How much contents do y'all watch 26
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The result is only visible to the participants.
I usually get around to watching a good amount, though it's not always right when it's actually "live"
I don't watch lives, cause most of the time It happens when I'm busy or sleeping. So I prefer to go to translation accounts later to see the highlights/clips.
Reality shows I watch depending on the format. Some are creative/interesting, some are so heavily scripted/boring, I can't handle.
The Behind the scenes depends on the event/production It is about. If It was something that interests me to know how was the process behind, I watch, If not, I skip.
Performances and MVs are probably the only thing I watch consistently.
^same as ves
often the live versions aren't subbed and I'm not usually in the right timezone as when they do it so sometimes I will watch it after the fact
not every weverse live but like probably half of them
It depends on who's live tbh. some don't know english, and i don't know a lick of korean, i will watch and not understand, but if it's corbyn or one that knows english i definitely will watch. Corbyn speaks fluent english 'cause he's american, some like VAV's St. Van knows a bit and will answer in english if you speak to him in english and he reads it. that's always nice.
I do however, watch anything and everything of my faves:
I only watch livestreams when it's an album countdown, a birthday live, or Onew's voice lives (despite the fact that I don't speak Korean).
And I only watch the variety/reality shows when it's culturally important (ex: MinKey ILA)
But I do watch literally any drama/movie the SHINee members participate in because it's fun.
What's ur yt channel? if u wanna share
What's ur yt channel? if u wanna share
I don't mind sharing.
It's been since the pandemic that I uploaded anything though
I've deliberated making similar content for NewJeans, but I'm holding off for now
MV, performances and vlives
Variety I rarely watch, except edited videos
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I don't mind sharing.
It's been since the pandemic that I uploaded anything though
I've deliberated making similar content for NewJeans, but I'm holding off for now
Yo 17K subscribers and a bunch of videos with almost a million views???? U r popular bro
I'll be watching if u upload newjeans vids
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