do you think BLACKPINKS success is mostly luck and timing?

  • Yes a BLACKPINK thread, how original. I've seen at least a few users on here say this and it's something that's always being tossed around by non-blinks. I'm wondering how many people actually believe this. As a BP stan, I do acknowledge that they were lucky with the boom of streaming and especially got a huge boost with their comeback during covid time. So luck and timing were definitely a part of it but I don't think the biggest part.

    But I've always felt their success was mostly due to the members and the music. You could not just replace the girls with another group and still see the same success. Lisa, Jennie, Rose, and Jisoo are special and I don't imagine we will see anything like them again. Do any non-blinks agree with this? or just think it was all luck and timing?

  • Money, YG's media-play and YG'spopulaity with their previous groups who actually made YG rise to its popularity. It would've worked with any other members for those obvious reasons. Money and power always will win here.

  • It is of course a mix of many factors, including privileges such as deuting under YG and blowing up at a time when kpop was still expanding very rapidly.

    But I too believe a lot of it comes down to the members' themselves and their charisma. There hasn't been any kpop group where every member has such star power imo. They each have strong brand and come together nicely to form Blackpink as a memorable group with a powerful image and sound.

    I think this year especially has really proven this as each member is performing amazingly. It'll be very hard for another group to replicate what they're doing and this success. Blackpink don't just have "it" as a group or with certain stand-out members - they all have an it-factor.

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  • I can understand that ppl might like their music because its catchy, but I wouldnt consider it good music when u do the same over and over again - and also being just a 2ne1 copy (yang hyun suk said so himself). but thats what yg wanted and it seems to work for ppl.

    so I wouldnt say luck or good music, but good marketing and the assumption that 2ne1 fans will just walk over to blackpink.

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  • it ultimately depends on what one means by "luck"

    does it mean that regardless of talent anybody could have done it had they been in BP's same position?

    does it mean being in the right place and the right time to take into account the opportunities that come their way?

  • Money, YG's media-play and YG'spopulaity with their previous groups who actually made YG rise to its popularity. It would've worked with any other members for those obvious reasons. Money and power always will win here.

    Honestly, I doubt it would work with just any other members, especially with Jennie and Lisa. Jennie is just that “it girl.” Not everyone has that kind of star power. Other companies push their idols more than YG is pushing her, but like I said, you can't force that kind of charm; it’s something you’re born with. The same goes for Lisa. She's the first female idol from SEA in a big3, which makes people from there super excited to support her. Yg previous groups already popular in that region but she help Bp to achieve a whole new level of popularity over there. Plus, their fluent English is such a big advantage for shaping Bp's career today. So I disagree with you, different members will definitely bring different outcomes. Like Treasure and BM didn’t see the same success even with money, YG’s media play, and the popularity YG had with their previous groups. They debuted after the freaking Bp.

  • it ultimately depends on what one means by "luck"

    does it mean that regardless of talent anybody could have done it had they been in BP's same position?

    does it mean being in the right place and the right time to take into account the opportunities that come their way?

    I mean whole Kpop was there during covid, but I don't see anyone coming near Blackpink (besides one bg) , so was it really timing and luck? I don't think so

  • Yes a BLACKPINK thread, how original. I've seen at least a few users on here say this and it's something that's always being tossed around by non-blinks. I'm wondering how many people actually believe this. As a BP stan, I do acknowledge that they were lucky with the boom of streaming and especially got a huge boost with their comeback during covid time. So luck and timing were definitely a part of it but I don't think the biggest part.

    But I've always felt their success was mostly due to the members and the music. You could not just replace the girls with another group and still see the same success. Lisa, Jennie, Rose, and Jisoo are special and I don't imagine we will see anything like them again. Do any non-blinks agree with this? or just think it was all luck and timing?

    Beside other reasons, a perfect timing played a crucial role in their success

    "You can troll on your main and we have plenty examples of that" (c) Ves


  • I'm sure it could be both of what you said but I think this is often the implication, which I don't agree with.

    which is why one needs to determine what one means by "luck" and if the person saying it is using to discredit someone's success merely because they were lucky

    the counterargument is always something akin to

    "luck is putting yourself in the right place and the right time to take advantage of the opportunities that arise"

    I mean whole Kpop was there during covid, but I don't see anyone coming near Blackpink (besides one bg) , so was it really timing and luck? I don't think so

    Like I said it depends on what one means by luck

  • i dont think any girlgroup will survive with just luck and timing when your company has burning sun scandal, feel free to try tho.

    Outside star power that most people already said, i think there is underrated aspect that most people didn't even think about.

    - There is no CL syndrome.

    They don't have leader, so they all have equal share of responsibility in the group. No one feel more or less than the other. That's why eventho they all successful as an individual,you see they all content to be in the group and gave them 1 year for solo stuffs before comeback next year.

  • I dont really remember how it used to be in 2016 but when BP debuted, girl crush was not as mainstream as it is now. People like the “edgy, powerful, we’re not like other girls” thingy and they stand out with their concept just like how 2NE1 did because girl crush was not overly used at that time. Plus they came out with the right songs, I mean Boombayah-Whistle-Playing With Fire-AIIYL-D4? That’s a crazy run.

  • Mostly? Definitely not because I think kpop groups debuting between 2018-2022 have the best luck and timing since they debuting when kpop blew up internationally so they get way more attention than those who debut before.

    It has definitely helped Blackpink in some regards, there is no doubt about it tho. But if we're being honest look at the number of big3/4 ggs who debuted between 2016 and now and the fact that we can only name maybe 1 gg that has come close to the level of success/popularity they had when u can make a point about all their privileges speaks volumes.

    I do think that their songs is not as good as some other ggs though and they got carried abit by the members' star power

  • Luck and timing played a part in it. I think what sets Blackpink apart from other groups is star power. Say what you want about their music, but Jennie and Lisa commanded your attention. I think the group size helped too because it helped each member to standout and cultivate standom for each member. Also, Lisa being a SEA idol was key because I don't think you had many idols from that region in a big company.

    I don't think the original idea of blackpink being a 9 member group would have the same impact. However, I think you might be able to swap out certain members. For example, you could swap out Jisoo for Miyeon, and it wouldn't change their trajectory.

    Forgot to mention that Blackpink being an easy starter group during the kpop boom played a big part.

  • Depends on which specific success you're talking about. Luck and timing (and managing these two things as much as possible) are always going to be a factor in someone's life. For K-pop idols, that's especially so because their music, their image, their promotion is coming from and dictated by the company, so a lot of it isn't in their hands besides going out and executing what they're given. The first element of Blackpink's luck is basically debuting under YG rather than say JYPE or SME.

    Debuting under YGE was always going to essentially guarantee some success (managing the "luck" of getting public attention). As much as people say that they're not company stans, masses were always going to check out the groups and songs coming out of YGE, SME, and JYPE even if they don't follow some acts. You aren't going to find that to be the case for some group coming out of Mystic Story or APOP. There's some element of luck to debuting, especially in a company like YGE that doesn't debut groups often at all.

    Getting popular in the west? Yes. They happened to be around during the K-pop boom, which is the first element of luck. They happened to be under YGE, which specializes the sound that particularly appeals to mainstream western taste--the second element.

    And that's all. After that, they needed still needed to execute, the company still needed to produce music, they still needed to be marketed correctly. There were elements of luck, timing, and ability in their success, which is totally normal.

    How much of their success should be attributed to luck and timing? Well, it's hard to place a number, but it's greater than 0. Are they just so much more skilled than 2NE1, or Twice, or Red Velvet? I don't think so. Could you replace the four with others and get similar outcomes? Yeah, you probably could. There's nothing outstanding about any of the four in terms of writing, composing, dancing, visuals, vocals, or rapping that couldn't be or isn't done better by others. Are these things the end all for succeeding? No.

  • are you using ChatGPT or just practicing your writing skills lol

  • Adding “mostly” is demeaning. Everyone’s success is determined by luck and timing to certain degree.

    But blackpink have extreme star factor no GG in kpop since then has that star factor. Now that’s not exactly music nor just talent and looks but a combination that’s unique to them.

    I don’t think it can be replicated by YG himself if he tries lol. Look at the atrocity with baemon

  • I'm just trying to reason out my thoughts on the topic rather than just giving a two sentence response. Putting some effort into these posts. Maybe even have a discussion:reading-raccoon:

    I was genuinely asking, you often leave very long, well-written responses. Though I don't always agree with the content of it ¬‿¬ . Take it as a compliment, I can't crank out essays like that lol.

    I agree with the majority of what you said except the last bit as you might expect. My whole position is I think the majority of their success comes from the members + the music. Idk if I could put a number on what majority is, but nothing insane. Maybe something like 60/40. Could they have done it with other members? maybe sure, but I don't think it was likely. Like I don't think you could just replace the BP members with another groups members and magically see the same success. There is one group I have mind but I dont wanna start WW3.

  • The success is mostly attributed to the girls' star power. Their personality is naturally of star quality.

    If you swap one of them with a typical-KPOP-personality girl, you may get some success, but not at this level of success.

    If you have another 4 girls with typical-KPOP-personality replacing the girls, given all the other factors constant, it will certainly not work.

  • Talent, star factor, good gp friendly music, good branding and unique marketing.

    Individual careers have always been beneficial to kpop groups, especially girl groups that rely more on the general public. This is why, during 2nd gen, you could find most girl group members on talk shows, variety shows and acting more than you could find them in their actual groups. However, cable was severely declining during 3rd gen and rarely had the same impact it would have during 2nd. Most companies still sent their artists on TV, meanwhile Blackpink were one of the first girl groups to fully embrace social media and the rise of influencers.

    It's not just the group Blackpink but also Jennie's Blackpink or Lisa's Blackpink etc etc. Each member brings in an audience and is able to take it with when they're solo. Not many groups are like this



  • Any success is largely due to luck and timing. Greater the success, greater the luck.

    But the question is irrespective of the luck/success, does the person/group have the skills and work, to have deserved the luck?

    With Blackpink, there is a valid criticism that they lack in one important aspect- the sheer lack of discography. 8 years, did they cross even 50 songs?

    So what were they doing most the time? Ads, modelling, influencing? That is not a good description for an artist, most the time should be the art.

    I don't subscribe to blaming the agency, any group is a package that is the agency, idols, the branding, the music, even the fandom.

    Otherwise I have no opinions about BP, taste is subjective and popularity is the name of the game.

  • I was genuinely asking, you often leave very long, well-written responses. Though I don't always agree with the content of it ¬‿¬ . Take it as a compliment, I can't crank out essays like that lol.

    I agree with the majority of what you said except the last bit as you might expect. My whole position is I think the majority of their success comes from the members + the music. Idk if I could put a number on what majority is, but nothing insane. Maybe something like 60/40. Could they have done it with other members? maybe sure, but I don't think it was likely. Like I don't think you could just replace the BP members with another groups members and magically see the same success. There is one group I have mind but I dont wanna start WW3.

    Their luckiest break was being under YGE at the time, which produces a sound that the west likes and is familiar with. I don't think Blackpink would have seen the same success if they were under SME at the time.

    Other girlcrush acts followed and there were other acts around at similar levels to Blackpink, and they didn't reach the heights of BTS and Blackpink, so obviously these two groups did something right that others couldn't capitalize on, so I don't want to say Blackpink outcompeting its competition is also majority luck. I don't think that you luck your way to success over that long of a time period.

    I would categorize it like this:

    Being around during the K-pop boom leading them to best the most successful K-pop girl group of all time is lucky. I guess that also depends on why you think K-pop boomed when it did though, so even this can vary.

    Outcompeting other acts during the boom isn't luck. Even ignoring that they're from YGE and have a built-in advantage, they still outcompeted SME and JYPE groups. I wouldn't even put this at 20% luck.

    So I guess what's left is how you divide the credit between the members and YGE's staff and contractors, which is controversial to say the least. I don't think you can replace the four members with just anyone, but I think you can replace them with some specific idols. I also don't want to name names because I can feel Blinks burning holes into my posts already ;(

  • Name them :starec: name the 4 supposed members :starec:

    Btw I totally agree with bolded part. BP was the last gg from the big3 to debut when others were already having hits, etc, the fact that they "won" over them in such a short time was a surprise to a lot of fans in that time, specially YGE :skull:

  • . I don't think you can replace the four members with just anyone, but I think you can replace them with some specific idols. I also don't want to name names because I can feel Blinks burning holes into my posts already ;(




  • So many words, when the simple answer is no.

    I am the foremost expert on third generation K-Pop. I was on the streets of Seoul when DDDD dropped.

    Anyone attributing all of BLACKPINK's success is just a hater. And any person who has ever succeeded in entertainment needed a little luck to rise to the top.

    It's a ridiculous statement.

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