Who do you think is the top male soloist in SK from kpop groups?

  • I agree too! GD is obviously a legend, but he is inactive :drinktears: and Zico is really doing extremely well!! Hits after hits!

    Both are incredible too with making hits for the groups too!! (Sorry, out of topic, but yes) kkkk

    Man I miss GD, he has been so inactive

    Out of topic but this was so good

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    Both GD and Zico have a great list of composition/productions and thats one of the main reason they are well received by the gp.

    I wonder why int fans dont see the appeal in Zico though, he is so talented.

  • FOR ME?!


    fight me

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    This man's vocals are to die for

    I'm biased fight me anyway lol

    I'm probably wrong on this reply but I wanted a moment to brag about the lord and Savior Infinite Sunggyu

    thank you for listening to my Ted Talk

  • He isss! The way fans are living through fans pics with him, accessible king, but not SNS king kkkkkk

    You know why .. not from a big 3, not a "flower boy" visual and outcharting..

  • You really wanna fight uh? Ok, let's gooooo!


    His vocals are gooooold! B!! Now I'm missing Infinite :pepe-life-support: time to listen again the bops!

  • You really wanna fight uh? Ok, let's gooooo!


    His vocals are gooooold! B!! Now I'm missing Infinite :pepe-life-support: time to listen again the bops!

    I knew you wouldn't fight me!!! YOU CAN'T DENY THE VOCALS!!!!

    He's amazing love this man lol

  • Kang Daniel.

    Or rather, at this point - there is no 'top' male soloist in Kpop from groups. Because I discount all 'tops' if their groups are still active or too recent in history. Then their top-ness comes from group fandom than by themselves.

    Zico is definitely a top soloist, but whether he is k-pop or whether Fanxy Child is a k-pop group, that is debatable.

    G-Dragon probably comes the closest.

    As to BTS soloists, it will take time to distance from BTS, before they can establish themselves as a solos by their own right.

    Options are better from girls - Hyori in the past, Taeyeon currently had established themselves as top soloists well beyond their groups.

    Hyuna, Sunmi, Chungha, Somi as well.

    Since Izone is disbanded, there are now 4 soloists, but I don't think they can be called 'top'

  • Top, I'm not sure.

    Biggest though is Wonho like look at that body


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  • Kang Daniel ???

  • I don't count groups being active or not. A successful career is a successful career. But i understood your view.

  • Wonho...


  • He isss! The way fans are living through fans pics with him, accessible king, but not SNS king kkkkkk

    You know why .. not from a big 3, not a "flower boy" visual and outcharting..

    lol, I want him to stay away from SNS😂

    But yeah still relevant considering how inactive he is.

    I agree with what you mentioned, I would say the visuals play a big part :/ personally I find him charismatic thgh.

  • How good is Baekhyun charting?? (I'm not trying to be shade, sorry, i really don't know as i wasn't active here when he debuted or when he came back.)

    I wasn't following the chart as closely at the time and someone who was could probably weigh in with more detail here but..

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  • Regarding Kang Daniel, he has made quite a good name for himself but he is far from top.

    I agree with the Zico part, actually he is considered khiphop in SK rather than kpop as he was an acknowledged underground rapper before he debuted in block b.

  • Oh, that's actually good! Daaaaaaaaammmmmnnnnn kkkkkk

  • Regarding @@@5893d28f-e002-4ecc-b1a4-f21dd24fa9ac@@@, he has made quite a good name for himself but he is far from top.

    I agree with the Zico part, actually he is considered khiphop in SK rather than kpop as he was an acknowledged underground rapper before he debuted in block b.

    Then IMO, there are no top Kpop male soloists, who are independent of their group influence and group fandom benefits.

  • How good is Baekhyun charting?? (I'm not trying to be shade, sorry, i really don't know as i wasn't active here when he debuted or when he came back.)

    Does Zico have any concert relevance? Baekhyun Beyond Live (that’s the only con he did pulled around 110k that’s as much as some other full groups) so I’d say he’s in a good place.

    Baekhyun : #1 Fandom(Sales) + concert(what he did of it was very promising) + lesser digital relevance

    GD : sales is better than Zico I’m guessing but not really at Baekhyun level sales, very good concert numbers and digital relevance

    Zico : only digital relevance

    For me I place Baekhyun’s fandom and sales as a more important metric than Korean digitals so he’s #1 for me(also considering we haven’t seen GD do anything in a while). But in any case I’d place both of them above Zico.

  • Idk about Zico, but GD has the most successful solo ww tour by a kpop soloist, no? Below just Psy maybe.

    I consider digitals more when national hits are delivered. If just good performance then physicals counts the same as digitals.

    Btw I'm talking about SK which digitals are counted for sure, but I'm glad to see Baekhyun actually doing insane numbers!!

  • His dating "scandal" happened. It's a pity bc his songs are reeeeeeally great!!

    That’s really messed up…why would a man dating tank his image? I think it’s even more attractive when men are experienced in relationships etc.

    Do those fan girls just want some virgin who has no experience in relationships? Why did they abandon him :( he’s a good guy, good looking and he had star power.

  • That’s really messed up…why would a man dating tank his image? I think it’s even more attractive when men are experienced in relationships etc.

    Do those fan girls just want some virgin who has no experience in relationships? Why did they abandon him :( he’s a good guy, good looking and he had star power.

    Anti... It was a chaos, apparently his fans were majority older women which makes things worse bc why cancel the kid?? ;judgingpepe: but for real, his "image" went down a lot..

    He is a good performer and for real his songs quality are sooooo amazing. Let's see, maybe he will go viral or back to the top again.

  • Idk about Zico, but GD has the most successful solo ww tour by a kpop soloist, no? Below just Psy maybe.

    I consider digitals more when national hits are delivered. If just good performance then physicals counts the same as digitals.

    Btw I'm talking about SK which digitals are counted for sure, but I'm glad to see Baekhyun actually doing insane numbers!!

    That was a while back and in Baekhyun case it’s more that he couldn’t tour because of COVID situations. But considering how well his beyond live I’d say his touring is gonna be really great.

    Even in SK there’s fandom Vs digitals. For example I’m pretty sure Baekhyun’s concert will 100% be bigger than Zico’s in Korea. GD they both need to comeback and tour.

    My reasoning was in Korea I think Baekhyun will have a bigger con and sales than both GD and Zico. So that’s why he’s my #1.

  • Of course Zico has concert relevance, you just automatically assumed that he doesnt have any sales/tour relevance. He had concerts ( even at Jamsil stadium ) and tours both in SK/Japan and a world tour.

    Plus digitally he is wayyyyy more relevant than bækyeon. And Where is Baekyeons relevance as a producer compared to Zico?

    If you try to tell a korean that Zico is below him as a soloist (considering all metrics), they will just laugh.

    Its your opinion though and I respect it. Plus both are great in their own ways.

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