Which fandoms do you wish were more represented here?
WOWs (woo!ah! fandom) - They're new and small so I never had expectation of much users here but hopefully that'll change with time. They release alot of content for a nugu group and probably alot to talk about.
Before the forum revamp there used to be alot of InSomnias... it was really fun posting DC threads but now it's mainly casual fans left.
That and I'm very bad at making interactive engaging threads so the issue might also just be me
best memers on the planet
would troll and annoy the fuck out of everyone
literally non existent outside korea and china
Moomoos, we're so nugu on akpop
Alices, please we need more Victon stans
To Moons and Lullets too, please fans of Oneus and Cherry Bullet come out
I'm not even familiar with that fandom name so we really must not have a lot of them here.
My faves minus Blackpink.
Especially monbebes, right? :)
I'm not even familiar with that fandom name so we really must not have a lot of them here.
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