Cried badly throughout the day in front of so many people then cried in front of my mother at home who also started crying seeing me cry. Feeling betrayed by the people I trusted and seeing my hopes getting crushed slowly, it was unexpected bcoz I was happy when I left home in the morning. Some days are just too rough, today was one of them.

Had a rough day today...
I was told that I'd get a government job 2 years ago bcoz my father was a government employee and he passed away while he was still in the service. I wasn't qualified enough so I had to complete a 2 years course which I'm currently doing and it will be completed hopefully in August.
Now the rules says that the family of the deceased can apply for their father's position in 5 years period after the death. It has been only 2 years but the higher ups at my father's office gave my father's seat to someone else. They probably thought that there's only ladies in my family so they can do fraud easily and get away with it. Today I found out about it when I went there and I turned speechless as those people who did this were my father's friends whom we trusted.
Time heals all wounds, give yourself time! It's better to cry than to torment yourself by holding everything in
I'm having terrible headache after today's fiasco. I cried in front of the people who were probably happy seeing me weak and insecure. I should have acted strong that I'm willing to fight against them and that they'll have to pay for their wrongdoings. Instead I boosted their morale that I won't be able to do anything against them.
I’m sorry you’ve had a bad day. Sending you lots of love
Hope tomorrow would be a better one for you
I was told that I'd get a government job 2 years ago bcoz my father was a government employee and he passed away while he was still in the service. I wasn't qualified enough so I had to complete a 2 years course which I'm currently doing and it will be completed hopefully in August.
Now the rules says that the family of the deceased can apply for their father's position in 5 years period after the death. It has been only 2 years but the higher ups at my father's office gave my father's seat to someone else. They probably thought that there's only ladies in my family so they can do fraud easily and get away with it. Today I found out about it when I went there and I turned speechless as those people who did this were my father's friends whom we trusted.
I am indignant for you at the betrayal. WTF.
I was told that I'd get a government job 2 years ago bcoz my father was a government employee and he passed away while he was still in the service. I wasn't qualified enough so I had to complete a 2 years course which I'm currently doing and it will be completed hopefully in August.
Now the rules says that the family of the deceased can apply for their father's position in 5 years period after the death. It has been only 2 years but the higher ups at my father's office gave my father's seat to someone else. They probably thought that there's only ladies in my family so they can do fraud easily and get away with it. Today I found out about it when I went there and I turned speechless as those people who did this were my father's friends whom we trusted.
I am indignant for you at the betrayal. WTF.
I didn't even know about it when my father passed away. They told me that I legally deserve this and gave me and my mother hope. They were kind back then, now 2 years have passed and their intentions changed. They took bribe from someone else to give him that government job.
I'm so mad for you, I can't even imagine how I'd react in that situation. I really hope you'll be able to do something to get them the punishment they deserve or at least take back what's rightfully yours
Indian judicial system takes lifetime or even more to finish one case. If I go to court, which I'm planning to, it'll take forever for me to give them any kind of punishment.
I hope so, I'll work hard on my own to get a better job.
I'll add to what AlexS said that I sympathise with your situation but it's better to learn of this now rather than 3-4 years down the line...
life is hard my friend and one thing I've learned is getting things in writing!!!!
promises mean jack when it's unenforceable and not written down...
laws/rules/people change and unless you have the evidence to back it up it's going to be he said she said..
use this as a learning experience and one day I'm sure you;ll be posting here
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