Why Sakura is not a bad vocalist..

  • Sakura is not a bad vocalist because her strengths lie in emotional delivery, a clear and soft tone, and her ability to adapt her voice to suit the needs of the song which is a crucial component of singing and one that many idols struggle with. While she may lack a powerhouse vocal technique, she excels in conveying sincerity and blending harmoniously. Her constant improvement, and stage presence make her a capable and effective performer. Singing in the idol industry is not just about technical ability but about communicating feelings and connecting with fans, a role Sakura fulfills effectively.

    She excels at blending her voice to harmonize with stronger vocalists, adding texture to the group’s sound without overpowering it. This adaptability and collaborative spirit are vital in all k-pop groups, where the focus is often on the collective performance rather than individual showmanship. Her ability to deliver performances that resonate emotionally and stylistically ensures that she is far from being a “bad” vocalist.

    Prove me wrong.

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  • Le sserafim never had a strong vocalist to begin with!

    And Yes Sakura is not a bad vocalist! She can’t be classified as vocalist cuz even after 13 years in the industry she still can’t sing

    Sakura HAS demonstrated significant vocal growth and improvement over the years. Yes, she may not be classified as a powerhouse vocalist like some other idols, but she has consistently shown strong vocal abilities, particularly in songs where she brings emotion and clarity to her parts.

    Vocal development is a process that often improves over time, and many idols who started with less vocal strength have honed their skills with training. Sakura's 13 years in the industry have given her a unique perspective, and her ability to harmonize and fit into Le Sserafim's sound should not be discounted just because she doesn't fit a traditional "vocalist" mold.

    You--who has some experience with sound engineering--should know this.

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    You keep bringing NewJeans into every one of my threads about LSF.

    It's almost as if you want me to start criticizing them.

    Comment one more time on any of my threads with things that are unrelated and I will make you see that you are not the only one capable of being unbearable.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • Sakura HAS demonstrated significant vocal growth and improvement over the years. Yes, she may not be classified as a powerhouse vocalist like some other idols, but she has consistently shown strong vocal abilities, particularly in songs where she brings emotion and clarity to her parts.

    Vocal development is a process that often improves over time, and many idols who started with less vocal strength have honed their skills with training. Sakura's 13 years in the industry have given her a unique perspective, and her ability to harmonize and fit into Le Sserafim's sound should not be discounted just because she doesn't fit a traditional "vocalist" mold.

    You--who has some experience with sound engineering--should know this.

    If you know about sound engineering you should know that Hybe Idols vocals sound the “same” in the studio version of the track! They process their vocals so much that it is really hard to distinguish their vocals if you aren’t really really into the group and still you can’t differentiate half of the time who sang which part!

    At least tag some video proof that shows Sakura’s improvement skills if you make such a bold statement!

    And sound engineering has nothing to do with vocals! Even person with sh*ttiest vocals can sound decent if you make enough tweaks in the studio

    Live vocal performance shows real vocals of the person! Not even studio record behind the scene videos can show vocal capability of a person cuz in kpop idols sing every single phrase or word separately which makes biiig difference

  • At this point fearnots are having to grasp at the BARE MINIMUM to compliment their untalented and lazy faves. EVERY kpop idol knows how to harmonise and blend their voices into a song. Everyone can do that. Not one person except you has ever complimented her on this "skill". She can't sing. point blank period. She has been an idol for 10+ years and has not improved once, that don't make NO SENSE.

  • A singer can have a nice tone (which Sakura sometimes does), good emotional delivery (I haven't personally heard but maybe it's in their newer stuff) and still be a bad vocalist because they severely lacking in actual skill. The tone or singing with emotions excuse only works when the singer has a decent level of ability to back themselves up with a more stylistic approach. Sakura doesn't. Her shortcomings show pretty much every time she holds a mic

    I'll use my own faves. Lisa is my favorite singer in Blackpink. I love her voice, I love her tone but I recognize she's very weak as a vocalist and the worst in the group. Her shortcomings showed when she went solo and her performances weren't up to par.

    Same story with Tzuyu in Twice although she's not the worst in the group. Her shortcomings showed in her solo.

    There are some singers I would personally put above more skilled ones because of their tone, musicality and stage presence, but they (like Baek Yerin, Joy, Seulgi etc) have at the very minimum, a strong base.

    I want to emphasize that I'm not fussing or shading you here but LSF stans have been using the excuse that idols have a lot of duties and LSF's strength lies elsewhere. There's truth to it but it misses the core issue here that everyone else can see. Le Sserafim are singers. It's their primary job. They can get by being average at it, especially if they're good at other things, but there's just no excusing most of them being outright bad at it. Singers should be able to sing their own songs. It is not asking too much to expect that



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • Sakura have a great personnality and she have some good skills like in dance.

    But i'm sorry to me what differenciate a singer and a karaoke singer is the technique.

    Having a bit of technique is the minimum requirement that kpop fans should have for people who are supposedly taking vocal 3-4 vocal lessons every week.

    Your comment is a reason why kpop stans and kmop will never be take seriously by most people cuz there's only in kpop that you would see people trying their hardest to prove that a vocalist like sakura isn't a bad vocalist even if the answer is pretty obvious

  • If you know about sound engineering you should know that Hybe Idols vocals sound the “same” in the studio version of the track! They process their vocals so much that it is really hard to distinguish their vocals if you aren’t really really into the group and still you can’t differentiate half of the time who sang which part!

    At least tag some video proof that shows Sakura’s improvement skills if you make such a bold statement!

    And sound engineering has nothing to do with vocals! Even person with sh*ttiest vocals can sound decent if you make enough tweaks in the studio

    Live vocal performance shows real vocals of the person! Not even studio record behind the scene videos can show vocal capability of a person cuz in kpop idols sing every single phrase or word separately which makes biiig difference

    Vocal processing can create a polished sound, but that doesn’t mean a Hybe idols' unique vocal qualities are entirely erased. Vocal processing is designed to enhance, not replace, the natural timbre and tone of a singer’s voice. Experienced fans or professionals can still identify individual voices even with added effects like reverb, EQ, and autotune. It may take some time and exposure to distinguish voices in a group recording, especially when multiple members have similar tones, but that doesn’t erase their individuality.

    Live performances being a better indicator of vocal ability is valid, but it’s important to note that many idols, including those from HYBE groups, DO deliver strong live vocals. BTS, Seventeen, and LE SSERAFIM have performed live on major stages, and their abilities often exceed what’s heard in studio versions due to the raw emotion and energy conveyed during live shows.

    Sakura has been widely recognized for her improvement as a vocalist. Her live performances, (from Unforgiven era, for example), show notable growth in vocal control, stability, and expression compared to her time in IZ*ONE. While vocal processing may enhance her studio sound, her live performances underscore her hard work and progress, which should not be overlooked.

    You're misunderstanding the role of audio production in contemporary music. Sound engineering is an crucial part of creating music across all genres, not just K-pop. It ensures that an artist's vocal performance is presented in the best possible way. This doesn’t mean their vocals are fake, but rather that they are curated to fit the overall aesthetic of the song. Even the best vocalists in the world benefit from studio production to balance and blend their sound with tracks.

    Notably, while tweaks can make subpar vocals sound passable, they cannot completely transform a bad singer into a great one. Vocal ability, even in the studio, forms the foundation of what you hear in the final product. The artistry lies in the balance between raw talent and refined production.

    You're trying WAYYY too hard to mislead people. Bts recording sessions reveal idols' vocal ability WITHOUT the heavy processing and since you say that hybe idols use too much vocal processing then why are you trying to label a way that they showcase raw vocals as irrelevant??

    Your pathetic effort to diminish her growth and hard work because of perceived over-reliance on studio production is truly hilarious.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • Okay first of all, K-pop idols are not solely judged on their vocal abilities. The role of an idol is multifaceted, encompassing singing, dancing, stage presence, and fan egagement through personality and performance. Sakura shines in many of these areas. While her vocal technique may not be at the level of main vocalists in K-pop, her strengths in dance, charisma, and her ability to adapt and improve are just as crucial to her being an idol.

    Secomdly, vocal technique is just one aspect of singing. Emotional expression, tone color, and the ability to convey a song’s message are equally significant BY THE WAY. Not every idol needs to be a powerhouse vocalist; versatility and adaptability are also valuable traits.

    Third, dimissing improvement is counterproductive. The idea that it’s “obvious” Sakura is a “bad vocalist” overlooks the progress she has made.

    Vocal technique is not a standard.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • At this point fearnots are having to grasp at the BARE MINIMUM to compliment their untalented and lazy faves. EVERY kpop idol knows how to harmonise and blend their voices into a song. Everyone can do that. Not one person except you has ever complimented her on this "skill". She can't sing. point blank period. She has been an idol for 10+ years and has not improved once, that don't make NO SENSE.

    Im sorry but harmonization and vocal blending is by no means easy. So your idea that every loop idol is capable of this is just wrong, LMAO

    Your delusional musings that Sakura has "not improved once" in her 10+ years as an idol is widely inaccurate. Vocal improvement is not immediately noticeable especially for someone who started with such limited training.

    Many fans and even casual listeners have noted Sakura’s growth. Just because the opinion of ACTUAL fans isn’t universal doesn’t make it invalid.

    Calling LSF "lazy" is just blatant ignorance on your part but of course the haters will always remain selectively ignorant.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • K-pop as an industry is built on versatility, where idols excel in a combination of different areas. Performance isn’t just about singing—it's about creating an overall experience.

    Emotional delivery is in fact not an excuse because I can name SEVERAL idols who have struggled with this for a long time INCLUDING your faves.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • You give me no choice

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    Sakura Enchae Kazuha :pepeshut:

    Knetz and their savageness :boompepe:



    🥀 Partner in Crime🩸

  • Typical of the haters to use the same exact clips from coachella and the encores.

    So you only have about 5 or so clips of their voice cracking (mostly in the same song) out of nearly an hour's performance?

    Tsk tsk tsk

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • K-pop as an industry is built on versatility, where idols excel in a combination of different areas. Performance isn’t just about singing—it's about creating an overall experience.

    And it's not versatility to be extremely weak in the primary area

    Like I said

    I want to emphasize that I'm not fussing or shading you here but LSF stans have been using the excuse that idols have a lot of duties and LSF's strength lies elsewhere. There's truth to it but it misses the core issue here that everyone else can see. Le Sserafim are singers. It's their primary job. They can get by being average at it, especially if they're good at other things, but there's just no excusing most of them being outright bad at it. Singers should be able to sing their own songs. It is not asking too much to expect that

    Emotional delivery is in fact not an excuse because I can name SEVERAL idols who have struggled with this for a long time INCLUDING your faves.

    Singing with emotions is the excuse that many stans of mediocre singers have used, you are not the first.

    And 2nd, I am not delusional. I had no problems admitting some of my faves are weak vocally. The drags aren't dragging



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • And 2nd, I am not delusional. I had no problems admitting some of my faves are weak vocally. The drags aren't dragging


    If you wanna explore why YOUR faves are not that good singers, we can go there. Until then provide an actual argument or leave this thread.

    I'd very much like to see if you know more about singing than me and maybe then you'll figure out whether the drags are dragging or not.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -


    If you wanna explore why YOUR faves are not that good singers, we can go there. Until then provide an actual argument or leave this thread.

    I'd very much like to see if you know more about singing than me and maybe then you'll figure out whether the drags are dragging or not.

    I don't understand why you make threads over controversial points and then get triggered that people don't think the same as you :pepe-shrug:

    I gave an actual argument, YOU want to be petty and bring up my faves as a gotcha instead of discussing



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • Can you show us some videos of her good live singing? I'm asking out of curiosity - I'm not following Le Sserafim but there's so much discussion about their singing abilities, especially Sakura.

    I have checked a few videos on youtube and objectively speaking, she's just not good. She might be a bit tone deaf or just not have any predisposition for singing and music. You keep saying she improved from her early years as an idol, and it's good, but still might not make her a good vocalist yet, because despite improving her level is still low.

    I agree with the sentiment that nowadays to be a kpop idol, she doesn't need to sing well, if she has other talents. It would be ideal, but usually in a group each member is talented in different areas, so they complement each other. In general, there's a few groups in which every member excells in singing or is good at it, and I grew to accept it, also in my favourite groups.


    SNSD TWICE IVE Taeyeon aespa f(x) Red Velvet

  • Shut up, horse, and stop trying to blatantly set up Sakura. You're clearly an anti who thinks they're way more clever than you actually are, which is not at all. In the future, just post on your main account and openly shade HYBE girl groups. It's not as if that isn't in vogue right now.

    If you want me to shade HYBE girl groups...I can do that with absolutely no problem.

    And you know exactly what group I'm going to start with so don't comment on my thread acting like you know me...because you don't and you never will.

    I really do think I'm clever seeing as I'm actually have a background in singing..unlike most of the people on here who call her a bad vocalist with zero background or training in singing.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • I'm really shaking in my boots. Oh no. Please spare me. I've only been battling with the largest and most toxic fandom in K-Pop for months on every popular discussion platform, but I don't know how I'd ever survive the trampling of my favs by this rabid horse.

    This horse can apparently sing too? I think we found the Diva of the Barn. Now he has credentials.

    Let's wrap this discussion up everyone. Sakura is a great vocalist. A singing horse told me so.

  • I don't understand why you make threads over controversial points and then get triggered that people don't think the same as you :pepe-shrug:

    I gave an actual argument, YOU want to be petty and bring up my faves as a gotcha instead of discussing

    I don't get triggered because people have opinions. It's just really. really annoying when people comment on my threads with nonsensical arguments or no argument at all.

    The last time I checked, YOU brought up your faves.

    So far, the only one on this thread that has made an ACTUAL argument is Taemin-Identity and maybe you in your original response (although after that, you just started speaking gibberish).

    I'm all for being controversial if it means not conforming to the usual thought-process of fans that lack critical thinking then that's fine. I'd rather be controversial and right than non-controversial and just downright wrong.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • Your narcissistic personality disorder is really thriving, isn't it?

    Hey, my vocally trained steed, why don't you put your hay where your mouth is and upload a clip of you singing a few lines, so we can all marvel at the spectacular talents of the sensational singing horse? I'm sure you're like Mariah Carey in her prime.

  • Idk shit about vocals. Can you still be considered a "good vocalist" if you're technical ability outweighs you're lack of natural ability? If the answer is yes, than sure maybe she is a good vocalist, fuck if I know. Likewise with natural talent, maybe you can overcome lack of technical ability. At least this is the case for other skills, idk if it applies to singing/vocals. But it seems like the users in the thread are suggesting she has neither the technical ability or the natural talent to overcome the lack of technical ability. Therefore, she's bad.

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