what do you think 36
Agree (26) 72%
Disagree (7) 19%
Another bs from reddit huh (3) 8%
I think we all have seen the (X artist is sooo misstreated at the current company, s/he needs to leave asap and do its own thing) or we ourselves have been guilty of saying that
This is a beyond flawed reasoning due to the lack of knowledge of how music/cultural industry works and how the kpop training works. We all love our faves cuz they are so charismatic, seems like they own the stage and, in one way or another they capture us, maybe we even like to project ourselves through them, but lets remember what do they practice during training days
In training they practice: singing, dancing, facial expressions, modeling, perhaps languages and acting, however to actually make music you need to study different skills and a lot, we all have seen idols who were popular, left the company, went to a company with "artistic freedom" and then most of the fandom simply looses interest due to the drop in production quality, they started make the same "inde low budget music", losing their original looks that was so nice and lack of promotions because the company is broke and doesnt have conections to get them in variety shows
This was inspired in CL and watching the shoking diference between her indie songs and her performance at the new epik high comeback Rosario, maybe for new kpop fans she is just some ajumma who makes music, but back then she was incredibly popular and everyone looked at her for her hip style and music, both things gone long ago, its not an opinion, just look at the numbers and comments under her videos
This not related to actual abusive companies where they steal money or do illegal or moraly questionable stuff, this more related to (pls taeyeon leave sm and do music on your own)
My point is, unless your bias is someone like zico or soyeon who actually makes music for him/herself and sometimes other idols, the best is to stay at a high/medium profile company so the idol can keep his/her fame with propper promotions and production value