Is Fifty Fifty the First Group to have many people Side with the Company over the group?

  • I can’t seem to remember any other group that has lost this much goodwill with the public. I mean Korean fans can be in line with the company more but even for international Kpop fans many are still siding with the company over the group. Is this the first time that’s happened?

  • International fans are just joining the bandwagon. When they know very little of a legal battle between an idol and the company, these ifans remain quiet and wait for the verdict of the Korean public. The information is limited for the ifans to be sufficiently informed about it nor are they interested about the situation begin with. But of course, they have to join the bandwagon and pretend to know a lot— ifan behaviours.

  • international Kpop fans many are still siding with the company over the group.

    You word this like ifans should be siding with the group and it's surprising that they aren't, when honestly every bit of news/info thats come up has made the group and The Givers look worse and worse. Even the attempt from that TV show to portray the groups side got discredited.

    I just don't see much reason to side with the group tbh

  • at current juncture, it is EXTREMELY HARD for anyone to side with 50/50 and The Givers given how most of their arguments and claims have been debunked

    Also, the ifans initially jumped onto the conclusion to hate the ATTRAKT CEO based on his bad track records with previous group (which is very vague support tbh, track record =/= current situation). Since then many claims have been debunked and more controversy revealed about The Givers. The tide has shifted obviously...

  • I'm usually always on the side of the idol.

    I don't blame them for suing but they sure are abit of dumbass for aligning themselves with someone who is no good as well.

    I just hope Warner bros will still support them after enticing them to the lawsuit and losing it.

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  • I think it’s because generally everyone in kpop, whether they are fans of a group or not, tend to side with the idols over the company.

    But 50/50, ironically, is splitting ppls opinion, so the slight reaction siding with a company feels weird.

    But yeah, definitely more kpop fans (probably the most ever) are siding against an idols than a company. Is to 51>49%? who knows

  • legal issues are always so badly documented in english so i logged myself out of this thing before it even started just to avoid the misinformation and misunderstandings, not even quite sure what is going on. however most of what i have seen have been critic towards the girls, not the company, which has been very surprising (again mind u, i dont know the situation) cuz that's usually not how it goes in this industry

  • Meanwhile I'm just upset the campaign for a huge pop single got derailed. Justice for Cupid! Still a huge bop and still charting highly (all anyone will be aware of outside of kpop circles.)

    Both cupid and the song for barbie lost its momentum, these girls were dumb asf, they killed their own careers bc they couldnt wait to see their peak

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • Both cupid and the song for barbie lost its momentum, these girls were dumb asf, they killed their own careers bc they couldnt wait to see their peak

    No, the song is Top 10 on multiple formats in the US and still growing on some of them. To the average person, Cupid was a huge Song of the Summer, one of the obvious big songs of 2023, and no one knows or cares about this kpop circle jerk drama.

  • No, the song is Top 10 on multiple formats in the US and still growing on some of them. To the average person, Cupid was a huge Song of the Summer, one of the obvious big songs of 2023, and no one knows or cares about this kpop circle jerk drama.

    I know that, but that's the song's own doing, the group now have no future, and thats why i said they wont be able to see their peak (not in a literal way but in a they cant enjoy that now way). The song being successful now means nothing for their growth as artists and that's why its a waste

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • at current juncture, it is EXTREMELY HARD for anyone to side with 50/50 and The Givers given how most of their arguments and claims have been debunked

    Also, the ifans initially jumped onto the conclusion to hate the ATTRAKT CEO based on his bad track records with previous group (which is very vague support tbh, track record =/= current situation). Since then many claims have been debunked and more controversy revealed about The Givers. The tide has shifted obviously...

    The funniest thing about this for me is that they claim he mistreated Hotshot and yet not a single hot shot member had come forward with anything to say about the Attrakt CEO. If any of the members truly felt any resentment toward the Attrakt CEO this would have been their perfect opportunity to speak up. But they haven't.

    What they don't seem to understand is that groups fail for numerous reasons. Success is never guaranteed, especially for small companies. It also doesn't help that stans like to cry mistreatment for every little thing. The CEO could have had an okay relationship with the members even though things didn't work out for the group. He could have also learned from his failures.

  • I can’t seem to remember any other group that has lost this much goodwill with the public. I mean Korean fans can be in line with the company more but even for international Kpop fans many are still siding with the company over the group. Is this the first time that’s happened?

    The Attrakt owner's media play worked over the Korean public.

    His sob stories , probably bullshit, touched a lot of Korean minds.

    Unfortunately what he did will result in a much worsened contract situation on idols, resulting in less number of idols who will tolerate such conditions

  • International fans are just joining the bandwagon. When they know very little of a legal battle between an idol and the company, these ifans remain quiet and wait for the verdict of the Korean public. The information is limited for the ifans to be sufficiently informed about it nor are they interested about the situation begin with. But of course, they have to join the bandwagon and pretend to know a lot— ifan behaviours.

    I have written for many months that the Korean public in general does not like KPop. And their opinion, which is not relevant for KPop, are wagging the dog

  • It's because the more information that you find out, the more the girls seem like greedy dumbasses. Like why would you want to side with a dumbass.

    Jeon, who was the media agent for some companies before, knows how to play the Korean public and the Koreans were duped by him

  • at current juncture, it is EXTREMELY HARD for anyone to side with 50/50 and The Givers given how most of their arguments and claims have been debunked

    Also, the ifans initially jumped onto the conclusion to hate the ATTRAKT CEO based on his bad track records with previous group (which is very vague support tbh, track record =/= current situation). Since then many claims have been debunked and more controversy revealed about The Givers. The tide has shifted obviously...

    Debunked by the Korean yellow journalism with characters no less shady than Siahn

    They all have reasons to support companies , who give them perks, and no reason to support 5050 who won't stay in Korea no matter how this is decided.

  • legal issues are always so badly documented in english so i logged myself out of this thing before it even started just to avoid the misinformation and misunderstandings, not even quite sure what is going on. however most of what i have seen have been critic towards the girls, not the company, which has been very surprising (again mind u, i dont know the situation) cuz that's usually not how it goes in this industry

    In Korea, courts don't make decisions according to the law.

    They make decisions upon whatever direction the political winds blow.

    The President of Korea got concerned and he sent a politically connected actor to listen to the company owners. The courts got the message about where the President's will was and judged accordingly.

    Unfortunately, since the politically connected actor basically gets to run all of Korea's cultural policies, he and the company owners will introduce 'reformed' contracts with much more power towards the owners.

  • Because the girls made a dumb decision, they became too greedy.

    It was Jeon who was too greedy

    He rejected the offer from Warner and wanted to market his ricketty company for $65 million

    Plus he fully intended to use the money Fifty made to launch his own boy group, notwithstanding that his track record was abysmal

  • The funniest thing about this for me is that they claim he mistreated Hotshot and yet not a single hot shot member had come forward with anything to say about the Attrakt CEO. If any of the members truly felt any resentment toward the Attrakt CEO this would have been their perfect opportunity to speak up. But they haven't.

    What they don't seem to understand is that groups fail for numerous reasons. Success is never guaranteed, especially for small companies. It also doesn't help that stans like to cry mistreatment for every little thing. The CEO could have had an okay relationship with the members even though things didn't work out for the group. He could have also learned from his failures.

    They probably waited for public opinion and since Jeon stirred it against 5050 they probably decided to shut up to salvage whatever is remaining of their career, especially Ha Sungwoon, who is now in the military, who will probably get a job in Hybe later thru his friend Jimin and had no reason to risk his future for an act he didn't even know anything about.

  • I have written for many months that the Korean public in general does not like KPop. And their opinion, which is not relevant for KPop, are wagging the dog

    Sure the Korean GP have higher preference for ballads and other genres than Kpop, but it doesn't mean that they would simply ignore issues that arise among Kpop artists especially when there are legal matters involved. Look at how the Korean general public reacts to DUI scandals, school bullying, sexual harrassments that involves an idol. They don't just stand around the sidelines just because they don't like Kpop, cause in the case of Fifty Fifty it's not about Kpop music, but it's current crucial issues around them and their company.

    Also who do you think you are, as an outsider/foreigner/international fan, for thinking that YOUR opinion matter more than the Korean public themselves in Korea with their Korean artists? Like, you... are... an... out... si... der. An "outsider", thus your opinion can be relegated to irrelevance most of the time. Know your place, outsiders.


  • I feel bad for 5050, whyknock will again jinxed them just like when he confidently said they will win this case months ago. He is another Drew where their prediction and narrative will almost going opposite from what they want. And not like the girls can go anywhere, they have contract to fullfil and huge amount of money to pay to the ceo back. I don’t think their family are that rich too. And it is not easy to move to another country lol. He act like changing citizenship is so cheap and easy.

  • I feel bad for 5050, whyknock will again jinxed them just like when he confidently said they will win this case months ago. He is another Drew where their prediction and narrative will almost going opposite from what they want. And not like the girls can go anywhere, they have contract to fullfil and huge amount of money to pay to the ceo back. I don’t think their family are that rich too. And it is not easy to move to another country lol. He act like changing citizenship is so cheap and easy.

    Pay what to whom? The owner will do whatever he can to try to collect but there won't be too much for him to build his boy group. which is the only thing in his mind to begin with

    It is just that the majority of Koreans just want to go back to their serf days and the 5050 members are one of the few who don't want that. That's all

  • Don't sue unless you have the evidence to back up your claims. All they brought to the table were allegations without any receipts.

    I'll leave that to the courts

    what I will say though is that at least I (try to???) understand why they are doing what they are doing...

    they had a massive W with cupid and they were trying to capitalize on the success of the song to get out of their contract

    they probably have (like most nugu groups and companies) a really shitty contract that benefited the company more than them and lots of trainee debt

    they probably thought hey with all this great publicity and recognition maybe we can use this as an opportunity to get out of our less than ideal contracts

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