Director Choi: "Twice is a Legend and an Anomaly among girl groups"

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  • The girls make it so easy to stan.... 9 loveable, incredible, and unique personalities.

    Twice is also very good at converting fans for life which I predict will be the main trait that will keep them going and outpace the competition in the long run. That's why they're still doing so well almost 9 years into their career. Of course I can't prove this, we'll need 10 more years to see if this holds true.

  • The girls make it so easy to stan.... 9 loveable, incredible, and unique personalities.

    Twice is also very good at converting fans for life which I predict will be the main trait that will keep them going and outpace the competition in the long run. That's why they're still doing so well almost 9 years into their career. Of course I can't prove this, we'll need 10 more years to see if this holds true.

    i've noticed that a lot of people who aren't fans who go to their concerts become fans.

    my husband had zero interest in them or kpop until he came with me to one of their concerts last year. and he's still not into kpop, but he's been to a loooot of concerts, and he says twice are the best performers he's seen. their show is the best show. and now he knows their names, he bought merch for himself this tour, he knows a lot of their songs. when someone asks who his bias is, he knows how to answer lol

    there's something about them as a group that's special. if you go to their concert and see them irl, you leave a fan



  • i've noticed that a lot of people who aren't fans who go to their concerts become fans.

    my husband had zero interest in them or kpop until he came with me to one of their concerts last year. and he's still not into kpop, but he's been to a loooot of concerts, and he says twice are the best performers he's seen. their show is the best show. and now he knows their names, he bought merch for himself this tour, he knows a lot of their songs. when someone asks who his bias is, he knows how to answer lol

    there's something about them as a group that's special. if you go to their concert and see them irl, you leave a fan

    I definitely noticed this for theirs concerts and also speaking from experience.

    1.) If you're not a fan already, theres a chance you'll be converted in their concert. One of my friends who I went to concert with recently, was never a Once. I remember lining up for merch together and me and another friend was like are you going to get anything? He was like no, not really a Once. At the end of the concert, he had both our lightsticks in his hands like he was guiding a plane to a landing strip. He couldn't stop talking about the group after.

    2.) If you're already a fan, Twice's concerts will really strengthen your loyalty to the group. I understand why groups tour. There is really nothing like seeing your faves live, especially Twice and seeing them live will definitely make you a fan for life.

    I've also been too pretty much every GG concert that has stepped foot in the US and Twice has his magical ability to keep you engaged the entire concert and keep the energy up. It also helps that their songs are happy songs so you are always left in this euphoric state throughout. Their fan engagement is also top notch.

  • Blinks running in because they are so insecure that any complement of any girl group is a threat to their fragile identity.

    Anyways yeah Twice amazing but it’s funny they said they have low streaming when Twice is like too 5 most streamed gigs in kpop

  • a twice concert is a religious experience fr fr their energy and the crowd's energy is always insane. i didn't like their setlist this year, they even did my most disliked songs, and i was still engrossed the entire time.

    all twice antis should see them just once. they'll leave in a twice t shirt and with a candybong in hand




  • Isn't that a bad thing?

    And is this a JYP problem?

    NMIXX just sold over a million albums in one week, they are not charting well.

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    Lmao wait, did anyone actually watch the video? They’re an anomaly because they have low streams alongside high album sales.

    Then he groups the “complete idols” with high album sales and high streams completely separate to them :pepe-cross:

  • a twice concert is a religious experience fr fr their energy and the crowd's energy is always insane. i didn't like their setlist this year, they even did my most disliked songs, and i was still engrossed the entire time.

    all twice antis should see them just once. they'll leave in a twice t shirt and with a candybong in hand


    I have friends who went to Twice concert, who were very much becoming fans after that experience. It is just incredible they went from "cant sing" to one of the best 3rd gen performers and having one of the most critically aclaimed music collections.


    ThinkAbouTzu, Tuwuice:pleading::pleading::pleading:

  • What bad thing? Literally and probably the only 3rd gen girl group to even have an idol career this year, but dont quote me on this.

    Isn't a bad thing to be a fandom only group.

    The better career in 2023 so far yes, But not the only one.

    HashTag cameback (nugu).

    Dreamcatcher released a single and an album this year.

    Mamamoo went on tour, but no comeback, just like BP

    Mamamoo+ (Sub unit is having a comeback)

    But the group that has a chance of putting up better numbers than all, is Oh My Girl, they are coming back in a few days, we will see if they flop or put out a good song.

    Edit: I almost forgot, 3 of the Loona girls had a comeback with their sub-unit Odd Eye circle. (Are they 4th Generation?)

  • Are you implying they are the best so far because the answer is yes

    Every groups either did a tour or releasing albums this year, but Twice has a tour AND make music all in the same year. That has been the same thing every year since they debut and next year will be the same.

    For sure, from the 3rd generation only Dreamcatcher and Twice had comebacks and released albums, obviously Twice out sells, out charts and out tours DC.

  • I don't get it, i am a TWICE fan so please don't think i mean to shade them in anyway, but aren't they implying they have bad digitals and strong album sales? how is that a good thing? There are other girl groups that have both digitals and big album sales? for starters i agree they are legendary and they have had an amazing carreer and will always be remembered as one of the legendary girl groups but i dont get why that guy is calling them legendary for THOSE reasons instead of all the others that would actually make them sound better than what he said

  • I don't get it, i am a TWICE fan so please don't think i mean to shade them in anyway, but aren't they implying they have bad digitals and strong album sales? how is that a good thing? There are other girl groups that have both digitals and big album sales? for starters i agree they are legendary and they have had an amazing carreer and will always be remembered as one of the legendary girl groups but i dont get why that guy is calling them legendary for THOSE reasons instead of all the others that would actually make them sound better than what he said

    The only complete idols on the video are all 4th gens though, how is that a bad thing?


    ThinkAbouTzu, Tuwuice:pleading::pleading::pleading:

  • i've noticed that a lot of people who aren't fans who go to their concerts become fans.

    my husband had zero interest in them or kpop until he came with me to one of their concerts last year. and he's still not into kpop, but he's been to a loooot of concerts, and he says twice are the best performers he's seen. their show is the best show. and now he knows their names, he bought merch for himself this tour, he knows a lot of their songs. when someone asks who his bias is, he knows how to answer lol

    there's something about them as a group that's special. if you go to their concert and see them irl, you leave a fan

    This is totally true. I went to Twice in Toronto. I haven't been to a ton of other concerts but I've seen some big names like Metallica and Twice absolutely destroyed them with entertainment factor. They really know how to put on an amazing show.

  • I don't get it, i am a TWICE fan so please don't think i mean to shade them in anyway, but aren't they implying they have bad digitals and strong album sales? how is that a good thing? There are other girl groups that have both digitals and big album sales? for starters i agree they are legendary and they have had an amazing carreer and will always be remembered as one of the legendary girl groups but i dont get why that guy is calling them legendary for THOSE reasons instead of all the others that would actually make them sound better than what he said

    I think the factor people here is missing is the factor of time. How many groups almost 9 years into their careers still have the same power as Twice? Let me rephrase that, how many 3rd gen groups left is doing what Twice can do? 1 other one? Maybe 2?

    It is not hard for new groups to do well with hype alone, especially from a big company.
    The "general public" is a fickle kinda group. Just look at how quickly they jumped from one group to another during the start of 4th gen. Let me remind you, they all had strong digital at the start.

    Also Twice digital is not as bad as ppl make it sound, it's just not doing as well as the top groups right now but it's still respectable relatively speaking. Their Spotify numbers for example is amongst the top.

    To simplify, general public come and go. Loyal fans stays. Twice doing the things they are doing now is purely due to the loyalty of their fans. That is what makes them legendary, their ability to create such dedicate fans.

  • Being a top level girl group getting PAKs and daesangs at their peak years and longetivity of top level boy group at their 8th year is legendary and an anomaly. Obviously that is in the context Gaon Circle in Korea

    But that is not what he's saying, he's simply implying they don't have good digitals and only rely on fandom same as bgs.

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