bypannchoaJune 28, 2022

    Bangtan's V, Blackpink's Lisa and Park Bogum came back from their Celine show


    "Blackpink Lisa, how a world star greets"
    "Blackpink Lisa, 'lowers the windows to wave her hands'"
    "Park Bogum 'if you're this warm, it's against the rules"
    "Park Bogum, greeting thoroughly!"
    "BTS V, 'omits greeting out of tiredness'"

    It seems like he has another schedule and took another plane so he's the only one tired

    post response:
    original post: here

    1. [+790, -73]
    You'll understand if you watched the video but even when the fans were shouting and greeting him, he didn't look at them once and just went in his car. I really think that his personality is amazing..

    2. [+672, -56]
    These were the titles of V's articles today. There were so many fans and journalists who waited for him at the airport for over 5 hours so is it that hard just to greet them? What's worse is that even when Lisa comes back from Thailand, she always does 90 degree bows. If you watched the videos, the fans and journalists were asking V to just look at them once since he was in the blind spot of the photo zone but he just turned his head against them and ignored them
    "- BTS V, turned his head back on his way in the country
    - BTS V, even though we called him...
    - V, coming in the country while ignoring (us)
    - V, the 'fans' who waited for a long time spent a regretful 3 seconds!"

    4. [+579, -59]
    ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I feel like this post will go to the featured talksㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he'll also f*cking regret not greeting themㅋㅋㅋ

    5. [+466, -11]
    No but seriously, none of the other Bangtan members act like this but V's the only one acting like a show offㅋㅋ

    6. [+366, -4]
    Even Tom Cruise posed for the journalists one by oneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ damn..

    7. [+353, -12]
    Lisa and Park Bogum are so kind. They must be just as tired as him~ I think about this from time to time but V is quite lacking


    He's currently getting hate for ignoring the fans and journalists who waited for him for 3 hours
    Park Bogum and Lisa who arrived at the same time did a 90 degree bow. By the way, V's fans waited at the airport for over 5 hours

    post response:
    original post: here

    1. [+337, -41]
    One of the reasons why I like Bangtan is that they never behave haughtily and are always humble but recently, Taehyungie feels a bit different than before. How should I say it? The way he treats his fans is a bit different? Today, the fans and journalists waited for 5 hours and shouted his name but he didn't look at them once. The journalists were requesting him to stand in the photo line but he just looked the other way and left. I watched it live too and honestly, I thought "uhm... what is this?" No matter how tired he was, he should at least think about the people who waited there. Just waving at them for 3 seconds would be good enough. I wonder why he's acting like this nowadays?

    2. [+287, -32]
    The vibe on site was no joke. As soon as V skipped them, the journalists started mumbling and the atmosphere got so cold. The fans must've been hurt too

    3. [+268, -19]
    Do you think that the fans would shield this?... I don't understand. Why do they keep claiming that it's the Gallery b*tches setting him up all the time?
    (It's the best - It's warm - It's dumbfounding - I'm sad - I'm mad)

    4. [+179, -6]
    I let go of everything and fangirled on V for 5 years but seriously, I hope that he humbles himself. At least for award ceremonies or when there are cameras. And for today, I thought "please take your hands out of your pocketsㅠ " But he didn't take them out once. He's not a bad kid but he's f*cking pretentious.. He's already cool enough without trying to pretend to be cool. Seriously, even the fans can't watch you anymore because of how cringey you are. So that's why I'm not even thinking of shielding him and I knew that his attitude would get into a controversy once

    5. [+135, -3]
    He's really hopeless. He's enjoyed everything that had to be enjoyed at this point

    6. [+132, -6]
    There weren't only journalists there. There were seriously so many fans at the waiting lounge. He honestly ignoring the fans too

    7. [+131, -2]
    He didn't even look at them..

    8. [+128, -4]
    You can only last long if you're humble..











    original post: here

    1. Lisa and Bogum have good mannersㅇㅇ This makes him look comparable

    2. They took the same plane to come back, why is only one person acting like thatㅋㅋ He just went through the fans who've been waiting like that, meanwhile the fans are here defending him. So pitiful

    3. Both of them are so bright, what a sight

    4. Look at Lisa's proportions wow.. Her training gear is also prettyㅠㅠㅠ Park Bogum is f*cking handsome too

    5. Are the training sets of Lisa and Park Bogum from Celine? Are they selling them now? I want to get them

    6. I know that he can do whatever eh wants and he's allowed to feel tired, but the other 2 at least made the effort to greet while he didn't which makes him comparable

    7. I always knew Park Bogum was like that, but it's my first time seeing Lisa and her manners seem so good.
    It's impossible to not greet if you're tired and I don't think this is that controversial, but seeing how those 2 celebrities who are still doing everything to give fan service makes me realize that they're amazing at managing themselves

    8. You can't stop people from inferring that Lisa and Park Bogum's personalities are good from this, and they deserve it. Their attitude while coming back to Korea is so goodㅠ They're so lovely and you can tell Celine will like seeing this !

    9. They're celebrities whose actions are monitored one by one though?! Is it that hard for him to do something?

    10. I'm not saying that what V did is bad, but the other 2 people are wearing Celine on them and they're showing that they're doing their best to promote Celine



    While group BTS member V passed by without a greeting anyone on his way home, he apologized to fans and reporters.

    V, who was scheduled to enter the country at 8:55 am that day, showed up at 12:30 pm, about 4 hours later than expected. After finishing his schedule in France, V returned to Korea through the Gimpo Business Aviation Center.

    However, V quickly got into the car without greeting the fans and reporters who had been waiting for him. Actor Park Bogum and BlackPink Lisa, who returned on the same day, were compared to him.

    Park Bogum and Lisa greeted the fans and reporters who had been waiting for them with a smile, and they showed affection by giving hearts. It is definitely became comparable to V, who was silent.

    In response, V understood the situation and apologized through Weverse. Although V apologized quickly, it leaves a feeling of shame.

    source: https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=112&aid=0003569340

    original post: here

    1. Taehyungie was too tired. The end

    2. It's indeed a bit disappointing, but if he apologized, it means he'll probably fix it... I hope he learns from other top stars still giving fan service

    3. I feel like it would've been easier for him to just greet than apologize... So why would he put himself in that situation? .... I feel like V has changed. His expressions are never good in BTS and his attitude looks bad too.. I wonder why he always seems mad like that?

    4. I've seen hundreds of celebrities just dash through without greeting, so why is this such an issue

    5. I don't think it's too controversial, but it's true he lacks manners. I hope he learns from this and don't do it in the future. I know that he's a world-class super star and it's probably hard for him to stay in touch with reality... But he should know what the important timings are

    6. It's indeed comparable, I hope he does better in the future

    7. ..?? why is he apologizing?

    8. V never was the type to greet people in the past either so this isn't surprising...When you see BTS' videos entering Korea, he doesn't even bow

    9. Just like the article says, he came back around 12:30PM and took the car. He released the Weverse right away as soon as he landed and he even chose a picture himself to say how sorry he was. He probably had some circumstances so he couldn't greet and took the car right away, or he was way too tired and took the car right away. What's up with people trying to drag him?
    "I landed~"
    "Journalists, fans, I'm sorry for taking the car right away. You've waited a lot right? I have a gift for you"


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • The level of fan entitlement in Korea honestly disgusts me. I know to expect it but every time I'm taken aback with how offensive and pathologically possessive it is. The fans and media made the decision to wait 5 hours. Nobody told them to do that so that's on them. Maybe they'll do something more useful with their time in the future.

  • The level of fan entitlement in Korea honestly disgusts me. I know to expect it but every time I'm taken aback with how offensive and pathologically possessive it is. The fans and media made the decision to wait 5 hours. Nobody told them to do that so that's on them. Maybe they'll do something more useful with their time in the future.

    people probably wouldn't care as much if lisa and bogum weren't there to provide comparison :pepe-shrug: still entitled regardless


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Looking at the pictures closely it seems like he probably woke up when they landed lol.... He is wearing the same shorts he had worse in that Insta post where he was sleeping and slippers and shades. Tae won't show you something he is not. If he is tired, he is tired. You can fuck off with your entitlement.

    people probably wouldn't care as much if lisa and bogum weren't there to provide comparison :pepe-shrug: still entitled regardless

    Looking at their pictures, it seems like they were ready to get captured. He clearly isn't. So he didn't fake it. Just remember Tae won't fake it.

    Anyways every person is different so I don't get the comparison :rolleyes:

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    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



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    Why didn't they post this in their article? Oh, because it doesn't support their narrative right? :facepalm:

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • Why do I imagine the one waiting from him there are also the one from here! :suure:

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  • I'm surprised at all the healthy answers here :pepelove1:

    These people owe you nothing. It's not an official schedule, they owe you nothing. Sometimes I think I could never live like them. Any place I'd go I'd have people screaming at me and demanding this and that for pictures. Ridiculous. :pepe-slash:

    I'm more heartbroken at their hiatus though. :pepe-onions:

  • I love how some people in comments in K forums says

    it's ok he was too tired

    sorry lol no one told him to attend this or that party and drink or whatever...

    besides there were photos from that jet, and it has bed so he could sleep all the way from France to SK

  • I know he was tired but shit, can’t even spare a smile or a wave for your own fans??

    He even ignored fans in Paris in that clip too.


    im pretty sure he did interact with army in other occasions during the trip though, i saw lots of videos of him waving at them during the event so it's not like he was acting above it throughout the trip lol


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



    Edited once, last by bobsyouruncle ().

  • I know he was tired but shit, can’t even spare a smile or a wave for your own fans??

    He even ignored fans in Paris in that clip too.

    I love how some people in comments in K forums says

    it's ok he was too tired

    sorry lol no one told him to attend this or that party and drink or whatever...

    besides there were photos from that jet, and it has bed so he could sleep all the way from France to SK

    oh for Gods sake, he probably was in hurry but he did wave from car and also apologize on weverse just minutes after going into the car ( mean he cared actually not just because media articles). and he owe nothing to those people

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  • :pepe-tea:

    im pretty sure he did interact with army in other occasions during the trip though, i saw lots of videos of him waving at them during the event so it's not like he was acting above it throughout the trip lol

    at this point people just want to paint him as villian so badly

  • For the record, I don’t blame him. it’s just in comparison to the other 2, he just seems kind of over it. And maybe he is tired, but it’s good he apologised.

    Obviously the fans aren’t entitled to anything but it’s a nice act to validate them in some way.

    yeah i know which is why he ended up looking a lot worse in comparison but its not his fault that lisa and bogum are that kind regardless and do fanservice :pepe-high-five:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • First off, he went to Paris as a personal vip guest of Heidi. He went there to have fun as a guest and not to do fanservice. He's not obliged to do any of that, yet he still interacted and wave abit to fans.

    Kfans and the reporters can fuck off.

  • Taehyung is one of the most genuine idols you will ever see. If he doesn't want to smile, he won't smile. If he doesn't want to entertain you, he won't. If you say something that crosses the line, he puts you in your place. Nobody asked you to wait for him at the airport for hours. He owes you nothing. Just because others greet you doesn't mean he should greet you too. It's the airport, you shouldn't be there anyway. It was stupid of you to expect him to do fanservice as if he was at a concert.

    "Don’t judge a book by its cover. Everybody has a reason and everybody has a story. I hope people don’t judge a person based on what they see." Kim Taehyung


  • He could wave quickly. Yes, it must be tiring to be famous, but in the end, he could see it as a duty and act a little bit more responsibility. Of course, it's up to V whether to act this way or not. I think those who are fans should accept Taehyung in every way, instead of exaggerating the situation. Fans should know that celebrities and idols aren't always perfect. They do not have to be exemplary and perfect people. Maybe because he's really fed up with fame, he's acting on purpose to alienate fans from himself, but that's still his opinion and choice. So I think knetizens exaggerated this situation. It's impossible to get to know people from a single gesture.

  • More info came out


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Literally no one forced these people to camp out for hours waiting for a celebrity to walk past them for 5 seconds :boredr:

    What it seems like to me is the reporters felt slighted because they couldn't get their money shots and acknowledgement from him so they got busy putting out all these articles asap because they were salty.

  • It would have taken him 30 seconds to wave, bow and get in the car.

    30 or less. So he should have done it imo.

    Don’t use the tired angle. Bo Gum and Lisa was a the same event/flight.

    He just didn’t want to do it, end of story. He’s entitled.

    Is it smart? Probably not. But it’s V and he dgaf :pepe-wink:

  • Fans have been weirdly entitled like this for years. It's so discomforting.

    Different context, but it reminds me of when Xiumin was cold and distant from fans after the backlash of Chen's marriage & pregnancy announcement.

    It's honestly nice to see Taehyung do what he wants, he shouldn't have to constantly appeal to these people who dehumanize him.

  • god i hate fans like this. so entitled. get over it.

    fans did the same shit to doja in a different country and tried to cancel her bc she didn't say hi when they stood outside her hotel room during a storm.

    I heard they were also racist to her and that she cancelled the show, good for her for doing that, no one deserves to be harassed like that cus they didn't say hi once

  • Bogum and Lisa actually got ready to take pictures wearing Celine clothes. He wasn't ready. That means he probaby woke up after they landed or something like that. He literally came out wearing shorts unlike the other two.

    He is not entitled. Entitled are those who expect him to do things for them. He doesn't give a fuck about the entitled bitches and that's how it will always be.....

  • Bogum and Lisa actually got ready to take pictures wearing Celine clothes. He wasn't ready. That means he probaby woke up after they landed or something like that. He literally came out wearing shorts unlike the other two.

    He is not entitled. Entitled are those who expect him to do things for them. He doesn't give a fuck about the entitled bitches and that's how it will always be.....

    He’s entitled to do as he pleases.

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