Chinese idols are disappointing

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  • Hard to justify calling them "disappointing" when they are the wholly owned property of the CCP - and must express the exact opinions provided for them, or else.

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    what happened
    i acnt look at twitter
    school clocks it
    and Chinese Idols are just as wonderful and amazing as anything else
    u best take it back

  • Hard to justify calling them "disappointing" when they are the wholly owned property of the CCP - and must express the exact opinions provided for them, or else.

    Many Chinese idols are speaking out though. Jackson though appears to be looking in the best interest of his money and choosing between different causes as he cannot support all of them, he has supported BLM and Women's Rights protests, so I think in his mind it is probs a case of "I cannot win them all, let's lay down for this issue and back the people with the money"

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • As is Victoria from (f)x....


    𝒮𝐻𝐼𝒩𝑒𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 - 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇 - 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶 𝒳 - 𝒯𝒳𝒯


  • umm

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH originally it had come out she was supporting them oh noo.... why Victoria? Whyyyyyyyy?

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • Hard to justify calling them "disappointing" when they are the wholly owned property of the CCP - and must express the exact opinions provided for them, or else.

    Thank you someone else who isn't an idiot and understands the CCP is a literal devil on earth worse than north korea quite literally. Those chinese celebrities literally have a gun to their heads. If they don't do it their family and friends suffer the consequences. Only way for them to do whatever they want is to permanently leave china and get all their family and friends to leave.

  • Yes some idols take the risk because they are incredibly brave or stupid depending if they are still in china or not. Or just doesn't give a fuck= got nothing to lose like family or friends and is content with calling out the CCP without fear of consequences

    I would not say it is stupid but definitely very very brave

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • They have this regulations towards artists etc. So even if they wouldn't cut ties then government can easily ban them and they basically wouldn't be able to appear in any Chinese tv as well as they wouldn't be able to perform in music festivals or have solo concerts... Not mentioning that communist party would also bully and put hella pressure on those idol families.

  • what happened
    i acnt look at twitter
    school clocks it
    and Chinese Idols are just as wonderful and amazing as anything else
    u best take it back

    He cut his partnership with Adidas due to the brains support of Xinjiang laborers

    Judging from what I've seen, I can see why he would do that. There's no reason to call Chinese idols "disappointing."

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

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  • you mean authoritarianism

    nothing inherently communist about censorship

    happens in capitalist countries too

    You can't have communism without authoritarianism or how else does the state stay in control the means of production?

    Censorship may happen in capitalist countries too but you know full well what happens when the state does it in those nations.

  • Can anyone tell me why the Chinese government owns their idols ? I mean most of them are doing the same shiz. I know owning them will be a biggest point for influencing but at this extent ?

    The government conditioned the citizens to be like servants. They will just follow order, and if the government snatches them they get tortured they won’t even say what happened to them

  • Many Chinese idols are speaking out though. Jackson though appears to be looking in the best interest of his money and choosing between different causes as he cannot support all of them, he has supported BLM and Women's Rights protests, so I think in his mind it is probs a case of "I cannot win them all, let's lay down for this issue and back the people with the money"

    BLM doesn’t affect China, simple as. (And the Chinese government views it as a destabilizing factor in the US) If Chinese cops are doing the same to minorities in China he will just pretend the victims are terrorists

  • BLM doesn’t affect China, simple as. (And the Chinese government views it as a destabilizing factor in the US) If Chinese cops are doing the same to minorities in China he will just pretend the victims are terrorists

    Sadly I cannot pretend that is not the case considering how much he has thrown his hometown under the bus.

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • You can't have communism without authoritarianism or how else does the state stay in control the means of production?

    Censorship may happen in capitalist countries too but you know full well what happens when the state does it in those nations.

    cOmMuNiSm iS WhEn tHe StAtE- oh please. read a book. the literal marxist definiton of communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society. socialism is basically how you get there, the stage in between capitalism and communism. and people have been arguing about which form of socialism is the right way for centuries. some advocate for state socialism, while others prefer libertarian socialism. and state socialism isn't even necessarily authoritarian in nature, since a state can still be democratic (depending on your viewpoint about states in general). so yeah, communism definitely isn't authoritarian and socialism isn't necessarily authoritarian either. i don't like china, and i don't fuck with what they're doing to minorities, but the shit they do is because the ccp is authoritarian, not because they're socialist (arguably, they're not even socialist, but im getting ahead of myself).

  • i wish all these idols dont bring politics into music industry

    But sadly, it has been the case.

    I hope Yuqi is not forced to do such thing too.

    She has been escaping fron spotlight all these while, she better keep quiet

  • i wish all these idols dont bring politics into music industry

    But sadly, it has been the case.

    I hope Yuqi is not forced to do such thing too.

    She has been escaping fron spotlight all these while, she better keep quiet

    They are forced to the tension between the chinese government and other nations is at an all time high unfortunately that shit is forced upon the entertainment industry and they have to act in kind or else. China is not the usa, South Korea etc you can't do whatever you want there without consequences serious consequences including death. This isn't America where u can say fuck the gov, country, president and nothing happens.

  • They are forced to the tension between the chinese government and other nations is at an all time high unfortunately that shit is forced upon the entertainment industry and they have to act in kind or else. China is not the usa, South Korea etc you can't do whatever you want there without consequences serious consequences including death. This isn't America where u can say fuck the gov, country, president and nothing happens.

    I do understand the situation in China.

    In most time, i dont think the idols are 'forced' by government to do so but most likely done because their label want them to do so to please the Chinese fans.

    You cant imagine the furious and hates from Chinese fans when a chinese idol keep silent on political matters.

  • Honestly, I know there are consequences if they go against the government, but the way fans are trying to cover up for idols by invalidating other Muslims feelings doesn’t sit right with me— they have the right be hurt, their feelings are valid as well. Y’all are bunch of hypocrites. Yes, it’s understandable with certain Chinese idols to act that way due to the guns on their heads, but the ways some people are justifying the concentration camps is so damn disgusting. Those people disgust me.

  • You can't expect other people to risk themselves. I wonder if all the critics are brave enough to go against an authoritarian government themselves. It's easy to say so when you live in a free country.

    Now, they have to choose between China or the rest of the world. Since they chose China, well, you can drop your support. Just don't expect them to join in an insurrection. Even the richest man in China can't go against the CCP.

  • You can't expect other people to risk themselves. I wonder if all the critics are brave enough to go against an authoritarian government themselves. It's easy to say so when you live in a free country.

    Now, they have to choose between China or the rest of the world. Since they chose China, well, you can drop your support. Just don't expect them to join in an insurrection. Even the richest man in China can't go against the CCP.

    Thank you for being smart and educated about the world. And not some silly snowflake living in a bubble, hats off to you for knowing how the REAL world works. Too many people today forget life outside the hen house is full of wolves and they are always circling and hungry

  • You fools are under the impression that all these idols are “forced”, nearly all chinese support there government and are brainwashed into believing that acting against the government is like acting against all chinese. Do y’all know what Chinese international students do in Korea?

    The majority of them are CCP pricks, they vandalized Hanyang and Hanguk university after korean students showed support to Hong Kong protesters, plus insulted korea whilst living in korea (said dokdo was japans, they’re against koreas independence, etc), no shame whatsoever.

    Y’all should just check weibo for yourselves, hundreds of thousands of comments about today’s incident....yet I couldn’t even find one comment about the real situation at hand, the forced labor (slavery) of Uighur Muslims.

    Out of all these idols Lay is probably the worst offender, followed by people like Jackson, Lai Kuanlin, and the rest of the back stabbers.

    The only chinese idols I have hope for are Chenle and Renjun....Chenle had a weibo but he’s only posted once on it but nothing supporting One China. Renjun hasn’t said anything but he’s most likely an Ethnic korean rather than Chinese but he still seems “prideful” regardless nor did he have a weibo in the first place. As a MY I have 0.0001% hope for Ningning but I’ll hold onto that 0.0001%.

    The only person I’m trusting at this point is Chenle....please don’t let me down.

    Also for people who didn’t know, this incident happened last year, I don’t know why they are being boycotted now, but it kinda proves that Chinese nationalism can be broken because there wasn’t this kind of outrage before.


  • Yes chinese citizens are brainwashed. But a good amount of them can see the flaws of the nation and say something about it privately i know a few people from China who came here and deprogrammed. Idols? The majority especially in kpop were taught the truth and had the luxury to see it from their vast fanbase their own group members lives, the varying countries they toured. Yeah some might still have retained brainwashed idiocy But the CCP really does put immense pressure on celebrities to push the narrative a show of power to everyone to say no matter how big you get, you will always be beneath our thumb.

    Ih that bit about Chenle 🤣😂😂 his family is Rich the only way you get rich in China is if you are apart of the ccp or directly benefit it as the state owns all property you can't" buy" a house in china etc. So Chenle is safe since hes associated with the ccp by blood

  • Under pressure to not say anything Actively promoting CCP's policy. High profile people only 'went missing' when they say something bad about CCP or their influence already too huge that it can threaten CCP position.

    The likes of Jackson, Lay and Victoria already went beyond 'being pressured', they either believed what they are saying or actively trying to please CCP to gain more fame and money.

    But in this particular case, I kind of understand why they have to do that (canceling the deal) because they would be the one who are going to get canceled, not just by CCP but also by the citizens if they didn't do so.

  • Some of you all exaggerate how much pressure these idols are under. They're not important enough public figures to pause a danger to the CCP and there're actual Chinese celebrities who spoke up before against some of these issues and weren't killed or have their careers end, they were at most blacklisted in main land China. Especially kpop idols who do actually have a career outside of China, they're obviously doing it for their own monetary gain I thought we have already agreed long ago that Jackson was just a greedy sellout who'd probably sell anyone for an extra paycheck.

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