Who has more hype aespa or ive? will ive be able to outsell aespa?
whoever has the "look" that attracts teenagers the most
trust me im based
Did Ive even release something? Aespa got their hype with 'Next Level'. I mean of course they were hyped since their debut but 'Next Level' really brought them to a next level. It will be really hard. They are super popular... If Ive release a song like this I would say Aespa will have big competition.
Did Ive even release something? Aespa got their hype with 'Next Level'. I mean of course they were hyped since their debut but 'Next Level' really brought them to a next level. It will be really hard. They are super popular... If Ive release a song like this I would say Aespa will have big competition.
IVE promotional video - HAVE WHAT WE WANT - Page 2 - K-POP - allkpop forums
If Starship was looking to compete they would have done like Aespa and debut with a digital single or two in order to build the fandom and then drop an album to get a massive sale debut record. Which is what I thought they would have done instead of the physical single. But even so, I am confident that they will still blow up later. Iz*One started off slow too and steadily built their momentum.
I think aespa has more hype.. To be fair, Karina was showcased with Kai
before aespa’s debut and many waited for SMNGG. So I feel the build up of their hype was longer because of good promo and teasers.. But then Ive just released a promotional video which blew everyone away, so let’s see how the hype will be until they debut..
Honestly idc
Just want to point out that aespa is not yet a year old. Savage is released technically 335 day since debut. This aside, I do agree that it's pointless to even compare sales at this point.
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