice as the manager was on a phone call. Reportedly, she did not turn up for Show Champion the next day and the members never saw her since.

    The members also explained why they thought the incident had happened.

    Maybe this is the limit of an idol who lives in a dorm away from their family without a cell phone during their teenage years. Although we are adults now, at that time, we were just 14, 15 years old. We may have not been able to get to know each other well due to our short trainee period. Also, we may have not been able to reach out to all the members, or we may have not wanted to approach each other. We all could not become close with one another. Is that such a big sin? Like all other girl groups, there is jealousy within the team, and even though it’s not intentional, there will be words that hurt each other. But we still worked hard to try and make things work. We felt that all other idols and seniors and trainees would understand us.
    While living in the dorms, there were times we couldn’t say anything even though we were upset. At that time, we only did what the company told us to do. There was no time to take care of each other. It was when we were past the fifth year that we started living in separate dorms that we started to miss each other and realize the importance of each other. But APRIL fell apart all because of Lee Hyunjoo. I hope that she doesn’t blame the members, regardless of the reason for her hardships.
    — APRIL

    Part two of the interview is planned for release by Sports Kyunghyang. Stay tuned.

  • I recall T-ara going through the same sh*t due to the Ryu Sisters, none of them really apologized since there was evidence that they were the bullies.

  • The problem with the accusations since day one is they didn't even come from Hyunjoo herself but from her relatives. How can they know about anything that happened inside the dorm, inside the company though? They can't, they were not there. The fact is: they only repeated what Hyunjoo told them. So if Hyunjoo bullshitted them to pose as a victim, they would have no way to know. And now she got herself painted into a corner because she probably didn't intend for her relatives to reveal her supposed mistreatment and for things to go legal.

    If April is not to blame, hopefully they'll be able to clear their names. There's nothing worse than being wrongfully vilified over deceitful accusations.

  • I'm on the fence. It's possible that the group hate a member because some things, but because they're young they can't control their emotions and can't solve the core problems easily.

  • I'm on the fence. It's possible that the group hate a member because some things, but because they're young they can't control their emotions and can't solve the core problems easily.

    This! Also i dont want this to be another t-ara so im just staying neutral.. They all were like 14-15 and ofc everyone makes mistakses when they are young and they dont get along always

  • Most bullies, especially clique-based ones, never consider themselves bullies. Their herd mentality allows them to justify their actions bc they see their besties are doing the same thing, and bc all the shit talking behind the victim's back has already painted the victim as the "bad guy" and deserving of the clique's dislike and maybe even malicious actions. So I'm not surprised if the members genuinely don't think they've done anything wrong.

    What I'm personally focusing on is whether Hyunjoo truly felt mocked, outcast or tormented by them. Bc if she did, then that's really all that matters. She was bullied then, regardless of whether the members did it intentionally or not, whether they thought their actions were justified or not.

    And I'm inclined to believe she did feel tormented, to the point her mental health suffered, because:

    1. Her brother was able to produce the medical records of her suicide attempt dated only a day after the "kimbap incident"

    2. Countless videos have surfaced of the members mocking and laughing at Hyunjoo (especially for her way of speaking), with Hyunjoo not laughing with them, but rather complaining about their mockery and looking upset. If the person you're mocking isn't in on the joke, then that's just bullying imo.

    Also I find it really telling that the members show zero sympathy for Hyunjoo's health, despite the public suicide record. They've all spoken about this issue a number of times now, and every time their focus is entirely on themselves, they've never extended any concern, sympathy or well-wishes for Hyunjoo. Which Hyunjoo has for them.

  • Most bullies, especially clique-based ones, never consider themselves bullies. Their herd mentality allows them to justify their actions bc they see their besties are doing the same thing, and bc all the shit talking behind the victim's back has already painted the victim as the "bad guy" and deserving of the clique's dislike and maybe even malicious actions. So I'm not surprised if the members genuinely don't think they've done anything wrong.

    Whether right or wrong, it's the kind of irrefutable argument that doesn't prove anything. If they don't think they've done anything wrong, it could as well be because they haven't done anything wrong. So we're back to square one.

  • Whether right or wrong, it's the kind of irrefutable argument that doesn't prove anything. If they don't think they've done anything wrong, it could as well be because they haven't done anything wrong. So we're back to square one.

    It could. In general if you want undeniable proof of bullying, it will be almost impossible to get. Because it's hard to produce evidence of events that have already passed in private.

    I don't think we'll ever get any hard proof of either scenario, so we're left making up our own opinions based on the circumstantial evidence and behavior of the people involved.

    The members are being very vocal about the fact they they never liked Hyunjoo, which I think is very weird behavior tbh. All their interviews and posts focus on how "annoying Hyunjoo was for always being sick and weak" and how they "felt she was gonna prevent them from having successful careers", almost like they're trying to justify not liking her. Add to that the videos and the suicide record. So I stand with Hyunjoo for the time being.

  • The problem with the accusations since day one is they didn't even come from Hyunjoo herself but from her relatives. How can they know about anything that happened inside the dorm, inside the company though? They can't, they were not there. The fact is: they only repeated what Hyunjoo told them. So if Hyunjoo bullshitted them to pose as a victim, they would have no way to know. And now she got herself painted into a corner because she probably didn't intend for her relatives to reveal her supposed mistreatment and for things to go legal.

    If April is not to blame, hopefully they'll be able to clear their names. There's nothing worse than being wrongfully vilified over deceitful accusations.

    they couldn't have come from her because she would have been sued for defamation so when that happened anyway she had no reason to hide not to mention dsp still manages her career.

    even if they did come from her, it still wouldn't prove anything.

    the issue with April's defense is that they are blaming her or pleading ignorance which is not going to fly.

  • The members are being very vocal about the fact they they never liked Hyunjoo, which I think is very weird behavior tbh. All their interviews and posts focus on how "annoying Hyunjoo was for always being sick and weak" and how they "felt she was gonna prevent them from having successful careers", almost like they're trying to justify not liking her. Add to that the videos and the suicide record. So I stand with Hyunjoo for the time being.

    First, I don't remember the members straight up saying they disliked Hyunjoo. It seems based on their accounts that she gave them a hard time, granted, but in and of itself it doesn't mean they disliked her. And even if it did, it doesn't mean they hated her and bullied her.

    Second, even if they did dislike her, well sometimes people have a good reason to dislike someone. A healthy and good relationship is a two way street; failures and shortcomings don't always fall on one side only.

    The videos don't mean anything, it's cherry picking fallacy at its finest.

    The suicide record, is it really a suicide record? Or only a hospital admission receipt? If I'm not mistaken, she went to the hospital by her own means; no one found her unconscious or anything. That's why the members didn't know about it.

  • I'm usually neutral but I don't think they are completely innocent while it's true they were young it's likely they didn't realize how harmful some of their behavior could be.

    I still believe hyunjoo of course there are two sides of the story but there are things that Naeun had done that were exposed

    edit: ok now I read the whole thing now but the thing that makes me not to believe april was that they always tried to blame her so I don't know what if they are actually lying now to save their career?.Maybe both parties are at fault and there is more we don't know.

    I'm waiting for Hyunjoo's response because it doesn't make sense to me that her brother tried to expose them if it wasn't true and he had receipts as well.

  • I was following the case but really didn't make any opinion as things were getting revealed left and right.

    She can commit suicide but do we have any evidence that it's because of the bullying she tried to suicide. I didn't find any evidence for it from the articles.

    Also this article even released pictures and documents of other members so there is so truth to it I guess.

    The whole situation is a mess ans the members are definitely on the bad end this time.

  • Apparently some of the evidence weren’t even from predebut

  • ^told y'all they are lying lol it was obvious their behavior have always been suspicious af

    they are just trying to save their career at this point.

  • ^told y'all they are lying lol it was obvious their behavior have always been suspicious af

    they are just trying to save their career at this point.

    Plus they actually contradict themselves. Chaewon first said 25th august, changed it to 11th september and now it is 11th november. Plus they changed the narrative from we were close to we weren’t close to we were scared of her. Knetizens are already clowning the last one on theqoo (link: https://theqoo.net/index.php?m…l&document_srl=2041087128 )

    April could still be innocent but they do not make it hard for people to believe Hyunjoo.

  • They weren't told about the suicide attempts and as chaewon said they did try to help hyunjoo plenty of the times because of how sick she was getting and stuff. and then chaewon also said she considered hyunjoo as one of her best friends and that she was very supportive of her

  • Plus they actually contradict themselves. Chaewon first said 25th august, changed it to 11th september and now it is 11th november. Plus they changed the narrative from we were close to we weren’t close to we were scared of her. Knetizens are already clowning the last one on theqoo (link: https://theqoo.net/index.php?m…l&document_srl=2041087128 )

    April could still be innocent but they do not make it hard for people to believe Hyunjoo.

    I don't think they are innocent tho

  • How can we be so sure that the photos are from 2015? Lol. it's not that hard to throw some shoes and take a photo. Again they try to say that she was weak, so it's her fault and that they were some angels who tolerated her behavior.

    And also I don't understand - if they want so bad to save their career, why they don't try to make better lies? It's already the second time when they mess their statements (first by saying that their debut stage was at Music Bank, and now by saying that those photos are from 2015 when they actually are from 2016). Plus that diary that was showing a lot of hate toward a member. It's hard for me to believe that when someone wants to give a good argument, they don't double-check the facts. The scandal started months ago, they had a lot of time to double-check, but that's not the problem. The problem for them is that they don't have solid proof.

  • I've never seen such a badly handled scandal in my life. The whole group of them plus their company could have just hired a pr agent or any professional to help them get through this with minimal damage. But they keep making the situation worse than it was by every statement and excuse they make.

    Even if what they say is true, the way this is being handled makes them seem like the bullies they're claiming not to be.

    I was kind of neutral about this until I read the individual statements from the members where they called Hyunjoo mentally and physically weak multiple times with no provocation. Even now they can't help but mention this as if that should make us find her annoying just like they did?

  • There are many strange things in everything they say:

    1. "All the members were scared of Hyunjoo", This is ridiculous, they have spent all their time defending that they had a "good relationship" with hyunjoo and now they say that she was afraid of hyunjoo? Has no sense.

    2. Following the same line, they went from hardly seeing hyunjoo to saying hyunjoo was yelling at us and had a bad mood.

    3. If they are predebut photos, where is that member who is now in kard?

    4. They said they never knew about hyunjoo's suicide attempt: "We have never seen nor heard about Hyunjoo’s suicide attempt. As we didn’t know, we couldn’t have apologized either"

    Hyunjoo's brother said that after hyunjoo's suicide attempt the mom went to the company and met the April members and that they are laughing or something and DPS answered this: "The April members realized it was a serious situation and greeted her silently because they didn’t know what to say"

    The members say that they did not know about hyunjoo's suicide attempt and that what the brother says could never have happened and that they would have even come to visit her. But the same company declares that they did know and that they even knew their mother.

    So who is lying? Because it seems like everything DPD or April's members say is on hyunjoo's side. Hyunjoo's side has always given the same story and shown dates to defend himself. April has not shown anything.

    literally they have changed their story so much and they have already gone from "hyunjoo was weak" to "hyunjoo was the one who bullied".

    It doesn't make sense, I'll wait for the other party to laugh more. Hopefully they give more real proof that it was all a misunderstanding.

  • I don't understand how some people still manage to stay neutral about this case. The members keep switching the narrative and their statements are full of inconsistencies, even the dates that they have given so far are wrong. First they stated they were close with Hyunjoo, then changed it and said they weren't close and now they're trying to accuse her of being a bully. Another point to show how inconsistent they are is the fact that in this interview they tell they were given shoes without any label, but in the statement that the DSP made to address the accusations against April, they claimed that Naeun took the wrong shoes but then saw the name on it and returned them immediately to Hyunjoo. Also they had four months to set their version of the story straight yet they keep contradicting each other and their stances is mostly based on blaming everything on Hyunjoo and justifying their behavior.

  • Whether right or wrong, it's the kind of irrefutable argument that doesn't prove anything. If they don't think they've done anything wrong, it could as well be because they haven't done anything wrong. So we're back to square one.

    That is the problem that they are never going to consider themselves aggressors and other people always seek to minimize them because they are not the ones who suffer it.

    They were young girls and of course they did not get along and made mistakes and that but hyunjoo was young too, put yourself in her place.

    The shoes, the glass and who knows what else if I'm in a place and coincidentally all the "accidents" or "unintentionally" things that other people do will happen to you. You would think the same.

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