Female idols in their 30s are probably very lonely

  • Biological and social pressures in Korea force quality men in their 30s to seek younger partners, this means women in their 20s. Alice's Sohee married a man 15 years older, and she's just 24. But this leaves female idols in their 30s with much fewer options. Older men with much less attractive looks and personalities think they can get with them but why would they settle with them. You think dating is bad, it's probably much worse for female idols once they reach a certain age due to the prevalent ageism. It's no wonder South Korea is the least happy nation.

  • Lots of Korean women are choosing to not get married because Korean males are seen as too male chauvinistic.

    Some idols like Irene may not marry because they don't feel any male will make their lives better, but some other might.

    A few of the Hello Venus former members are married, one or two former Rainbow members are married.

    Girls Day's Sojin just got married in her late 30's.

  • True. This is happening all over the world. China, Japan, S Korea etc.

    Many videos on YT on this.

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  • Back when women couldn't work they had to get married to a man to survive. Now it's not the case and hence there's no logical incentive to marry someone unless they match your looks and personality requirements, which is extremely rare because those with great qualities are taken off the dating market quickly

    It's worse in Asia because of their arranged marriage system which goes back thousands of years. There were no evolutionary pressures for men to evolve into good natured handsome partners to increases their chances at reproduction, rather it dependent on how rich or influential their families were. This wasn't the case in Africa, where survival skills mattered more than accumulating family wealth. And hence why Africa has no problem with birth rates compared to Asian countries once the economics changed between the sexes.

  • counterpoint - it's not an issue with their ages specifically but rather that they are idols???

    and we all know the backlash some of them get for just dating

    plus it's no secret that a lot of them have "companionships" secretly lol

  • counterpoint - it's not an issue with their ages specifically but rather that they are idols???

    and we all know the backlash some of them get for just dating

    plus it's no secret that a lot of them have "companionships" secretly lol

    It will take a long time for Korean fandoms to change their views, sadly.

    Yes, including some parts of my fandom.

    >>> 2022.06.10 <<<IMG-4283.jpg

  • It will take a long time for Korean fandoms to change their views, sadly.

    Yes, including some parts of my fandom.

    I think it's getting better especially with the more older established artists like those from 3rd gen and prior (and who are still active as an idol) that their dating is less seen negatively these days...

    the ones I can think of off the top of my head (recently and from my favs) are like

    Jihyo and Yun Sung-bin

    Chaeyoung and Zion T

    Jisoo and Ahn Bo Hyun

    and those seemed to have less backlash than say when Karina was suspected of dating

  • counterpoint - it's not an issue with their ages specifically but rather that they are idols???

    and we all know the backlash some of them get for just dating

    plus it's no secret that a lot of them have "companionships" secretly lol

    I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to insinuate with "companionships," but if something is done secretly then by definition it isn't "no secret." If it were truly "no secret," you'd be able to give a bunch of specific examples instead of a broad insinuation.

  • I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to insinuate with "companionships," but if something is done secretly then by definition it isn't "no secret." If it were truly "no secret," you'd be able to give a bunch of specific examples instead of a broad insinuation.

    that they have sexual partners but exactly who those sexual partners are are a secret lol

  • it could be dating or could just be casual hookups

    I would think it's a lot easier to have casual relationships than date (in terms of trying to hide it from the public)

    Depends on your living situation. It wouldn't be more convenient if you're still living with others, and even if you aren't, we know there are paparazzi stationed outside idol's homes, so they still risk getting caught even if they don't actually go on a date somewhere, which has happened several times now. Imagine the consequences of getting caught with multiple people in short succession instead of just one.

  • Depends on your living situation. It wouldn't be more convenient if you're still living with others, and even if you aren't, we know there are paparazzi stationed outside idol's homes, so they still risk getting caught even if they don't actually go on a date somewhere, which has happened several times now. Imagine the consequences of getting caught with multiple people in short succession instead of just one.

    I think one's group mates would cover for thee if such a thing were to happen but yes I'm sure the paparazzi would be all over it if it turn out they were having multiple dalliances

  • Some former idols do get married and have babies

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  • No matter who you are aging can decrease your perceived value in the dating market, but I think the points added by being a famous celebrity vastly outweigh the drawback of age.

    Rather, the problem for older female idols is not a lack of men willing to date and possibly settle down with them, quite the opposite, they probably have dozens of men saying "Marry me noona," but they cannot accept them because, while dating may now be accepted for a senior idol, getting married and having kids is still an unpardonable offense for most delusional kpop stans

    🍒 Chee~eer~ish 🍒


  • getting married and having kids is still an unpardonable offense for most delusional kpop stans

    I don't think fans are the primary problem. Settling down makes you unappealing to the industry itself in Korea. I can name idols & actors who got married and then instantly their job offers suddenly dried up to the point that they're basically retired far sooner than they probably intended. You could argue this is due to industry perceptions of fan interest and the effects that settling down potentially has on that, but if the people running the show insist on enforcing these standards, fans will never even have a chance to change them by showing continued interest.

  • 5 out of 7 rainbow Girls are now married (or about to)

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  • Individuals can decide whatever.

    But as a society, S Koreans are unbreeding to themselves to extinction.

    Another few decades at this rate, Kim Jong Un can just walk into the empty buildings of Gangnam.

    At which point does social responsibility becomes more crucial than individual freedom?

  • Meh men are just jealous that women live independently and don't want to marry them

    Now that women can get jobs and don't require a man with an income to survive, the shitty dudes that don't put any effort into themselves are wondering why they are alone.

    I always find it funny when these other men complain about being single or are pathetic incels etc. I never understand it.

    If they put a tiny amount of effort into developing a personality, having some confidence, personal hygiene, looking halfway presentable in public, and not having misogynistic political views etc. Women would not find them repulsive.

    The bar is so low its practically on the floor.

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  • What's funny is older women who are unmarried are statistically much happier than their unmarried male counterparts

    Would not surprise me, they prob divorced an emotionally stunted man toddler.

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  • I'm sure watching you swoon over teenagers will make their hearts flutter.

    Hey, so that's insane!

    The bar is so low its practically on the floor.

    understatement of the century.

    the bar is in hell.

    And its not even about simply developing a personality. Its about developing a personality that does not revolve around male dominance or even just dominance in general.

    He's ask at which point should women be forced to become baby factories, against their own personal wants or wishes, to prop up a fading society

    well the better question would be to ask why the society is fading. there's a reason to everything which is why the whole "baby factory" nonsense is conceptually and morally flawed. It's beyond embarrassing to see that there are legit men out there who think women exist for the sole purpose of bearing and conceiving children.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • Never, and it isn't anyone's responsibility to have children. We aren't owed another generation

    We aren't owed, but it is us who owe - the survival as a species, as a culture depends on having the next generation of kids.

    While individuals will have exceptions, of as a collective the TFR falls so badly, that's endangered, extinction.

  • What's funny is older women who are unmarried are statistically much happier than their unmarried male counterparts

    The measurement of happiness is one of the most dubious things.

    How many will actually owe up to being unhappy with their choices in life?

    Besides how many actually know what happiness is possible and unhappiness.

    The surveys of emotions, is a lot of bull.

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