Is Babymonster hype over?
its got 4.5million views in 4 days, that not hype?
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its got 4.5million views in 4 days, that not hype?
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it's not really a survival show it's more like a documentary of their debut process
it hasn't really started yet we will see their mission this week
AKP /= Kpop fans in general.
Every video they post trends all over the world within hours.
People here need to stop using AKP and Twitter stans as a gauge on Kpop. These are the very fringe of the fringe of Kpop. Extremists if you will. They don't really represent most Kpop fans.
It's kinda like that Oppar user posting some fringe forum used by Korean fangirl nutjobs like Nate and a post with 7 upvotes and posting "aLL oF kOrEa HaTeS ________"
The whole "Knetz think ______" threads is not accurate.
It's like posting a random thread from Reddit and saying "ALL aMeRiCaNs ThInK ____"
No it doesnt.
don't be a hater blue2012. don't be a hater.
I don’t see many people talking about their survival show or the members compared to when they were first revealed. Are you bored of them too?
Somewhat. I was really hyped when they dropped the intros but my interest kept dropping when the last evaluation started. Lets also add that YG always shoving particular members to audience faces. I guess Ill just wait for the day they debut.
whom do you mean? I don’t watch their content so I don’t know what’s happening with them
Lots of screentime and content for Chiquita, Pharita, Ruka and Ahyeon that I feel sorry for the other members. And even in those times YG finally release a content about them, they're always together with either of the 4 or as a whole group.
I understand that their current fanbase is strong in Thailand and they need to get the Japan market as well. But Korea is as important as those two countries as that's the place where they need to start after all. YG need to equally promote the members to get KR support.
Cuz u only like nugu groups icy
All youtubers react them. There's definitely a lot of hype from overseas fans. I finally gave up and looked at the 'Last Evaluation' videos. I liked Ruka, Ahyeon and Pharita personalities. All members very talented
i do follow ever evalution
but when these f**kers (yg) write "last evaluation" you expect LAST to be 1 or 2...but NO, it is taking forever.
and also many here have the feeling they are toying with us, and just building hype, cos at last minute they will all stay on the group.
I will say that my faves are the Thai line and Asa. And IFFFFF (great if, cos i won`t belive someone is leaving until the last minute) someone is leaving, i think those (yes 2) will be Ruka and Haram
(please no)
I honestly forgot about them. Everything's been so slow, i lost interest
i do follow ever evalution
but when these f**kers (yg) write "last evaluation" you expect LAST to be 1 or 2...but NO, it is taking forever.
and also many here have the feeling they are toying with us, and just building hype, cos at last minute they will all stay on the group.
I will say that my faves are the Thai line and Asa. And IFFFFF (great if, cos i won`t belive someone is leaving until the last minute) someone is leaving, i think those (yes 2) will be Ruka and Haram
(please no)
Do you know who is most popular in the group? People say it’s Chiquita and Haram. Is it true?
so your fave is not shove in your face by YG....who is she?
Mine's Ahyeon. The rest are equal. I just feel sorry for the others. They're young and I can't help to feel a motherly instinct for them so seeing other members not getting the same promotion as the others are somewhat sad for me. I also feel the same way about Treasure. Hyunsuk will always be my #1 but it doesn't mean I don't care for the others. Even seeing a lot of Hyunsuk content while for example, a member being left out bothers me sometimes. Give chance to others, they say. :>
Mine's Ahyeon. The rest are equal. I just feel sorry for the others. They're young and I can't help to feel a motherly instinct for them so seeing other members not getting the same promotion as the others are somewhat sad for me. I also feel the same way about Treasure. Hyunsuk will always be my #1 but it doesn't mean I don't care for the others. Even seeing a lot of Hyunsuk content while for example, a member being left out bothers me sometimes. Give chance to others, they say. :>
that is the story of each and every kpop group. There will always be an underdog. Just fight for your bias. And hope the other members- if they get cut out- end up on a glorious group too
Stans won't care until they can success brag about them
just throw that survival show in trash and release music
I excluded Rora because she's in the nugu line
you know that YG will have a Korean faves and that is Ahyeon, but next in line is Rora. Chiquita and Pharita are also faves cos they can´t denay that Thai and southeast countries bring a lot of money. They already made that mistake with Lisa...and it looks like they learn a little
I think Asa might be on the fave list
I am surprised how Asa is not more popular. She is my personal favorite right now. She is so talented!
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they are too talented to ignore for me
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