This is one of the example why title track is important. Non fans will not bother to listen to the bside if the supposed face of the album is weak and not good. I only listen to the bside from the groups that I not stan when their title track is good. Ive for example, they has quite mid bside for me but their title track is so strong which makes most people didn't give a second doubt with their discography as the whole. And here Kep1er with their fans said that they has great bsides, but with that kind of TT, most non fans would never check the bside and the bad music stamp will always following them.
In conclusion, it's the company fault for not giving proper thought in choosing the TT. You can't expect non fans to check on your faves non promoted songs if they dislike the main song. It's what they promoted to people not the bside. When the TT is good and people craving for more, then they will search for the bside themselves, it's how its work. I like to put RV as example of the group that I don't stan but I liesten to their bside because the TT is really good. That's how good TT do to non fans.