Came across this post and what an interesting point raised. I always knew the current hype surrounding kpop in the US will die down if BTS leaves but the thought that no kpop group will ever replicate that kind of success after them is surprising. And the fact that it’s not because the group may be less talented or not popular but rather being blocked by the industry itself.
I guess there’s a reason they’re the only group the western industry allow in their space and give a damn about…they allow one non-western group to get in, dominate a sector of the market and we think they’re going to let this happen again?
Do you think the western industry are just cashing in on kpop while the hype is still high and as soon as BTS disappears, they are going to pull out the resources and kick out kpop forever or they are willing to tolerate another huge non western act in their circles??
Please keep the discussion civil. I am actually curious about people’s thoughts here
myaza BUTTERBOYS MassiveKpopFan nevermindmejin itiswhatitisss