2012 was a good year to party, dance beats were supreme and everyone wanted to lose themselves to the music. I separate this year from 2009-2011 despite its decent quality because any year with Gangnam style should be considered the start of something new. That song is legendary because I still cannot escape memes with it to this day.
Average song of the year (I should’ve included this last time I know)

Now this is the song that introduced me to Shinhwa so though I do love it’s perfectly middling for this year as in I love the electro-pop feel but it’s missing something maybe it sounded too much like songs on the radio at the time (trend following is kpop’s favourite thing is trend following your favourite thing). Still, it’s certainly a decent auditory experience as in it’s a nice club tune as generally that’s good enough for me, just not best of the year or worst of the year level.
Honorable Mentions
4Minute-Love Tension


After school-Rambling girls

After School-Flashback


B1A4-Tried to walk


Beast-Beautiful Night



Dalshabet-Mr Bang Bang

Girls’ day- Oh my god

Gangkids-Honey Honey

K.will-Please don’t

Shinee -Sherlock


Sunny Hill-the Grasshopper song


T-ara-Lovey Dovey


Miss A-I don’t need a man
