This blackpink (especially Jennie) hate is getting out of hand

  • you cant even open your twitter peacefully hate tweet is everywhere and antis is literally mass retweeting & quoting . what is happening ?

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    if only antis have the same energy toward their own faves than they will be busy hyping up their fav instead of hating on blackpink istg at this point the hate is just soo much

  • I would defend sad blackpink but I am not on good terms with blink right now. sorry to jennie that she is being attacked but look at how sad bts are being attacked everyday and you don't see sad army complaining. maybe if blink as a collective fandom just maybe did a prayer to exorcise all the bad energy in their fandom then maybe people would stop hating on cherished blackpink who have boosted the korean economy much more than bts have ever in their lifetime.

  • If akp threads are any indications, it sounds like people have problem with blinks rather than BP

    doesnt justify the hate, its sad when artists get relentless hate bc unhinged people in their fandom go around and piss everyone else off

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  • If akp threads are any indications, it sounds like people have problem with blinks rather than BP

    doesnt justify the hate, its sad when artists get relentless hate bc unhinged people in their fandom go around and piss everyone else off

    agree with this.

    if it's any indication as well, the amount of fanwars have increased in general it seems. before i would occasionally stumble upon a stupid fanwar, but lately the vile things i have seen blinks, armys, exols,... tweet, has really reached a peak.

    it's very sad that the hatred in these fanwars is always expressed by going after the idols & very specific idols as well (jennie, jimin, kai, dayhun,..).

  • It is sad that an idol get hated and I wish it was not the case, but the blackpink hate is the fault of the fandom. I am a Nevie and I can not count how often I see blinks dragging Soyeon for her looks with really nasty and vile tweets or how Minnie got hated by Lisa Stans because she wore the same clothes...

  • Blinks: been in every other fandom's business for years, at the scene of almost every hate train - often times sexually violent in nature - towards BTS and numerous girl groups (TWICE, Aespa, NJ)

    Also Blinks: Surprised when other fandoms return a fraction of their energy.

  • I can't tell if people here are just largely unaware of how bad things actually are, or if we have a bunch of mentally deficient underage sociopaths on this site that honest to God feel like harassment, deepfakes, drug rumors, numerous accusations of sexual favors, slutshaming and bodyshaming are in any way justified as a "clapback"

    Some of you just aren't worth the air you breathe



  • I would estimate that roughly 90% of BP hate is due to their supremely obnoxious fanbase and not the group itself, and I say this as a sort of expert on the subject.

    But Jennie's consistent laziness and lack of stage presence? That's 100% on her. Another thread called her "low energy." She's not low energy, she's low effort. There's a difference.

  • The thing too, it's that bp isnt doing anything, their last music content was lisa collab which she did promote and jisoo solo which was barely promoted (all the way back in April)

    The group last cmb was almost a year ago so their isn't really a reason to talk about them unless whoever they stan is drop damn boring which I assume is the case, maybe the music suck ass and there is

    nothing else to do

    I don't know much of what other kpop acts be doing but bp is touring and they will keep doing it above twitter weightless words

  • Blinks: been in every other fandom's business for years, at the scene of almost every hate train - often times sexually violent in nature - towards BTS and numerous girl groups (TWICE, Aespa, NJ)

    Also Blinks: Surprised when other fandoms return a fraction of their energy.

    Yes, the countess tweets army made about bp since 2018 with 20k, 30k 40k are all a fragment of our imagination like the ones where army think jk is Beyonce son

  • If akp threads are any indications, it sounds like people have problem with blinks rather than BP

    doesnt justify the hate, its sad when artists get relentless hate bc unhinged people in their fandom go around and piss everyone else off

    If that was the case people will just direct their hate to blinks like how people said army are insurable, mys are cocky or bunnies are weirdles that stan kids (to give some examples)

    But that's not the case, those tweets aren't about blinks, they are about the members, specially Jennie. They slutashame, harass, degrade and insult Lisa, jisoo, rosé and Jennie directly bc I would not care if some twitter loser call me a freak? What's that gonna do? But that's not what they do

  • The hate blackpink gets is so unwarranted. I would never understand (even if you dislike blinks) the girls are living their lives not being problematic and there are TWO fandoms obsessed with whatever they do . God forbid they make a mistake that's what they would drag them for.

    There was video about feminism and guess which fandom was watching that video if someone doesn't like a group why bother to watch content ? to the point of watching their performance to find something to use against them

    Anyways, I'm gonna leave this here

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  • what goes around comes around. blame blinks for that cause yall the most toxic fanbase to ever exist.

  • Kpop community has been treating Blackpink like the mean girls that bullied them in highschool for the last 5 years now. Dozens of witch hunts towards them with some unique reason each time. Of course people are using blinks to justify to it. There's never not been a dumbass reason to torment the girls

    Atp I don't care about the fair "all kpop fandoms have bad apples" bullshit anymore. I don't give af what blinks do anymore. I hope they get even nastier everyday



  • there is no what comes around logic those two fandoms are way more toxic it's just that the hate blackping gets is so normalized that you don't see the problem

    and use your main account

    i dont see the problem. but you do see it on a daily basis.

    dont delude yourself into thinking there is actually a more toxic fandom than yours.

    also this is my only acc. i just dont give a fuck

  • Blinks: been in every other fandom's business for years, at the scene of almost every hate train - often times sexually violent in nature - towards BTS and numerous girl groups (TWICE, Aespa, NJ)

    Also Blinks: Surprised when other fandoms return a fraction of their energy.

    your comment is a very good example of how so many stans just forget the actual humans involved in their fanwars.. the way some of y'all go as far as you can to make the most disgustingly vile comments with your only justification being that "their fans did it first" its like you've forgotten that these fans are a completely separate entity to the actual group members... :pepe-shame:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



    Edited once, last by bobsyouruncle ().

  • wake up this is akp forum aka a cesspool of toxicity

    No, allkpop forums is not a cesspool of toxicity, there are actual good people on this forum trying to support their groups and meet other friends who like their group, but people like you sit here and ruin it by attacking people. We shouldn't wake up to anything, I get being angry and targeting a fandom you hate, but is that really something to be proud of? it's not even fun anymore to drag people, this forum is sad now. Even I'm done with dragging fandoms, who cares! just support your groups and move on. Everybody seems to be bringing twitter drama to akp, and we don't need that, we already have enough problems.

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    Just opened the twt and this was the first thing I saw, blinks drag others unprovoked and when same energy is reciprocated they act like victims, I think blinks are the reason Jennie gets this much hate, ever since 2019 they've been setting up that girlie.

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    Just opened the twt and this was the first thing I saw, blinks drag others unprovoked and when same energy is reciprocated they act like victims, I think blinks are the reason Jennie gets this much hate, ever since 2019 they've been setting up that girlie.

    wdym acting like victims? the only victims in this situation are the groups getting endless amounts of hate online as a result of these fanwars.... nothing in OPs post indicates that they're trying to call themselves a victim in this, unless you've conflated OP and blinks with jennie or blackpink :pepestare:

    y'know that acknowledging that jennie and BP get hate doesn't mean that blinks cant also be toxic? right? these two things can exist at the same time :pepe-shrug:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Its just the same energy here as that Kai thread that got locked, user try to blame exol for the hate Kai get and brush it aside so yeah... Toxicity in kpop will never end especially to idols and especially on twitter...

    If everyone here thinks fandom are to blame I guess all the big groups like BTS, Twice, BP, NCT etc deserved the hate according to these people...

  • your comment is a very good example of how so many stans just forget the actual humans involved in their fanwars.. the way some of y'all go as far as you can to make the most disgustingly vile comments with your only justification being that "their fans did it first" its like you've forgotten that these fans are a completely separate entity to the actual group members... :pepe-shame:

    now where did i say it was okay for people to harass artists due to the toxicity of their fanbase, or say i've done the same myself? i didn't and i haven't. in fact i've called out my own fandoms when i've seen them perpetuate toxic behavior because (1) we've seen how toxicity can be incredibly harmful to idols, (2) i've witnessed extremely degrading and toxic hate trains towards my faves by other fandoms (blinks), and don't want that perpetuated in other fandom spaces, and (3) i recognize that doing so only sets my own faves up for further harassment and fanwars.

    but if the question is "oh my gosh, where is all this toxicity towards the bp members from other fandoms coming from?" then my answer is - in large part - bp akgaes who set them up, and blinks who haven't met a fandom they haven't wanted to harass since 2018. i'm not saying it's okay, but it's also not surprising given the broader context.

  • Girl if that’s the first thing you see on your tl that means your ass is interacting and active in fanwars on twt

    Imagine telling on yourself like that :pepe-joy:

    Do u even know how twt works?? I visited #RUNext update account once (didn't interacted) and its all over my feed. But again what am I expecting from the ceos of victimization.

  • Its just the same energy here as that Kai thread that got locked, user try to blame exol for the hate Kai get and brush it aside so yeah... Toxicity in kpop will never end especially to idols and especially on twitter...

    If everyone here thinks fandom are to blame I guess all the big groups like BTS, Twice, BP, NCT etc deserved the hate according to these people...

    opening that thread was like deja vu, the exact same comments with only the fandom names changed...

    i wonder if this thread will get locked too... :pepe-narrow-eyes:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Its just the same energy here as that Kai thread that got locked, user try to blame exol for the hate Kai get and brush it aside so yeah... Toxicity in kpop will never end especially to idols and especially on twitter...

    If everyone here thinks fandom are to blame I guess all the big groups like BTS, Twice, BP, NCT etc deserved the hate according to these people...

    Why did you make me see this with my own two eyes

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