Why PIXY Will Rise to the Top (The Dark Horse of 4th Gen)

  • PIXY are the dark horse of 4th gen. I believe they will be THAT group which rises from an unknown company to be a top group.

    I’ll break this down in to categories.

    Vocals, Rap, Dance, Music, Stage Presence, Visuals/Styling, The Lore/Storyline, The Members’ Creative Involvement, The Company/Promotions, The Members Themselves

    Because PIXY are a huge threat in EVERY SINGLE CATEGORY.

    1. The Godly Vocals

    2. The Best 4th Gen Girl Group Rap Line There Is

    3. The Legendary Choreo/Dance

    4. The God Tier Music

    5. The Best Stage Presence of ALL 4th Gen Groups

    6. The Perfect Visuals and Styling (Every Time)

    7. The Most Unique Storyline in KPop

    8. The Members’ Creative Involvement

    9. The Company/Full Promotions

    10. The Members Themselves

    IN CONCLUSION: Stan PIXY. You know you want to. They’re going to dominate the world one day.

  • oh btw they’ve had only 1 scandal. the company “accidentally did CA by using a maang tika” (it was revealed later by several indian people that it wasn’t actually a maang tika but idk remember what it was called. nothing problematic.

    before finding out that it was a misunderstanding, the company did put out a statement fully taking responsibility, apologizing specifically to indians, not deflecting or excusing, etc. it was a perfect apology and within 2 days of the incident/the emails about it were sent to the company.

    if their company keeps up the good moral integrity, that’s another point in their favor from the community for sure

  • I hope so. 4th gen have many promising groups.

    yeah it does, and i’m already worried about which ones will fall victim to poor management, company f-ups, scandals, etc. within the first 2 years because it’s so common at the start of a new generation.... i love so many groups already

    i’m excited for pixy. pixy will for sure rise above the ranks to be one of the most legendary groups of all time!

  • They could be like DC, in the sense of getting a nice fandom that buys and spend money for them. But I don't see them going mainstream in Korea

    they don’t need to be mainstream in korea to be one of the most legendary groups of all time :pepe-toast:

  • oh btw they’ve had only 1 scandal. the company “accidentally did CA by using a maang tika” (it was revealed later by several indian people that it wasn’t actually a maang tika but idk remember what it was called. nothing problematic.

    before finding out that it was a misunderstanding, the company did put out a statement fully taking responsibility, apologizing specifically to indians, not deflecting or excusing, etc. it was a perfect apology and within 2 days of the incident/the emails about it were sent to the company.

    if their company keeps up the good moral integrity, that’s another point in their favor from the community for sure

    Even if the maang tika thing was true As a Indian, I don't find the maang tika thing offensive(I don't know exactly what to call it because in my language we don't call it maang tika and I forgot what we call it). It is mainly a piece of jewelry we wear on our foreheads, usually brides or performers wear them. Normal Indians don't really find these things offensive. Heck, half of Indian CA scandals normal Indians wouldn't actually find it offensive since most people, especially where I used to live, finds this as cultural appreciation not aproppiation.

  • They're very good.

    They have the best GG rapline behind GIdle.

    i don’t personally consider gidle to have a rap “line” since they have just one rapper but if we count soyeon as a rap line, then yes pixy have the 2nd best gg rap line!

    soyeon is still the best 4th gen female rapper period and will probably stay that way. for a rap line with multiple rappers, pixy have the best 4th gen gg rap line!

  • Even if the maang tika thing was true As a Indian, I don't find the maang tika thing offensive(I don't know exactly what to call it because in my language we don't call it maang tika and I forgot what we call it). It is mainly a piece of jewelry we wear on our foreheads, usually brides or performers wear them. Normal Indians don't really find these things offensive. Heck, half of Indian CA scandals normal Indians wouldn't actually find it offensive since most people, especially where I used to live, finds this as cultural appreciation not aproppiation.

    i saw many people say that as well, but i didn’t want to mention it since i’m not indian!

  • Let Me Know is a great song, I checked them out due to your enthusiasm btw

    Thank you! I know what a big moa you are so i would definitely recommend their bside track “insomnia”

    it has a lot of synth and floaty vocals, along with some great rap verses. I think fans of the the dream chapter: eternity album would like that song a lot!

  • but they are a kpop group working and living in Korea with korean members? Which groups got astronomically successful in other market being while nugu in Korea?

    there have been groups that stayed nugu in korean up until the point of substantial international success. At which point their korean audience can reflect that. Even for groups which are unlikely.

    Consider Dreamcatcher, who have been becoming mainstream in Korea over the past year and only continue to do so this year.

  • I hope they find success, but their challenge will be just to survive. Competition for 4th gen gg is going to be very intense.

    They’re nugu but their company is anything but poor or hesitant to promote or spend money on them. They have a LOT of money and are very generous to PIXY in efforts and budget.

    They also keep going viral on stan twitter every time they do a performance, so I have no doubts it is just a matter of time/exposure before they blow up

  • lol sorry saw the long ass post and i needed to post that.

    they do look talented tho :thumbup:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • even their least popular songs are praised for their quality. just because something isn’t your taste, doesn’t make it bad.

    as an aespa stan, you should know that :pepe-tea: :pepe-grooving:

    i didn't say they are bad

    i said that for me their only problem is their song, it just mean that it's not my type

    and i doubt that with their actual sound they can rise to the top of the 4th gen considering that even dreamcatcher who seems the closest to them in term of sound etc... couldn't make a name for themselves among the top GG of 3rd gen

    but good luck to them

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • They’re nugu but their company is anything but poor or hesitant to promote or spend money on them. They have a LOT of money and are very generous to PIXY in efforts and budget.

    They also keep going viral on stan twitter every time they do a performance, so I have no doubts it is just a matter of time/exposure before they blow up

    Agreed given the mv and the stage performances, their company is certainly willing to spend.. but it's still a business.. they will have to turn a profit within a couple of years. I think they sold less than 1K albums in their recent cb.. it's a tough start.

  • i didn't say they are bad

    i said that for me their only problem is their song, it just mean that it's not my type

    and i doubt that with their actual sound they can rise to the top of the 4th gen considering that even dreamcatcher who seems the closest to them in term of sound etc... couldn't make a name for themselves among the top GG of 3rd gen

    but good luck to them

    Dreamcatcher are literally always mentioned among the top 10 3rd gen gg, ever since their scream era and especially once boca era came about. do you really know what are you talking about? lol

    and on top of their success, they’ve also been becoming more mainstream in KOREA with their “unpopular” sound. they’re mentioned on tv all the time, they have their own reality show now, being mentioned publicly by mentors for how impressive they are, etc.

    and hip hop/edm is pretty popular in kpop, as opposed to rock. if dc can do it with rock, a darker concepted group who does the same genre as every other girl crush group can as well lol

  • Agreed given the mv and the stage performances, their company is certainly willing to spend.. but it's still a business.. they will have to turn a profit within a couple of years. I think they sold less than 1K albums in their recent cb.. it's a tough start.

    They’ve already sold over 1k copies of their latest album, and they’re not doing too bad in streams.

    So long as they continue with frequent promotions like they have been (debut and comeback within 3 months, promoting 2 songs as singles off their mini album, doing covers constantly, etc.), i think they’ll get enough exposure/promo to start seeing a good return on their investments

    i really think their biggest obstacle is just coming from an unknown company in kpop so no one knows them yet. give them the time to promote and let word spread about them, and they’ll take off! I would put money on them being exponentially more successful this time next year, if they continue like they have been

  • They’ve already sold over 1k copies of their latest album, and they’re not doing too bad in streams.

    So long as they continue with frequent promotions like they have been (debut and comeback within 3 months, promoting 2 songs as singles off their mini album, doing covers constantly, etc.), i think they’ll get enough exposure/promo to start seeing a good return on their investments

    i really think their biggest obstacle is just coming from an unknown company in kpop so no one knows them yet. give them the time to promote and let word spread about them, and they’ll take off! I would put money on them being exponentially more successful this time next year, if they continue like they have been

    Well best of luck to them. Cheering for them, especially Ella. She's had it rough for sure.

  • there have been groups that stayed nugu in korean up until the point of substantial international success. At which point their korean audience can reflect that. Even for groups which are unlikely.

    Consider Dreamcatcher, who have been becoming mainstream in Korea over the past year and only continue to do so this year.

    That's exactly why I said pixy can be next DC, a group with a good international following but not very relevant in their country

  • That's exactly why I said pixy can be next DC, a group with a good international following but not very relevant in their country

    read my reply again because you’re confused

    dreamcatcher have been becoming more relevant in korea and are becoming more mainstream. just because something has a niche audience, doesn’t mean it can’t grow to be relevant lol dc are definitely relevant in SK

  • read my reply again because you’re confused

    dreamcatcher have been becoming more relevant in korea and are becoming more mainstream. just because something has a niche audience, doesn’t mean it can’t grow to be relevant lol dc are definitely relevant in SK

    I don't think they are based on my observations on multiple digital charts (where ggs show how much interest their music has). Odd eye is their last release, right?

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    Sorry but I don't think this is how mainstream ggs chart. A group that's growing for example is like fromis, slowly reaching melon top 100 and charting higher on FLO after promos ended. But nobody calls them mainstream yet

    Kpop groups, even the most unknown, have people praising them, specially by those on the media because they care to follow most of idol groups.

    But are they really mentioned everywhere on TV ? What kind of shows? I haven't seen it yet, maybe fans didn't make enough threads about it

  • a lot of relevant groups don’t have good charting lol

    it’s pretty easy to find evidence of dreamcatcher rise in the past year across all metrics but also including their relevance in korean media. even here... there’s threads about it. idk how you’ve missed it tbh

    (and ps if you’re talking about fromis9, they’re WAY smaller than dreamcatcher... /gen)

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