are we cancelling every idol who support zionist product ?

  • prior to the current issues regarding Somi and Jisoo, there’s a whole thread on twitter exposing idol who consume zionist product. aespa, stray kids, nct member are among idol on the list

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    do you think, it is reasonable calling out idol for consuming zionist product such as starbuck and mcdonalds?

  • Honestly I have no clue that a boycott is even happening, it's non existent in my country, and it probably won't affect me buying whatever I want

    This "boycott" from what I've read so far after finding out about it, seem to stem from the online communities of certain countries, and I think it is ridiculous that others are supposed to follow suit with your boycott.

    So Macdonalds is bad now? Well fk me and my nuggets in my stomach I guess


    Speaking of, I just checked my Starbucks app (and I wouldn't have known about it if not for this saga) there's a 1 for 1 Venti sized drink, might get it later

  • Not particularly.

    There are enough real zionists in the world. If someone outright says “I support Isreal in this war” that’s when I’ll boycott them.

    I don’t care if you drink Starbucks or eat McDonald’s. Or whatever it is.

    This is just being a keyboard warrior to make people feel like they’re doing something. It’s quite cringe. I avoid such ppl and block them. They don’t really ever care about any real issues.

  • I haven't even heard of this boycott and I had starbucks this morning as well as everyone else who came into my store...and I'm in the u.s weird how people find this random ass shit and yet no one else knows about it

  • I haven't even heard of this boycott and I had starbucks this morning as well as everyone else who came into my store...and I'm in the u.s weird how people find this random ass shit and yet no one else knows about it

    well somi is being cancelled real hard right now

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  • well somi is being cancelled real hard right now

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    So? People are weird let me go take a picture of my starbucks in my fridge and my coffee cups too. They are 50% off right now. Point is no one even knows this is going on besides idiots on twitter.

  • No, because then I'd have to cancel every other person on this earth for eating McDonalds, and drinking coffee from Starbucks. People will go about their daily lives consuming products from brands deemed controversial and evil, there's nothing any Twitter account can do to stop that.

    Some people's daily routine revolves around getting a coffee every morning, so I'm not gonna cancel a bunch of idols for drinking and eating from these companies because I'd be a hypocrite myself since I eat at McDonald's and Starbucks as well.

  • This "boycott" from what I've read so far after finding out about it, seem to only stem from the online communities of certain countries, and I think it is ridiculous that others are supposed to follow suit with your boycott.

    So Macdonalds is bad now? Well fk me and my nuggets in my stomach I guess

    Putting mcdonalds shitty ass garbage food over genocide is for sure a statement to make, but you do you i guess

    canceling kpop idols that drink starbuk is basically unstanning kpop

    that country love their damn coffee

    You are sadly right, is insane how much they love to go flaunting those coffee cups in their hands is like some kind of status for them, but they need to be called out about it regardless

  • I have never make a decision to purchase or not purchase goods from a company based on their political or religious views. I have yet to find an organization that holds the same views/morals that do which means I’d basically have to boycott every retailer because they all choose to support something I don’t agree with.

  • if a person is so radical about this
    she should not consume anything from the USA

    the music, cinema, brands

    all of them are doing or did sh**, supporting/supported some sh**
    just their existence helps USA image and everything political they do

    annoying people from a performative generation trying to cancel people drinking a damn coffee :skull:

  • You assuming it's about flaunting status is just you projecting what you would do.

    They're just showing off a recognizable drink. They do the same for Coca-Cola, Sprite, etc. Drinks that are $1.00 USD to get at some places. Would you call that flexing status, too?

    Whatever reason they do it is meaningless, so idgaf

  • my sister bought four of their coffee cups for that 50% deal. I’ll buy one if they go 75% off. Let me know :pepe-smug:

    Im so mad i bought one and didn't even get 50% off it was like $8 off a $27 cup but i work graveyards and there was no manager to fix it so i said f it lol

  • people caring about and supporting celebs for everything other than being informed, politically active critical thinkers and then turning around and being shocked when they aren't will always be silly. these people got famous for singing/dancing/acting/looking good/playing sports/whatever. no, they will most likely not be informed on every major political event nor care, and if you were supporting celebs financially it's probably a good time to realize almost all of them fit this bill even if you haven't realized it yet. if ya care that much about political movements, don't buy into celebrity culture. not that this lil diatribe will change this lol.

  • It seems a bit like selective outrage or people choosing an easy target so they can be performative on the internet. All of us are using items, consuming food, etc that is deeply unethical. I mean, anything with parts made in China... or hell, any US-made products. My country (US) is involved in the most heinous shit and always has been. If we boycott equitably, we'll all just end up sitting naked in the middle of a tundra because there won't be anything left to consume at all.

  • Idols shouldn't be cancelled for personal consumption but idols like jisoo and somi who are recently doing the promotion of Starbucks after most likely getting paid by that company to do so, deserve the backlash

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  • This is hypocrisy to the highest degree. I hate activist on twitter, they're all the same. You know damn well these ppl cancelling these idols are doing the same shit. They're tweeting how terrible they are while scoffing down 2 large fries and had a frappuccino yesterday. Not only that but these idols have ACTUAL lives and REAL jobs, to think that they even know which brands are supporting who is insane. They prolly don't have time to fucking search every brand they consume like these basement dwellers. I honestly think these ppl just have a easy life and nothing going on so they thrive off of online discourse to fill the hole they have, they love drama and get off on beating someone down.

    Sorry but eating Mickey Ds and drinking Starbucks doesn't mean ur a zionist. If we're gonna go there then everyone is a fucking child slavery supporter with all the phones and PCs we have. Or what about Disney? If you ever watched Disney or played their games then that would mean you're homophobic and support anti-gay laws. There's so much more i go gown down the list on as well. It's all so ridiculous and hypocritical. Basically if you're gonna cancel someone for shit like this then might as well look in the mirror and cancel yourself to call it fair lol.

  • We should cancel the people living in the US

    By being American you are an ALLY. Be ashamed

  • How tf yall are not aware of starbucks boycott omg


    All i did was search starbucks on news and thats what appeared.

    I had no idea kpop stans were that completely oblivious to real life issues specially when yall look chronically online asf

    The boycott isnt for something silly its to defend palestine from genocide and let authorities know that we wont forgive their support to the mass murder of palestinians. The fact that yall shrug this as "whatever" is disgusting and can only come from a very privileged and/or alienated place.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • Just because im online doesnt mean i read the news in fact i dont i dont watch it on tv and i dont read it. I dont care about religion or politics. I can enjoy being online without knowing whats going on. The only time i watch the news if its something directly involving where i live like the fire we had 5 mikls behind my house and we were in evacuation mode. Aint no one gonna ridicule me for choosing to not look at this shit daily.

  • Yup, exactly. Every hardworking, tax-paying American is indirectly enabling. Only the unemployed and the tax evaders are safe from being cancelled if we're going this route.

    And ONLY if they are making sure every business they buy from, spend at or give money to isn't in some way "pro-Israel". And unemployed people are definitely in a financial position to actively partake in a boycott of that scale of course.

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