Think Akpers are living in a bubble bout Newjeans

  • I seen a lot of videos on YouTube and their comments are just awfully negative calling them ungrateful backstabbers. That they're what they are bc of Hybe and they can't just walk away from a legally binding contract without having to pay hefty fine etc. They're pretty much convinced their career is dead. It's complete 180 from AKP. I tend to agree with them. I feel AKP is over confident.

  • I seen a lot of videos on YouTube and their comments are just awfully negative calling them ungrateful backstabbers. That they're what they are bc of Hybe and they can't just walk away from a legally binding contract without having to pay hefty fine etc. They're pretty much convinced their career is dead. It's complete 180 from AKP. I tend to agree with them. I feel AKP is over confident.

    The general public doesn't really care, so they won't comment on these videos. You are seeing a very selective subset of users, who are into Kpop. Who has the biggest fan base and likely to see NJs as a threat? Army.

    Don't think too deep on it.

  • I should clarify that there are two major groups of NJz haters.

    If you go through reddit megathreads or anti-NJ account on twitter, it is majority Army commenting. These are the international fans.

    On the Korean side, it is mainly older males that don't like NJs action. This group is split into two. There are the Kpop fans, who are LSRFM/Illit fans. Then there are the traditional/conservative males that are mainly on company side.

  • As Selfmate said, the Korean courts will decide.

  • There's no difference of opinion here anymore cause every army and non-stan got ran off. So of course AKP is stuck in a deluded and boring bubble.

  • You visit different sites and you get into different bubbles. That's true. But the internet seems pretty divided. It shouldn't be on us anyway, it should be discussed by the court.

    * * * * * * •×• * * * * * *

  • As Selfmate said, the Korean courts will decide.

    I've always said both parties are both wrong and right at the same time...

    since regardless of which side - they are presenting information released to the public that is most favourable for them.

    Neither side is going to be releasing detrimental information to their cause and thus all the information is biased and is up the lawyers and a judge to determine the validity of the evidence presented in a court subject to cross examinations and credibility and all that legal mumble jumble

  • how exactly are NJ threat to army? I'm not on social media, have no idea what's happening there. This is a genuine question.

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  • It's not akp over confident, but MHj and NJ keep proving Hybe is wrong.

    Kpop ifans confident MHJ would have been fired and loss injunction in may, only for her to win.

    Kpop ifans confident NJ would never leave Hybe, only for them to do it.

    Kpop ifans confident MHJ did committed crime with SH case, only for court to put the case to mediation.

    Kpop ifans confident NJ just entitled brats for not being greeted, only to find leak of report said Hybe wanted to replace NJ.

    Kpop ifans confident Ador did the right thing terminate MHj shareholder contract, only for Ador to return back her position as director.

    Kpop ifans confident NJ supporting MHJ in may petition would be suicide career for them, only for them gaining more recognition.

    Kpop ifans confident they doing all this hate trains to protect BTS, only to find JK openly supporting NJ.

    Atp, it's international kpop fans, redditor, who over confident about their judgement even on the field they don't really understand about (legal).

    MHj and NJ just keep giving us plottwist.

  • Stop saying this and stop trying to play the role of Switzerland

    To fans of NewJeans, these statements are actually offensive.

    NewJeans have done nothing wrong, and all of this is happening due to HYBE's negligence and malicious behavior.

    why? are you fully aware of all the facts out there? NJ might have even more damning evidence against ador/hybe that we don't know about - they might not vice versa with hybe/ador

    staying neutral is offensive now? the current status is "you are either with us or against us?"

    I'm not the one judging who is right or wrong and neither are you my friend...since ultimate the court decides when it eventually ends up there

    you have every right to believe one side over the other that is your right just as someone else can believe the other side but again who are you to judge whether you are more right than someone else?

    you and everybody else have been presented with the facts that each side chooses to present to the public - such evidence like I said is untested and biased, hell some of it might not even end up as evidence if it's obtained illegally or through some dubious means. We aren't privy to the contracts, we don't know the behind the scenes conversations there is so much unknowns so why can't a person (such as myself) remain neutral and just let things happen as they happen

  • ultimately the courts will decide and one way or another there will be a winner and loser

    In the entertainment industry, the court of public opinion is as critical as the courts of law. Winning one to lose the other, will be pointless.

    The best case scenario is arbitration and settlement. But for that Jeanz should prove their viability outside HYBE.

    And Omega signing up Danielle is a good sign. If advertisers are not fazed by legal disputes, then MHJeanz have a good chance of thriving outside HYBE.

  • Newjeans/Jeanz should never have "gratefulness"-based relationship with the embodiment of capitalism that is Hybe. Still, they are too in-the-bubble to understand that the idol industry, that the world is moved by this heartless capitalism. Without capitalism, there were no investment for the formation of Newjeans. The girls need to wake up and see that all is fine as long as it is in line of fair give-and-take. Newjeans is yet to recognize what it has taken from Hybe.

  • In the entertainment industry, the court of public opinion is as critical as the courts of law. Winning one to lose the other, will be pointless.

    The best case scenario is arbitration and settlement. But for that Jeanz should prove their viability outside HYBE.

    And Omega signing up Danielle is a good sign. If advertisers are not fazed by legal disputes, then MHJeanz have a good chance of thriving outside HYBE.

    I understand that cases seem to settle prior to actual trials and most likely this case will as well

    Public opinion is very important and may influence a judge one way or another but if a court ultimately decides in favour of one party that decision is final and binding (subject obviously to appeals and whatnot)

    I read about that - good for her. I like the Aussie line lol

    I have no doubts that NJ can survive outside hybe|ador they seem like very talented artists

  • I am not saying that the judges will be influenced by public opinion, they may or may not. That is not my point.

    But as a business in entertainment industry, to win a legal battle and risk/damage public reputation is simply bad for business.

    However legal wheels turn slow and Jeanz must keep public favour throughout the process. If that fails, then they are in trouble.

  • The girls need to wake up and see that all is fine as long as it is in line of fair give-and-take. Newjeans is yet to recognize what it has taken from

    Hybe has shown no interest in giving anymore and only wants to take away.

    Staying in Hybe just seems like a slow career suicide



  • I am not saying that the judges will be influenced by public opinion, they may or may not. That is not my point.

    But as a business in entertainment industry, to win a legal battle and risk/damage public reputation is simply bad for business.

    However legal wheels turn slow and Jeanz must keep public favour throughout the process. If that fails, then they are in trouble.

    Seems sound

    I can agree with that

    The question is will public opinion turn against either side if more evidence comes out in the actual court process (and once a final decision is reached)

  • If you need to wait for the decision of the Korean courts to figure out which direction your moral compass should be aligned, given all the details we can confirm as factually true, then that's just being willfully ignorant just for the sake of preaching neutrality and using that as a way to put yourself on a pedestal

    That's how I feel every time I see someone trying to weigh in with these "both sides are bad" takes, because it requires very little critical thought or analysis of the nuances of this dispute. It's a basic, cookie cutter response meant to play it safe by not choosing a side while giving a green light for criticizing people who do take a firm stance.

    Who am I? A diehard fan of the most impacted group, who has carefully and meticulously reviewed every single one of those aforementioned nuances many times over, and I'm also someone whose empathy and morality are in tact.

    NewJeans have done NOTHING wrong, and every action they've taken has been to protect themselves, their staff, their IP, their content and their families. They just want to continue making music and the vision MHJ had for their careers.

    Meanwhile, HYBE has been exposed multiple times for multiple flagrantly abusive, manipulative and disgusting tactics, from horrendous media play to leaking footage and medical records of minors to Dispatch to releasing a video claiming NewJeans' concept is to fulfill adult fantasies to maintaining an "Internal Report" that shit on every idol in the industry practically. The list goes on

    So no, there isn't a both sides are wrong situation. This is a corrupt, arrogant conglomerate that thought it could bully and buy its way through any issue, and they fucked around and found out that they're not nearly as invincible as they thought.

    Maybe don't push the both sides are bad angle when their founder and chairman is being investigated for a 250 million dollar financial fraud, and there are multiple cases being sent to the National Assembly for all of their malicious and criminal activities.

  • The question is will public opinion turn against either side if more evidence comes out in the actual court process (and once a final decision is reached)

    Frankly, take off my kpop cap, I don't think evidence so far has been that serious by either party.

    Allegations from both sides are laughable.

    MHJ tried to take over ADOR: boohoo, big deal, that is to be expected of any ambitious executive.

    Belift/Source tried to scuttle NJ, copied stuff: Again, what else is new in business, just that it happened between labels of the same house, is just more disgusting.

    Videos/info were leaked manipulated - meh. dirty fighting by corporates

    Members were disrespected by boss, other managers - ho hum.

    It is only in Kpop world, supersensitive fans, who think Kpop is all rainbows and butterflies, who get worked up over such stuff.

    So more evidence of the same vein makes little difference. Besides by now, most involved are ego invested in either side, that any evidence of such sort is going to make little difference.

  • Let's not downplay how disgusting it is for a company to send videos of their own artists, from when they were minors, to the Korean equivalent to the trash tabloids, just to humiliate and shame them. That's not a "meh" incident in the slightest.

    Everyone concern trolled the shit out of NewJeans, constantly gaslighting their fans about their ages on debut, yet so many people are mum or dismissive when we have an actual instance of minors feeling violated and unsafe, as they stated in their own words.

  • Let's not downplay how disgusting it is for a company to send videos of their own artists, from when they were minors, to the Korean equivalent to the trash tabloids, just to humiliate and shame them. That's not a "meh" incident in the slightest.

    What is "disgusting" is , that Kpop agencies get "kids" to dance/practice to sexualized choreos/songs. Leak is secondary to that.

    But then is it truly "disgusting" - I see the same happening across the world, in many societies on TV programs and what not.

  • how exactly are NJ threat to army? I'm not on social media, have no idea what's happening there. This is a genuine question.

    Because ARMY are an echo chamber of whatever HYBEs board of trustees say. Theyre the strongest fanbase next to Tokkis and so HYBE is constantly pitting Army against Tokki and NewJeans as an extension to drum up the opposite of support.

    Whats so shocking to me is that Army and by extension BTS is now taking such a hit to their own image because of this. Which is even funnier to me because the two pillars of BTS, Jungkook and V, have both taken sides with NewJeans verses the corporation.

    Its cute

    And the reason behind this is because on some level all of these slave contracts are a sham and could be null and void with the right legal representation and paying attention to the right abusive behavior. HYBE doesnt want their artists to realize they have the power to #1 dismantle the multi label system that these board of trustees have paid into, #2 be in control if their own career. Because if groups feel like “well i signed this magical piece of paper then i have no power for 7 years” then hypothetically HYBE can do whatever they want for whatever side reason outside if profit to these boys and girls and no one would ever say a word about it

  • Everything you mentioned is just your opinion based on the limited facts available

    Do you agree that not all the facts have come out yet? There may be more facts that come out supporting either side

    Facts that have already come out might be deemed not relevant inadmissible (like I said previously due to illegality or whatnot) or may be countered by further facts and evidence. We aren't versed in SK contract laws

    How the hell does one know something is factually true when we as members of the public are receiving second and sometimes third hand information presented to us by each side who are biased and partial.

    Hybe isn't going to come out with evidence that goes yeap we mistreated NJ just as NJ isn't going to come out with evidence that goes yeap we breached our contract...

    The reason why the two sides are heading to court is because of their differences in opinions

    I've also never criticised anyone for choosing one side over another (at least no purposely - I think I've done it jokingly) everyone is entitled to their opinions

  • What is "disgusting" is , that Kpop agencies get "kids" to dance/practice to sexualized choreos/songs. Leak is secondary to that.

    But then is it truly "disgusting" - I see the same happening across the world, in many societies on TV programs and what not.

    No, there isn't a reason to caveat this. Those are two entirely separate conversations, and this is somewhat of a false equivalence. Let's just look at the action in isolation--a company leaked pre-debut footage of minors, some of whom weren't even in the company any longer, without their consent, just to humiliate them and stain their reputation. Dispatch even said their source was Source, ironically.

    That is objectively trash tier human behavior.

    selfmate, stop. Most of what I said is fact, not my opinion. I have an opinion based on said facts, but we have a surplus of material evidence over an 8 month time frame from which we can make safe inferences and judgments.

    HYBE have been caught in 4K multiple times at this point. What you're arguing is like seeing evidence of a suspected murderer shooting down their victim on footage, with their fingerprints all over the murder weapon and all circumstantial evidence pointing to them, along with private documents coming out that even established intent and premeditation, where they basically scream "I DID IT!!!", but then making the argument that we shouldn't rush to judgment or form any opinions until the courts tell us it's okay to do so.

    Anyways, let's reset.

    There is nothing wrong with TRUE neutrality and declaring you don't want to form an opinion until all the facts are revealed. I wouldn't push back on that.

    There is nothing wrong with apathy or indifference even. I would personally judge it, but nobody is obligated to give a damn about this.

    But the statement "both sides are bad" IS an opinion, a judgement and NOT true neutrality. And that is when you get into trouble and draw the ire of people who vehemently believe that isn't true based on the available and verifiable facts.

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