Is anyone else having a hard time processing this tragedy?

  • I cannot comprehend it as something people just don’t cry over. I was never a fan, but the grief leads me back into late 2017. Idk how tf I am going to sleep tonight knowing this shit happened.

    It makes me so sad.

    I had the same pain watching Rise from Ladies Code, Sulli, Jonghyun and Goo Hara pass, they were my biases and now Moonie too. I know it is hard to understand and fathom unless you have mental health disorders yourself. Grieving them is completely understandable especially when they are around your age

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • OP, take care and maybe it's best to log-off too since there'll be toxic ppl posting things that may trigger you -- even when you are trying to ask for some comfort from other fans. Take it easy and take care of your well being first.

    Yea :( I saw the thread and read some of those on other forums and twitter is a cespool

    I was positive that 2017-2018 wouldn't repeat itself because surely all companies should have had therapists employed for their artists after those tragedies. But it still persists and that's what shocked me the most, especially since he's so young.

    I feel the same so the fact that he took hiatuses due to being worried about his own mental health in the past but they still even after that did not take his wellbeing seriously, kinda frustrates me.

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • I think this is gonna be hard to say but I don't think this will end with Moonbin. As long as mental health isn't taken seriously tragedies like this will repeat itself. Also as someone who suffered from depression for at least 6 years I know how it feels to be suïcidal. If your thoughts are filled with darkness and pain constantly you get the feeling you will NEVER get better. What shocked me the most about Moonbin is that he was all smiles. He looked happy with his life and what he was doing. I tried finding any clues of him being depressed or in pain but I couldn't find any. He must have suffered in secret and made this decision because he couldn't bare the pain anymore.

    Whereas with Jonghyun you could see the depression in his eyes if you watch his videos. And feel his suffering through his music. He committed suïcide in the period I had severe depression as well. So I was literally sick and I had so much pain processing his death. Even, when I didn't really follow SHINee or Jonghyun as a fan. It was the fact that I could relate to him so much.

    At the end of the day only God saved my life. If I didn't believe I would have jumped ship too. After 6 horrible years of being miserable and done with life I finally found a treatment that helped me get back on track mentally.

    Depression is a disease that affects anyone differently. Some are better in hiding it and some don't. And sometimes even therapy sessions and anti depression pills won't help. It is very very hard for some of us to find the light again. And unfortunately some chose to end their own life.

    I am still kinda hoping the autopsy will say something else.

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  • Suicides are always difficult to accept even if you're not too familiar with the person, especially when it's someone as young as this. Your empathy is natural.

  • Just by being a K-pop fan, there’s a universal connection most of us feel towards all idols even if we don’t stan.

    Ever since late 2017, I feel like a lot of us have had this lingering, unspoken anxiety that we never wanted to openly talk about. We knew the possibility, but we could never fully prepare ourselves emotionally for something like this. I don’t think anyone can.

    So just know that you’re not alone in how you feel. It’s okay to cry and vent as a way of processing this. It’s never easy, but it gets better when you have healthy methods of coping.

  • you dont have to know anyone personally to feel pain and sadness when they suddenly pass. It's a gut wrenching thing to see it especially in those so young. Everyone deals with things differently and in their own way. Your feelings are your feelings and shouldn't be invalidated. I just hope everyone who is taking it harder than I am are okay themselves.

    It's true that you can sometimes never tell how hurt a person is inside. Some of us hide our pain quite well until it becomes unbearable. I'm hoping this may be an accident but there's a chance it wasnt and what hurts is someone as bright and talented as him may have been silently suffering for a long time.

    I cannot listen to astros music or moonbin and sanhas without bawling. And everytime I see something new like an artist leaving a comment, I just cry all over again. It will take time to heal from this. But no one is rushing anyone.

    Anyone who insults others, the deceased, or uses this situation to incite fanwars are seriously gross. And I hope people will block individuals behaving like that. No one should be acting like that. Im saying this before anyone goes around acting dunb.

  • I haven’t slept well at all since it happened. Even if I try to mentally go through with my day as normal and not dwell on it too much, I find myself waking up with a headache and a clenched jaw, like I’d been grinding teeth all night. Even if I’m trying not to think about it, I’m processing it in my own way. Maybe I’ll be able to really sit with it this weekend

  • Suicide is never an easy or pleasant subject to deal with. It's starting to become a familiar theme in K pop unfortunately. I had heard of him but didn't know about him. It's sad but it will happen due to the pressures of the industry. Mental health imo never gets taken seriously enough and that is just as bigger a tragedy.

  • When I saw it I was like yoo you late for these April fool's now. But it wasn't a joke. I always saw him as my little brother. Loved Astro and moonbin was always cute adorable and happy and hilarious. Like the perfect little brother. When it was confirmed the only words I had for him was Hyung was not supposed to outlive you.

    RIP moonbin - saranghaeyo

  • My non kpop fan sister was shocked about this after I told her Moonbin is a group mate of Eunwoo. She follows Eunwoo due to watching kdramas.

    The part that really kills me if Eunwoo did a drama about coping with a friend who lost his best friend. Man who would have thought that drama would later become reality for him.

    Dude if it were me I wouldn't be able to watch my own tv show or have anyone mention it to me the PTSD would be too real

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