Are you okay with letting your idol face backlash when they make a mistake ?


    1. YES (8) 47%
    2. NO (5) 29%
    3. MAYBE (4) 24%

    * or do something you don't like.

    warning : ⚠️ the backlash I'm talking here is the criticism they received (not the body shaming or sexual harassment, these things will never be acceptable)

    I don't vibe with people saying you are not a fan (fake fan) if you don't defend/ protect or criticize your Bias

    Lisa performing in Crazy Horse isn't a mistake or a bad thing, but it was an unnecessary performance for me.

    She likes it so I guess it was worth it.

    But I don't want to defend her on something I don't like just because she's my boss (bias).

    Same for Jennie, "The Idol" was not only bad but also a dumb idea.

    After that,she received a lot of backlash, even from her fan. Saying she deserved the criticism was a bit cruel but she got herself into this mess... it's up to her to get out of it too

    There is a time when things that is needed to defend/ protect and there is a time when they need to face their probs

    Letting your idol think they are always right is the worst thing a fan should do.

    That's how I see it, you can disagree with that, idc

  • Yes, within reason.

    I think they have to be actual mistakes and errors of judgement though, not just "shit I dont personally like". Your examples, Crazy Horse and The Idol are the latter. You didn't like them, and thats a YOU problem. Same with pretty much most "dating scandals". They aren't mistakes or errors of judgement (usually). Just more shit someone else doesn't like. An idols choice of chain store coffee or soft drink also falls here.

    But... and thankfully in kpop, especially girl group circles, actual mistakes and error in judgement are rare. Things that are genuinely offensive (even if done in ignorance), dangerous, of poor judgement or a sign of shitty personality. Stuff like what Irene got caught doing, she needed to take her lumps on that. Any drink driving scandals... and sorry to say to Onces, but Chaeyoung did deserve a bit of backlash for the shirt thing, although I think it got a bit out of hand.

  • Depends on what the mistake is. Is it a bad song, a bad career move or did they actually do something bad that harms others?

    In the first case, sure it's okay if people give their opinion as long as it isn't full on hate. In the second case, depending on the gravity, they deserve more or less hate.

    As for Jennie, I don't think Jennie knew exactly how bad that show would be.

    I can understand that if you hear that one of the biggest names in music is making a show and they want you to be part of it, and it's HBO too, it will be something good.

    The Weeknd's acting was...a choice though

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    Edited once, last by Fansamy ().

  • generally yes since I don't care enough to defend (nor attack) my favs or others...

    but context matters and your original statement two words matter

    backlash and mistake

    1. what is a mistake? did they sing off key during an encore? did they start dating? did they smoke? do drugs? bully someone? say the n word? something worse...all those are varying degrees of mistake (or not) and also depending on where one is it might be acceptable or not...

    2. what is the backlash - how does one sort through all the criticism to find the constructive ones vs the mean ones. Are the mean ones really mean or are they legit criticisms? how does one determine whether something is criticism vs something that is mean etc etc

  • Yes, within reason.

    I think they have to be actual mistakes and errors of judgement though, not just "shit I dont personally like". Your examples, Crazy Horse and The Idol are the latter. You didn't like them, and thats a YOU problem. Same with pretty much most "dating scandals". They aren't mistakes or errors of judgement (usually). Just more shit someone else doesn't like. An idols choice of chain store coffee or soft drink also falls here.

    But... and thankfully in kpop, especially girl group circles, actual mistakes and error in judgement are rare. Things that are genuinely offensive (even if done in ignorance), dangerous, of poor judgement or a sign of shitty personality. Stuff like what Irene got caught doing, she needed to take her lumps on that. Any drink driving scandals... and sorry to say to Onces, but Chaeyoung did deserve a bit of backlash for the shirt thing, although I think it got a bit out of hand.

    Translation: "Blackpink don't actually make mistakes, but these other groups do."

    Nah, that's a YOU problem. ^^

  • I think your reactions to idols is more of a conduit for you to express your own morals usually.

    If something is wrong for society as a whole: racism, sexism, ageism, classism.

    For instance: i love Red Velvet, however every time Wendy says something racist i loved that she got shut down immediately and people followed suit to teach her not to say shit like that and she learned thank god

    '*•.¸♡ NewJeans ♡¸.•*'

    all this time. . . .。・:*˚:✧。

  • Translation: "Blackpink don't actually make mistakes, but these other groups do."

    Nah, that's a YOU problem. ^^

    Hmmm they didnt like... break laws or hurt people

    She didnt like do an online performance for underage fans either…. And The Idol was literally completeLY re-edited from what Jennie shot…….

    '*•.¸♡ NewJeans ♡¸.•*'

    all this time. . . .。・:*˚:✧。

  • Hmmm they didnt like... break laws or hurt people

    She didnt like do an online performance for underage fans either…. And The Idol was literally completeLY re-edited from what Jennie shot…….

    Err... editing always comes after shooting. She still shot what she shot. Its not like they replaced the original Jennie with an AI one. I wasn't even criticizing her though. She can appear in as many god awful shows as she wants, I was just pointing out someone's obvious-as-ever agenda.

  • It depends on my mood. What I learn from debate team is you can argue both sides convincingly alot of times.

    Whether or not I agree with my faves situation, I don't like antis free bashing on my faves so I'll definitely defend if I have the time.

    But most the time I just don't have time to argue. Maybe on the weekend.

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