I am amazed Chaeyeon still wants to pursue being idol despite all the shit she's getting

  • This is what I call a determination. Great for her for still pursuing her goals, she must have a strong mentality.

    And honestly, I can't even understand what problem people have with her looks. Like okay, she isn't a visual, she isn't a 10. But she still has a pleasant appearance. She isn't the "She's so ugly, I wouldn't date her" typa girl. I totally would, many people would. Her face is 6.5-7, her body is 10, her personality is 10, she's a pretty great match.

    I am not the "everyone is pretty in their own way" kinda guy either, like that's not what I am saying. There are legit ugly people. She just isn't one.

  • Chaeyeon said before that even though she might look like she is struggling on camera, she actually has a really strong mentality

    "I was often shown crying on broadcasts. So some people think I’m mentally weak, but how would I appear on four shows if I was weak" that's what she said.

    I'm excited to see what Chaeyeon has to offer


  • I mean, she might as well?

    She's been training to do this most of her life at this point.

    If she quits, what's she going to do? She's not getting an office job.

    I'm not a fan of people continuously going on survival shows. This is her 4th or 5th one at this point, but she's gotta make a living like anyone else.

    However, her management pretty much sucks anyway, so even if she does get some buzz going again, I don't feel confident they'd be able to make the most of it and she's back at square one. Maybe it'll give her sales a boost though. "Knock" is actually a good song, so sucks her sales saw a dip instead of a rise.



  • I haven't seen people coming at her looks atleast not on ifan side.

    Most people just think her voice is not strong enough for a solo and she does better in a group.

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  • also not dreamer giving stat on why he would date her

    Muslim brother, won't you go to hell for dating?

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  • No shade to Chaeyeon but she really isn't innovating as a soloist. That's why people don't like her she's not interesting. She would have been better in a group instead of becoming a soloist. Also rating her looks? lol do you really think that's why people stan idols, if their 'score' is high enough?

  • or maybe those appearances in multiple shows actually let her make money?

    let's not think that MNet didn't pay WM for including Chaeyeon in that Street Woman Fighter

    also she was a talk of the town few times thanks to that even if not due to good things

    remember that any publicity is a good publicity

    especially in Korea and especially where you ain't in scandal and didn't do anything wrong

    even if people said oh I'm sorry for her that she lost battle, or oh she cried I'm so sorry she danced well but she is better doing group choreo than doing battles

    people acknowledged her dancing skills and have shown empathy she even probably gained some fans for participating in SWF itself

    as for solo previous comeback should be Danny, not the song they've picked

    and current song "Knock" is good, and looks like it was filmed similar to how some ITZY's MV's were filmed, very dynamic

    the problem tho that I have here is that Chaeyeon's participation won't create buzz this show needs

    recently KARA did drinking show and Jiyoung wasn't there because they've said she had different schedule, I think that name would already bring more buzz, and I do hope we will get some surprises, we can't just have 3rd/4th gen kids there, especially from smaller groups or already disbanded ones which weren't that successful because it will be ruined...

    for that group to sell albums the show itself must be watched and talked a lot...

  • I can't get the hate she get for her looks. She is cute. In my opinion she just doesn't have any it-factor. Like Somi for example. I would say that Chaeyeon is more talented than her but Somi has more charisma.

  • It's honestly smart, she needs to do what she can to build her soloist career. Her company hasn't exactly done well for her so this is about the best course of action for gaining some more attention. MNET shows tend to get a decent amount of viewership so it's a good opportunity, her company probably has no chance to promote her at a similar level as this exposure.

    Luckily she still had ok sales with the comeback and it was generally better received than the debut but that just makes it a perfect time to do something like this and stay in peoples minds until the next comeback.

  • A strong mind, perseverance, or "grit" is the trait most strongly associated with success, surpassing both intelligence and attractiveness.

    I wouldn't bet against Chaeyeon.

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