Why Itzy just dropped one of the best debut full albums in kpop history

  • So obviously, it's not easy these days as a k-pop idol to keep up without something getting in your way- whether it be a past scandal or aging or one bad comeback, there's always something that blocks success. Well, many have tried to stop Itzy (if you were here a couple of months ago, you know exactly what I'm talking about), but they are absolutely unstoppable. I will admit, while I did stan Itzy's music, I never had interest in the members until now. I mean, for me, the music has to be exceptional for me to want to stan the members, and after this comeback, it's safe to say I want to get to know all of them. Links are included for every song here.

    So here's a breakdown:

    LOCO- Honestly? This is the perfect title track. I've already seen people complaining (not on here at least) that it should've been another b-side off the album, but I disagree. LOCO is perfect music wise and lyrics wise and the way it was executed was very smart. I know I mentioned this earlier but you're bound to grab some U.S. fans by mentioning your "kitty" in a song- it's comical and amazing. They put the perfect amount of English in there for it to be marketable in the West but still acceptable in Korea. Don't be shocked if this song goes TikTok famous because it absolutely deserves it and has the potential for it.

    SWIPE- Oh boy this will be controversial. Now, don't get me wrong, the song is well put together, but do I think it is worthy out of all of the other songs on here to be the next single? No. It's a fun song for sure and the instrumental post-chorus is so interesting, but I think they could've done the "SWIPE SWIPE SWIPE SWIPE" part a little differently. It feels like there's all this buildup to the chorus that never gets fulfilled. If I had to cut one song from the album, it would probably be this one.

    Sooo LUCKY- I think from the moment this song started I knew I was gonna adore it. Leave it to Itzy to capture the emotion of being in a new relationship in the best way. Lia's cute exclamation of "It's surreal, surreal. Is it real?!" in English before the first chorus drops just adds so much. I think this is one of the only songs I've ever heard in kpop that makes word repetition actually work AND sound good. "I'm lucky lucky lucky, you're so lucky lucky lucky" is going to be stuck in my head forever. There are established girl groups that don't have the ability to make songs of this caliber, and usually if they do, it falters during the bridge- but Itzy took this song and absolutely killed it in the best way, there were no weak points.

    #Twenty- Ok so if you read through stuff I say on here sometimes, you will know I have a huge fear of aging and it makes me scared, especially because I turn twenty next year. Well, I think Itzy actually just fixed that. Leave it to them to make a song about being twenty sound fun even when addressing the fact that maybe you don't want to start adulting just yet. This is a song that shows off their unique sound- I cannot imagine anyone other than Itzy releasing this masterpiece. Plus this song features Yuna's best verses on the entire album. AND lyrics like "Clear champagne that doesn't even taste good, I'm too innocent to know the depth"?! I will shake my ass to this song on my birthday instead of crying.

    B[OO]M-BOXX- Leave to Itzy to come through with the funnest titles. All serious talk though, this sounds like if WANNABE, Dalla Dalla, and Icy had a baby, because that beat is FAMILIAR. I wanted to dislike this song for that reason, but this song is just so fucking good that I have no choice but to stan. However, I do dislike the chorus as it feels like it's been done before and does not match the masterpiece that is the post-chorus.

    Gas Me Up- This song is going TikTok famous. Just trust me when I say it will. Yeji's voice in this is HOT. Also I don't think I've ever heard a kpop idol say "I'll make it lit lit I gotta gas me up, they'll tell me WIG WIG I gotta gas me up" and have it sound good, but here we are. Also Yuna sharing with the world she got a twisted ankle but it isn't shown in the video? Omg. This is such a Western song, the switch ups are smooth and fitting for where they're placed and I firmly believe this should be the follow up single instead of SWIPE. This song is going on my hoe playlist and no one can stop me.

    LOVE is- This is the best b-side on the album. EASILY. I wasn't exactly into it at first because it sounded like a filler pop-ballad, but BOY WAS I WRONG. Lia's "Someday love will break up, I get stuck everytime" and the build up to her amazing vocal performance when singing "Everyday I wanna love somebody, and it's okay to be a little bit selfish"- in PERFECT ENGLISH might I add, easily makes this the most memorable track for me on the entire album. It's emotional without being overbearing or too obvious. I cannot believe this song actually brought tears to my eyes. If I had to force everyone to listen to one song on the entire album, it would be this one.

    Chillin' Chillin'- While I don't quite like the lyrical content because it's been done over and over again in kpop b-sides in general, the vocals in this song are NO JOKE. If you say Itzy is a group lacking vocals after listening to this song, you're just lying to yourself.

    Mirror- This is the only slower song on the album and it was executed flawlessly. WE NEVER EVER GET SLOW SONGS THIS GOOD IN K-POP ANYMORE, LIKE... EVER! I cried for the SECOND TIME listening to this album because of this song. It reminds me of if Little Little by RV had the message of You Better Know (also by RV)- it's just gorgeous. "Mirror mirror mirror in my own way, we will be okay". I'm not crying, YOU are.... *sniffles*

    LOCO- English Ver.- I already said what I said about LOCO but this is their best English version of any of their songs and it sounds identical to the original in the best way. I think they are easily the best group in all of Kpop with English versions... no one does it like them.

    Conclusion: When I get enough money, I cannot wait to pay my signed album plug to get me this album signed by all members/maybe personalized. THAT'S HOW MUCH I LIKE IT. I originally wasn't anticipating this album so hard but I am so so so happy that I gave it a chance because I love basically every song and it's going to be my new daily soundtrack for life. If you had any doubts about this album, just go listen to it and I PROMISE you won't regret it. Midzy for life <3

    I'm debating doing reviews on here, so let me know below if that's something you would be into + let me know what you thought of the album!

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • Glad you liked the album.

    Like i've said on an another thread, i think the great strength of this album, is that you'll like a song no matter what. All songs are really different, but they also all stay in Itzy style.

    That's why i think this album is so great, you got diversity but they manage to keep their own style. Itzy have always said they wanted to create their own style, and i think with this album we can definitely tell "yes they've succeeded".

    I have a huge fear of aging and it makes me scared, especially because I turn twenty next year.

    Twenty is not old at all. If twenty is old so .... what i am ? :pepe-back-away:

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • Totally agree with you. :pepelove2:

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