What's your reaction when you meet/see other kpop fans?
Avoid them.
For them to not speak to me or engage with me about kpop. I don't know them well enough to be hearing their hot takes.
I ask if they like kdramas and start a conversation from there
I find it better to talk about Korean shows we've watched and actors rather than music
I like other genres of Korean music aside from Kpop, I still have all past releases I've liked in a playlist and don't follow the new gen much, so idk if I'm really a Kpop fan or can follow what they talk about
I won't go and talk to a random person I met on the street, kpop fan or not.
Online, it depends.
Depends on it... most of the time they annoy me as for example:
- 2018 I sat with a BTS-hoodie on in a mall and ate some fries, a girl with the same hoodie on (but other member-name) jumped in a chair next to me and yelled a annoyingly happy "Hello" in my face. I didn't looked at her shirt and didn't realised why she sat down, especially not cause her friend stood next to her. I just said "IDK who you are, pls let me eat in peace" and she went away. We saw eachother a few times in the mall later on and she allways tried to run away when she noticed I was walking closer to her direction o.o
- A girl in a monsta x-shirt stood on an escalator in front of me and noticed me in the bts hoodie somewhat in 2019 and she told her boyfriend "Omg no another kpop-fan, lets run away as quick as possible before she might talks to us" and I thought: "Bitch I wouldn't even want to talk to you... also we are on an escalator, you stupid..."
- I also don't talk to people who make loud coments like when people notice you like KPop and they are stranger who might want your atention and say stuff in a distance very loud ... a girl for example yelled in a train once "This dude called jin... you know who ... he is Korean and..." she yelled in her friend's face like if her friend should go deaf and I sat 1 row away and was like "she just noticed my hoodie and than begun to yell at her friend, dafuq..."
- I once ran away as in 2018 I wor a BLACKPINK-shirt and some girls almost stalked me after seeing the shirt I wore and they yelled "BLACKOINK in your area" around and "nice blackpink shirt" for a few moments before I menaged to vanish in a crowd of people
I don't like to talk to strangers in general so people who act like this are also a big no no for me
I talk to them. All of them were pretty cool people. Unfortunately the only one I didn't had the guts to talk to was a monbebe lol I thought she was the hot intimidating type so I didn't talked to her even though obviously i would have more topics to talk with her than with a shawol or girl's day stan. But she looked like the type of person that would look at me like i was a weirdo if i approached her
Whether you see a kpop fan in public
If you see a stranger and it is too obvious that he/she is a K-pop fan it might be a kоreaboo.
I feel embarrassed..... cause here they're mostly teens and younger lol
My reaction would probably be "oh you like kpop?..that's cool
Cringe but some form of respect 👀
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