Like sexy girl groups, are masculine leaning boy groups a thing of the past, or am I just not paying attention to enough groups?
These days, boy groups are just so pretty. Too pretty for me honestly. From TXT to Stray Kids to Treasure to Ateez to Cravity. Pretty pretty, they are all too pretty. Which, there is nothing wrong with pretty boys and leaning into the non-binary or androgynous aesthetic. It's just not my cup of tea.
And, as I get older, I'm realizing maybe I'm just aging out of KPOP by the generations. This is the world of the Gen Z kpoppies now, and my millenial hiney may be getting too old for what the younguns find attractive. I'm not into tiktok e-boys or nothing complex like that. Just give me a good old boy next door and I'm satisfied.
But yeah, are there any more traditionally masculine boy groups anymore? Or is that as antiquated as me?
And, please people, do not get offended. If this is something triggering, please take a breath before you come swinging and realize I'm not trying to insult anything or anybody.